Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "R: "biplot" graphical options?"
2009 Sep 02
"biplot" graphical options?
Dear R-help fellows
good afternoon.
I am struggling in the attempt to impose some graphical conditions (changing point symbols, colors, etc) to biplot function (I am using it to visualize the results of princomp) but I can't apparently manage to change anything but the axis... and I have been browsing manuals and vignettes without finding any explicit suggestions on how to operate...
2012 Nov 22
lapack routines cannot be loaded [Help request]
Dear BioConductor and R fellow users
I apologize in advance for double posting, but I am not sure which list would actually be best fit for this message.
I am experiencing a weird error with my R installation on Ubuntu 10.04.4 (LTS) 64bit:
When I run R on the terminal everything goes smoothly:
R version 2.15.2 (2012-10-26) -- "Trick or Treat"
Copyright (C) 2012 The R Foundation
2011 Feb 09
samr - extract genes from siggenes.table
Hi BioC user,
I have a problem extracting the gene set I would like to work with.
Here is I work with my data:
normData <- read.delim("normalizedData.txt",sep ="\t")
######### two class unpaired comparison
# y must take values 1,2
classes <- c(-1,-2,1,2)
#prepere the data for the samr analysis
data.x <-as.matrix(normData[,8:11])
2006 Mar 30
Question about for loop?
Hello useRs,
I can't figure out how can I store a data frame of values of X and D from
this loop:
Z <- c(1:10)
for (i in 1:(length(Z)-2))
{D <- x[1:(2+i)];
X <- paste("x",sep="",i)
print (X)
print (D)
Thank You,
Andris Jankevics
2006 May 26
Indexing vector with repeated values
Hi all,
I have a vector which contains many repeated values.
>Z <- c(1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,5,5,2,3,4,5)
I need to know how many times each number in this vecetor is repeated.
I can use a command like this:
> table (cut(Z,seq(1,5,1)))
(1,2] (2,3] (3,4] (4,5]
4 4 3 5
But how can I find a break points for vector with random values and random
number sequence
2007 Apr 16
Greek symbols in xtable rows
Dear R-helpers,
I am using xtable package to prepare a Latex code of some R tables.
Is this possible to have a greek symbols in xtable cells?
How can I get for example a string of : $\Delta$
> "$\Delta$"
[1] "$Delta$"
And string: > "$\\Delta$"
[1] "$\\Delta$"
Gives a latex aoutput like: \$$\backslash$Delta\$
Thank You in advance
2007 Jul 30
Bind together two vectors of different length...
Dear everyone,
I've got difficulties in realizing the following
I have two vectors:
A <- c(1:10)
B<- seq(1,10,2)
Now I want to make a table form vectors A and B as rows, and if a value of A
isn't present B, then I want to put a N/A symbol in it:
Output should look like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 0 3 0 5 0 7 0 9 0
How can I do this in R?
Thank you.
2007 Jan 31
Interactive plots with R
I wrote some simple rpanel package script for visual spectral data comparison.
At this example i have a three samples and i want to zoom through x and y
axis to compare differences between samples. With my script below I can zoom
to some data region and add some other spetra to the plot, through text input
But I can't figure out, how to change axis scaling for all displayed
1998 Apr 05
R-beta: loading C binaries
Can anybody explain what is happening?
I am using RedHat Linux 5.0 with the latest Martyn Plummer RPM's installed,
both at home and at the office.
At home "survival4" is (still) working OK.
At the office all the components ('survfit', 'survdiff', 'coxph, etc..) stop
with an error message that they can't 'find' or 'load' the C binaries:
2007 Mar 23
Get "home" directory and simple I/O
Is there any generic function that gets the "home" directory? This
should return /home/<user> in Linux and
x:/Documents and Settings/<user> (or whatever) in Windows XP.
