similar to: min frequencies of categorical predictor variables in GLM

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "min frequencies of categorical predictor variables in GLM"

2012 Mar 03
interpreting the output of a glm with an ordered categorical predictor.
Greetings. I'm a Master's student working on an analysis of herbivore damage on plants. I have a tried running a glm with one categorical predictor (aphid abundance) and a binomial response (presence/absence of herbivore damage). My predictor has four categories: high, medium, low, and none. I used the "ordered" function to sort my categories for a glm. ah <-
2010 Mar 28
Coding of categorical variables for logistic regression?
Hello, I am trying to do a logistic regression and have one predictor variable (x) that is ratio and two predictor variables (y and z) that are categorical. These have three levels each which I have called "High", "Medium" and "Low". My question: do I need to use a numerical coding scheme for the categorical variables as required by some statistical software
2008 Apr 01
SEM with a categorical predictor variable
Hi, we are trying to do structural equation modelling on R. However, one of our predictor variables is categorical (smoker/nonsmoker). Now, if we want to run the sem() command (from the sem library), we need to specify a covariance matrix (cov). However, Pearson's correlation does not work on the dichotomous variable, so instead we produced a covariance matrix using the Spearman's (or
2010 Sep 08
regression function for categorical predictor data
Hi, do you guys know what function in R handles the multiple regression on categorical predictor data. i.e, 'lm' is used to handle continuous predictor data. thanks, karena -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2010 May 14
Categorical Predictors for SVM (e1071)
Dear all, I have a question about using categorical predictors for SVM, using "svm" from library(e1071). If I have multiple categorical predictors, should they just be included as factors? Take a simple artificial data example: x1<-rnorm(500) x2<-rnorm(500) #Categorical Predictor 1, with 5 levels x3<-as.factor(rep(c(1,2,3,4,5),c(50,150,130,70,100))) #Catgegorical Predictor
2012 Aug 02
Metafor package: Including multiple (categorical) predictors
Dear Metafor users, I''d like to test a model with 2 continuous and 2 categorical moderators in a meta regression. One categorical parameter has 2 levels and the other has 4 levels. If I understand correctly, when I include all moderators in the model, Metafor returns main effects of the continuous parameters and contrasts of each level of categorical moderators with the intercept (which
2012 Oct 20
rms plot.Predict question: swapping x- and y- axis for categorical predictors
Hello all, I'm trying to plot the effects of variables estimated by a regression model fit individually, and for categorical predictors, the independent variable shows up on the y-axis, with the dependent variable on the x-axis. Is there a way to prevent this reversal? Sample code with dummy data: # make dummy data set.seed(1) x1 <- runif(200) x2 <- sample(c(1,2),200, TRUE) x3 <-
2004 Jun 09
testing effects of quantitative predictors on a categorical response variable
Hello, I have a small statistics question, and as I'm quite new to statistics and R, I'm not sure if I'm doing things correctly. I am looking at two quantitative variables (x,y) that are correlated. When I divide the data set according to a categorical variable z, then x and y are more poorly correlated when z = A than when z = B (see attached figure). In fact x and y are two
2006 Jul 17
use "factor" for categorical covariate in Cox PH model
Hi All, I'm learning the R codes for Cox PH modeling. Could I ask you what the function of "factor" in modeling? Thank you! When dealing with the categorical covariates (for example 3 groups), it will come out different results if we add the command "factor" in front of the categorical covariate or not: if we don't add "factor", there is only one
2012 Jun 08
Testing relationships in logistic regression
I am interested in knowing whether and how I can test the significance of the relationship between my continuous predictor variable (a covariate) and my binary response variable according to two different groups, my categorical predictor variable, in a logistic regression model (glm). Specifically, can I determine whether the relationships are identical (the hypothesis of coincidence), or whether
2012 Feb 07
survfit is too slow! Looking for an alternative
Hi All I found survfit function was very slow for a large dataset and I am looking for an alternative way to quickly get the predicted survival probabilities. My historical data set is a pool of loans with monthly observed default status for 24 months. I would like to fit the proportional hazard model with time varying covariate such as unemployment rates and time constant variables at loan
2012 Mar 04
Can't find all levels of categorical predictors in output of zeroinfl()
Hello, I?m using zero-inflated Poisson regression via the zeroinfl() function to analyze data on seed-set of plants, but for some reason, I don?t seem to be getting the output for all three levels of my two categorical predictors. More about my data and model: My response variable is the number of viable seeds (AVInt), and my two categorical predictors are elevation (Elev) and Treatment
2013 Nov 08
Earth (MARS) package with categorical predictors
It appears to be legitimate to include multi-level categorical and continuous variables in defining the model for earth (e.g. y ~ cat + cont1 + cont2) but is it also then possible use categoricals in the predict method using the earth result? I tried but it returns an error which is not very informative. Thanks Chris
2010 Nov 10
randomForest can not handle categorical predictors with more than 32 categories
I received this error Error in randomForest.default(m, y, ...) : Can not handle categorical predictors with more than 32 categories. using below code library(randomForest) library(MASS) memory.limit(size=12999) x <- read.csv("D:/train_store_title_view.csv", header=TRUE) x <- na.omit(x) set.seed(131) sales.rf <- randomForest(sales ~ ., data=x, mtry=3, importance=TRUE) My
2005 Mar 23
Error: Can not handle categorical predictors with more th an 32 categories.
It always helps to check whether you got the data into R correctly. Hint: What does str(credit) tell you? Andy > From: Melanie Vida > > Hi All, > > My question is in regards to an error generated when using > randomForest > in R. Is there a special way to format the data in order to > avoid this > error, or am I completely confused on what the error implies?
2011 Aug 05
Main-effect of categorical variables in meta-analysis (metafor)
Dear R-experts! In a meta-analysis (metafor) I would like to assess the effect of two categorical covariates (A & B) whereas they both have 4 levels. Is my understanding correct that this would require to dummy-code (0,1) each level of each covariate (A & B)? However I am interested in the main-effects and the interaction of these two covariates and the dummy-coding would only allow to
2008 Sep 03
ANCOVA/glm missing/ignored interaction combinations
Hi I am using R version 2.7.2. on a windows XP OS and have a question concerning an analysis of covariance with count data I am trying to do, I will give details of a scaled down version of the analysis (as I have more covariates and need to take account of over-dispersion etc etc) but as I am sure it is only a simple problem but I just can't see how to fix it. I have a data set with count
2011 Sep 15
MCMCglmm heteroscedasticity dependent on predictor
Hi, I have a dataset where the residual variance decreases with on one of the predictors (population size). Currently, the full model looks like this: prior<-list(R=list(V=1e-16, nu=-2),G1=list(V=diag(2), nu=2)) m<-MCMCglmm(response~poly(population size,2)*poly(other predictor,2)+time, random=~us(1+time):population, data=data, prior=prior) Basically, it's a random regression with
2011 Aug 04
Can glmnet handle models with numeric and categorical data?
Dear All, Can the x matrix in the glmnet() function of glmnet package be a data.frame with numeric columns and factor columns? I am asking this because I have a model with both numeric and categorical predictors, which I would like to study with glmnet. I have already tried to use a data.frame, but with no success -- as far as I know, the matrix object can only have data of a single type. Is
2005 Mar 22
Error: Can not handle categorical predictors with more than 32 categories.
Hi All, My question is in regards to an error generated when using randomForest in R. Is there a special way to format the data in order to avoid this error, or am I completely confused on what the error implies? "Error in randomForest.default(m, y, ...) : Can not handle categorical predictors with more than 32 categories." This is generated from the command line: >