similar to: fitting a truncated power law

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "fitting a truncated power law"

2007 Oct 17
power law fit with unknown zero
Dear R-helpers I would like to do a fit of the form: y = a (x+c)**b, where a, b and c are unknown. Does anybody know how to do it? Thanks Thomas
2011 Jun 04
packages for power law distribution
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; } Dear All, I will appreciate some suggestions of R packages for "ESTIMATION OF THE EXPONENT OF POWER-LAW FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTIONS". I have been searching at the R-help list several keywords for this subject and I did not find a very specific package, except the useful normalp package. I believe there are others but I was not able to identify it. I have
2011 Mar 14
Help- Fitting a Thin Plate Spline
Hi Everyone, I'm a pretty useless r-er but have data that SPSS etc doesn't like. I've managed to do GLMs for my data, but now need to fit a thin plate spline for my data (arcsine.success~date.num:clutch.size) If anyone has a bit of spare time and could come up with a bit of code I'd be very grateful- I just don't get R language! Thanks Rach -- View this message in context:
2008 Dec 27
Zipf fitting using R
Dear R-users, I am new to R and would like to use it for fitting the zipf distribution to some numeric data that I have. Here's the snippet that I use: library(VGAM) X <- read.table(file("~\\mydata.txt", encoding="latin1")) w <- as.vector(t((X[2]))) w <- w/sum(w) y <- (1:length(w)) fit = vglm (y ~ 1, zipf, tra=TRUE, weight=w) zipf(N=NULL,
2010 Sep 08
Checking if the distribution follow a power law
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2005 Mar 02
power law distribution; making new distributions
hi i have data which i think is coming from a power law distribution P(X > a) = c/a^k and i would like to find the exponent and constant. i would like it to use my experimental data to find c and k. also, if i would like to create a new distribution, is it easy to add to R, if so, how is that done? thanks -gong __________________________________
2003 Jun 20
Power Law Exponents
I am having difficulty with the calculation of the power law exponent for set of nodes within a graph. Specifically, I am interested in the distribution of in-degree and out-degree among communities of web pages where the web pages are the nodes of the graph and the hyperlinks the edges. According to the literature, the distribution of incoming and outgoing links obeys a power law distribution
2004 Jun 16
non-linear binning? power-law in R
First, thanks to everyone who helped me get to grips with R in (x)emacs (I get confused easily). Special thanks to Stephen Eglen for continued support. My question is about non-linear binning, or density functions over distributions governed by a power law ... y ~ mu*x**lambda # In one of its forms # (can't find Pareto in the online help) Looking at the following
2010 Apr 19
Truncated Normal Distribution and Truncated Pareto distribution
Dear R helpers, I have a bimodal dataset dealing with loss amounts. I have divided this dataset into two with the bounds for the first dataset i.e. dataset-A being 5,000$ to 100,000$ and the dataset-B deals with the losses exceeding 100,000$ i.e. dataset-B is left truncated. I need to fit truncated normal disribution to dataset - I having lower bound of 5000 and upper bound of 100,000. While I
2012 Mar 31
A introductory question about Zips law (Newbie to statistics)
Hi everyone. Newbie to statistics. I have 40 matrices of ~400 values. how may I determine whether the distribution follows zips law? response <-sample (1:20,400*4, replace= TRUE) Thank you vry much. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 Apr 20
fit a line to power law distribution
Hi, I am trying to fit a line in the log plot of my networks degree distribution to show that it is a power-law distribution. I am using the following commands. However, I am not able to see the fitted line. Any comments to help? I am using following packages: igraph, splines,base,VGAM, netmodels. g is my network, d is the degree of nodes in the network, and dd is the degree distribution d
2000 Aug 14
conf. int. for lm() and Up-arrow
Dear all, Is there any function for calculating confidence limits for coefficients in an lm() object? I know of the confint() function in the MASS library working very well on my binomial GLMs and I have tried it (using glm () , family=gaussian) but it gives NAs according to below. Does the confint() function not accept gaussian GLMs? Could there be convergence problems in the GLM? Note the
2008 Oct 23
distribution fitting
Dear R-help readers, I am writing to you in order to ask you a few questions about distribution fitting in R. I am trying to find out whether the set of event interarrival times that I am currently analyzing is distributed with a Gamma or General Pareto distribution. The event arrival granularity is in minutes and interarrival times are in seconds, so the values I have are 0, 60, 120, 180, and
2020 Oct 21
Fitting Mixed Distributions in the fitdistrplus package
Dear Sirs, The below listed code fits a gamma and a pareto distribution to a data set danishuni. However the distributions are not appropriate to fit both tails of the data set hence a mixed distribution is required which has ben defined as "mixgampar" as shown below. library(fitdistrplus) x<- danishuni$Loss fgam<- fitdist(x,"gamma",lower=0) fpar<-
2004 Aug 06
gam --- a new contributed package
I have contributed a "gam" library to CRAN, which implements "Generalized Additive Models". This implementation follows closely the description in the GAM chapter 7 of the "white" book "Statistical Models in S" (Chambers & Hastie (eds), 1992, Wadsworth), as well as the philosophy in "Generalized Additive Models" (Hastie & Tibshirani 1990,
2004 Aug 06
gam --- a new contributed package
I have contributed a "gam" library to CRAN, which implements "Generalized Additive Models". This implementation follows closely the description in the GAM chapter 7 of the "white" book "Statistical Models in S" (Chambers & Hastie (eds), 1992, Wadsworth), as well as the philosophy in "Generalized Additive Models" (Hastie & Tibshirani 1990,
2006 Oct 12
how to get the variance-covariance matrix/information of alpha and beta after fitting a GLMs?
Dear friends, After fitting a generalized linear models ,i hope to get the variance of alpha,variance of beta and their covariance, that is , the variance-covariance matrix/information of alpha and beta , suppose *B* is the object of GLMs, i use attributes(B) to look for the options ,but can't find it, anybody knows how to get it? > attributes(B) $names [1] "coefficients"
1997 Apr 08
R-alpha: CRAN source/contrib
I've put all ``current'' add-on packages into CRAN's source/contrib tree and created an INDEX file (attached below). As you can see, currently we have acepack bootstrap ctest date e1071 fracdiff gee jpn snns splines survival4 (Yes, e1071 and jpn are new ... more on the latter in a later mail.) In the near future, I am hoping for the following: oz (Bill
2010 Oct 11
plotting Zipf and Zipf-Mandelbrot curves in R
Using R, I plotted a log-log plot of the frequencies in the Brown Corpus using plot(sort(file.tfl$f, decreasing=TRUE), xlab="rank", ylab="frequency", log="x,y") However, I would also like to add lines showing the curves for a Zipfian distribution and for Zipf-Mandelbrot. I have seen these in many articles that used R in creating graphs. Thank you! [[alternative HTML
2010 Apr 20
Visualize a fitted line in a log plot of a power law distribution
Hi, I am trying to fit a line in the log plot of my networks degree distribution to show that it is a power-law distribution. I am using the following commands. However, I am not able to see the fitted line. Any comments to help? I am using following packages: igraph, splines,base,VGAM, netmodels. g is my network, d is the degree of nodes in the network, and dd is the degree distribution d