Another (unrelated) question: what is the _simplest_ way to
read and write R variables to/from files such that they are
stored in a human-readable but R-like form? For example, if
(say), x is a vector
2010 Oct 19
EnumDisplayDevicesW crash
I see a crash follwing the call of EnumDisplayDevicesW
I've tried to install NFS Underground and Underground 2. The app crashes after entering the key.
I tried running notepad.exe. It runs fine.
Distro: Kubuntu Lucid Lynx 10.04 LTS
Tried wine version 1.2 and 1.3 (I'll try to post finer version datail soon. Installed from repo.)
Since I suspect an issue around video settings, here
2008 Sep 27
seg.fault from nlme::gnls() {was "[R-sig-ME] GNLS Crash"}
>>>>> "VW" == Viechtbauer Wolfgang (STAT) <Wolfgang.Viechtbauer at STAT.unimaas.nl>
>>>>> on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 18:00:19 +0200 writes:
VW> Hi all, I'm trying to fit a marginal (longitudinal)
VW> model with an exponential serial correlation function to
VW> the Orange tree data set. However, R crashes frequently
2006 Oct 07
Installing Lindsey's packages
Dear r-helpers,
I downloaded http://popgen.unimaas.nl/~jlindsey/rcode/rmutil.tar (it
was originally .tgz, but got unzipped by my browser).
Can anyone give me detailed instructions on installing this and
Lindsey's other packages on R version 2.4.0 (2006-10-03)---(powerpc-
apple-darwin8.7.0, locale: C)?
Professor Michael Kubovy
University of Virginia
2004 Oct 06
Repeated measures
I have a data set in which I have 5000 repeated measures on 6 subjects
over time (varying intervals, but measurements for all individuals are
at the same times). There are two states, a "resting" state (the
majority of the time), and a perturbed state. I have a continuous
measurement at each time point for each of the individuals. I would
like to determine the "state"
2013 Sep 12
I've a "special" user (it has nothing special, just this exception) in a group that cannot access a share.
I check share access using UNIX permissions.
This is the share definition:
comment = progettazione
path = /dati/progettazione
writeable = yes
browseable = Yes
directory mask = 0770
create mask = 0775
2003 Jul 27
wi AP + acx100 client don't work
I have PC running FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE and installed Z-COM XI-626 PCI (Prism
When I try to directly connect notebook (running WinXP) with acx100 chip
based card to FreeBSD I can't connect. I try connect running wi in AP and
Ad-Hoc modes. NOP. Cards can see each other but can't connect. :(
I is possible to connect these cards?
1998 Oct 13
SuSe does not like more.
In R "help(package=pkg)" or "library(help=pkg)" seems to behave
like 'more' or 'less' or something that looks like one of these.
Under RedHat this behaves normally: at the end of help it reverts
automatically to the R prompt '>'.
In SuSe it doesn't jump back to the prompt automatically:
I see something like "line 1/28 (end)" and then I
2007 Nov 27
Fwd: dovecot bug report (64 bit file offsets)
I have found similar problem:
"After configure remove HAVE_PREAD from config.h, recompile and see
if it works."
I think I figured out where might be the problem. If the binary is
compiled in the 64bit environment and you want to use 64 bit file
offset you must use 64 bit equivalents of the function. Of course if
you are
2006 May 15
reproducing scaling used in biplot(pc.biplot=TRUE)
I'd like to reproduce the standard biplot with pc.biplot=TRUE using
xyplot in lattice in order to assign different symbols to groupings
of observations (similar to the example in fig. 11.2 on page 285 in
DAAG). In order to reproduce the biplots I need to know how to scale
the observations and variables. In ?biplot.princomp I found that the
variables are scaled by 'lambda ^
2003 Aug 11
FW: module_register
I have the same problem, whats up?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-freebsd-stable@freebsd.org
> [mailto:owner-freebsd-stable@freebsd.org] On Behalf Of Dmitry Agafonov
> Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 8:40 PM
> To: freebsd-stable@freebsd.org
> Subject: module_register
> Hello!
> After today's update (4.8-stable from cvs