Displaying 20 results from an estimated 500 matches similar to: "stepwise"
2006 Feb 23
partial mantel test
I would like to know how to run a partial mantel test controlling for spatial
autocorrelation and correlation with other environmental variables. It seems that
with function included in vegan for partial mantel test I can only test for the
relationship between two variables controlling for the effect of a third one.
Thanks a lot
Lic. Alexandra Sapoznikow
Centro Nacional
2006 Oct 03
nlme_varcov matrix
Hi all!
Is there a function that provides the VarCov matrix
for a nlme objects? How I can extract the matrix for a
nlme model fitted?
I would appreciate any guidance
Lic. Gabriela Escati Pe?aloza
Biolog?a y Manejo de Recursos Acu?ticos
Centro Nacional Patag?nico(CENPAT).
Bvd. Brown s/n?.
(U9120ACV)Pto. Madryn
Tel: 54-2965/451301/451024/451375/45401 (Int:277)
2006 Feb 02
Significance of degrees of freedom in nlme
Dear Dr. Bates,
Thank you very much for your response. I had consulted
the algorithm described in Pinheiro and Bates.
However, what I don't understand (among other things)
is why my two parameters appear to be estimated at
different grouping levels (based on the DF values).
Affect this different values of DF at the estimates
parameters? The estimates fixed effects were get at
the same level of
2006 Jan 27
how calculation degrees freedom
Hi, I' m having a hard time understanding the computation of degrees of freedom when runing nlme() on the following model:
> formula(my data.gd)
dLt ~ Lt | ID
TasavB<- function(Lt, Linf, K) (K*(Linf-Lt))
my model.nlme <- nlme (dLt ~ TasavB(Lt, Linf, K),
data = my data.gd,
fixed = list(Linf ~ 1, K ~ 1),
start = list(fixed = c(70, 0.4)),
na.action= na.include,
2006 May 24
I have great problems with my work in R.
I look for to model the growth of fish.
I have "Longitudinal data", a serie of repeated
measures for each individual.
Using the corresponding packages "nlme" in R.
I treat to fit to the data different growth functions,
wich were entered by me.
Unfortunately for no it was arrived at the
convergence, several error messages appeared.
2006 Jan 26
degrees freedom in nlme
I'm having hard time understanding the computation of degrees of freedom when runing nlme () on the following model:
> formula(my data.gd)
dLt ~ Lt | ID
TasavB<- function(Lt, Linf, K) (K*(Linf-Lt))
my model.nlme <- nlme (dLt ~ TasavB(Lt, Linf, K),
data = my data.gd,
fixed = list(Linf ~ 1, K ~ 1),
start = list(fixed = c(70, 0.4)),
na.action= na.include,
2008 Mar 11
Replacing text
Sorry, another newbie question :-(
I loaded a data set with 10 rows and 30 columns. The first column is
characters for names of car manufacturers:
How can I replace "Toyota2" with "Scion"?
Thanks again
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2004 Jul 13
paired t-test with bootstrap
Dear Sirs,
I am a R beginning user: by mean of R I would like to apply the bootstrap to my data in order to test cost differences between independent or paired samples of people affected by a certain disease.
My problem is that even if I am reading the book by Efron (introduction to the bootstrap), looking at the examples in internet and available in R, learning a lot of theoretical things on
2004 Dec 16
ilbc and asterisk 1.0.3 - strange noises.
Have someone experienced any strange noises using the ilbc codec
after upgrading to asterisk 1.0.3?
I had to change the codec do gsm to fix this problem. The noise is very
loud, like saturation of the echo ro something, seems like the echo
cancelation is amplifying itself.
I'be been using ilbs since asterisl 0.70 and have never had any
problem like this.
2005 Jun 06
Help package pls.pcr
I need help to use the package pls.pcr in R.
I installed R in an IRIX 6.5, using the version of R 0.64.1 from
sgifreeware(I didn't get to install the newest version using make). I
need to use the package pls.pcr and when I give the command:
# R
R : Copyright 1999, The R Development Core Team
Version 0.64.1 (May 8, 1999)
R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO
2006 Apr 17
Re:Problems in Dead Gateway Detection / Failover - MultipleISP Links
Hi There,
I am also trying to do the same for my network.
I have two links from different ISPs and I want to configure a failover and
load balancing Linux router.
I am facing same problem here, that how to detect link failure and let Linux
box switch the gateway.
I know it works when the first gateway is physically down and not reachable.
But what to do if my link is up but there is problem
2006 Apr 20
pppoe question
Hi THere,
sorry if this is a stupid question or does not belong to this forum.
I''ve set my DEFROUTE=no in my ifcfg-ppp0 and when I bring the ppp0
up, it deletes my old default load balance routes which I do not want,
as I just want the interface to be up, but not touching my default
any advice
2005 Nov 10
Help to multinomial analyses
Dear Sirs,
Could you please be so kind as to send us some information on residuals in
multinomial logistic models? Is it possible to use R software?
We thank you in advance.
Sincerely yours
Luciana Alves,MSc
Beatriz Leimann, MD
Luciana Correia Alves
Doutoranda em Sa??de P??blica
ENSP - Fiocruz
2009 Aug 27
Winsorized mean and variance
Hello everybody,
after searching around for quite some time, I haven't been able to
find a package that provides a function to compute the Windorized mean
and variance. Also I haven't found a function that computes the
trimmed variance. Is there any such package around?
2009 Oct 05
3D polar plots
I am very new to R. I would like to plot astronomy data by right
ascension, declination, and various "distance" values, such as
redshift and comoving distance, in 3D. Is there any 3D polar plotting
functions? I can't seam to locate any information on whether it exists
or not.
2006 Jul 14
I need help with tc filters!!!!!
Hi Everybody!
I need help! I''m doing a tc script with tc filters that have match the Type of Service field in the IP header. This is the script I am using to setup the filters.
tc filter add dev $DEV parent 1: protocol ip prio $PRIO_CONTROL u32 match ip protocol 6 0xff \
match u32 00190000 00ff0000 at 0 flowid 1:10
tc filter add dev $DEV protocol ip parent 1: prio $PRIO_VIDEO
2005 Nov 02
tink solution and mesh
I read that one feature of tink vpn solution is the Automatic Full Mesh
Routing support that is defined as: "regardless of how you set up the
tinc daemons to connect to each other, VPN traffic is always (if
possible) sent directly to the destination, without going through
intermediate" hops.
What this means?
I don't understand how this work. Can you please give me some
2007 Jan 06
garchFit in R
Dear all,
I have problem here :
I'm using garchFit from fSeries package, here is part of the script :
> data <- read.table("d:/data.txt")
> a <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),ts(data))
I also attached the file here. In my experience, I got my R not responding.
I also tried with
> a <- garchFit(~garch(1,1),ts(data*10))
and it's worked.
2013 Jul 17
consulta xml para ubuntu 32bits
Recientemente me intalaron la plataforma Platform: i686-pc-linux-gnu (32-bit). He intentado instalar el paquete dplR tanto desde el cran como desde un archivo y me da el siguiente error: ERROR: dependency ?XML? is not available for package ?dplR?
Esto se debe a la versión de Linux que tengo instalada?
Ana Marina Srur
Departamento de Dendrocronología e Historia Ambiental
2023 Oct 12
Análisis discriminante lineal, interpretación
Buenos días/tardes.
He realizado el análisis discriminante exitosamente con la función lda,
puedo clasificar nuevos individuos con la función predict, pero no logro
darme cuenta cómo los resultados de lda se traducen en la decisión de la
clasificación. Es decir, no me doy cuenta cómo es que del output de lda se
construye la ecuación de clasificación para nuevos individuos. Quiero
entenderlo pero