similar to: boxplot( ) headers with Greek letters, values, and text

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "boxplot( ) headers with Greek letters, values, and text"

2016 May 13
Latex y gráfico
Estimado Freddy Omar López Quintero Muchas gracias. Probé de su sugerencia el ejemplo 3.4, pero me falla, copio y pego todo el código junto al error > library(tikzDevice) tikz(?figs/simpleEx.tex?,width=3.5,height=3.5) plot(1,main=?Hello World!?) Error: unexpected symbol in "library(tikzDevice) tikz" > Algo anda mal. Javier Rubén Marcuzzi De: Freddy Omar López
2016 May 09
Latex y gráfico
Estimados Hay varias alternativas para utilizar latex dentro de R, concretamente por ejemplo una ecuación matemática dentro de un gráfico. Pero para un caso se me ocurre utilizar líneas que conecten partes de gráficos, por ejemplo, supongamos que hay dos barras con tres o cuatro divisiones, digamos, 25% cada una, de la primera desde una de estas me gustaría realizar una flecha, hacia la segunda
2013 Apr 03
Alternativas a pgfSewave
Hola a todos: Con la entrada de R 3.0 en Debian Sid me acabo de llevar la sorpresa de que pgfSweave ya no esta mantenido [0]. He intentado compilarlo pero depende de otros paquetes que también se encuentran en el archivo: highlight y parser. En concreto este último falla al compilar (y ahí se acaba el intento). Estaba utilizando pgfSweave por la facilidad para incluir gráficos en Tikz -sin
2013 Jul 05
Alternativas a pgfSewave
Me interesa este tema. Estoy empezando ahora a ver el tema de armar documentos directamente con R y no estoy seguro en dónde me centro. Por lo que veo sweave y knitr son las dos grandes alternativas (de echo, no se siquiera si no son compatibles o complementarias). Para quien arranca en este tema y que pretende continuar sobre el mismo, que recomiendan, arrancar por sweave o por knitr?
2011 Feb 16
tikzDevice compiling problem
Hi guys. The tex file which compile the following graphic has many problems. I don't know what's happening. Any input would be really appreciated. # Cargo el prgrama que produce el c?digo en Latex require(tikzDevice) # Establezco directorio del programa setwd('/Users/fabiangarcia/Documents/R') # El siguiente programa produce el archivo tex tikz('CobbGRAF.tex',
2012 Dec 02
Problem with figures
I am having problem making ggplot2, tikzDevice, and knitr working together. I used a very simple example: ---------------------------example.Rnw----------------------------- \documentclass[preview]{standalone} \begin{document} \begin{figure} <<fig1,eval=TRUE,echo=FALSE,dev='tikz'>>= library(ggplot2) qplot(displ, hwy, data = mpg, colour = factor(cyl)) @ \end{figure}
2009 Aug 30
Computer Modern Fonts in R graphic
Hello all, I am trying to use computer modern fonts in my r grahics. I tried to do, as described here: but unfortunately, it does not work. First of all I downloaded the cm-lgc package and the AFM and PFB-files from the page and put them in my R working directory, so far, so good. Then I tried to run the following code: > sn <-
2012 Dec 10
Ayuda tikzDevice
Buenos días; Aunque ya llevo un tiempo con LaTeX y R no he conseguido que me funcione la librería tikzdevice. El primer problema está con tikzDictionary que me da como error: cannot create lock file. He estado buscando información en Google pero sin éxito. No he conseguido solucionarlo indicando un archivo en RProfile con options(tikzMetricsDictionary = ''path/archivo''). Cuando
2014 Apr 22
Un pequeño problema
Hola: El 22/04/14 14:52, daniel escribió: > Heber, > > Supongo que te refieres a los gráficos base. > > ?jpeg > ?png > ?pdf > > Daniel Merino > > > El 21 de abril de 2014, 23:51, heber sarmiento <hebersarm en>escribió: > >> Hasta ahora no se me había presentado y por tanto no tenia ningún >> problema, estoy haciendo unos gráficos
2010 Apr 27
TikzDevice and texi2dvi
Dear All, I am starting to use the tikzDevice package, but I am experiencing some (minor problems). If I try to run the script at the end of the email, I get the following error Error in tools::texi2dvi("normal.tex", pdf = T) : Running 'texi2dvi' on 'normal.tex' failed. Messages: sh: /usr/bin/texi2dvi: not found How do I install the missing texi2dvi? I found some
2011 Feb 18
Scaling Lattice Graphics for tikzDevice
I'm trying to use lattice graphics to produce some small plots for inclusion in a LaTeX file. I want the LaTeX fonts to be used in the plots, but to be scaled down to match the size of the plot. I have written the following code to apply a scaling factor to all the "cex" and "padding" entries in the trellis parameters, but there is still a large white space between the key
2010 Nov 13
How to turn the colour off for lattice graph?
Dear All, I am trying to plot a lattice figure and include it in a LaTeX document via the TikZDevice package. I think the journal I am submitting to does not like colour figure, so I need to get rid of all the colours in the figure. If I directly generate PDF or EPS, the option "trellis.device(color=FALSE)", but when I do: trellis.device(color=FALSE)
2011 Oct 14
pgfSweave-example not compiling
I'm trying to get pgfSweave up and running. Hopefully I can get it working from within LyX, but first I'm just trying to get the simplest possible thing (compiling one of the example files in the pgfSweave package) to work. I'm using the example that comes in the pgfSweave package unmodified, but for reference I copied it to: Configuration: R version
2009 Jul 02
Computer Modern
I am trying to use computer modern fonts in postscript files for a latex document. Ultimately I want to automate this through sweave. I've read the documentation ans have tried the following code to use lattice to produce a graph using computer modern: library(lattice) library(grid) testPlot=( xyplot(seq(1:10) ~ seq(1:10), main="one to ten",
2010 Sep 11
Latex fonts in R graphics
Hello, R users. I am trying to embed Computer modern fonts to an R plot and I get the following error. CM <- Type1Font("CM", + c(paste("cm-lgc/fonts/afm/public/cm-lgc/", + c("fcmr8a.afm", "fcmb8a.afm", "fcmri8a.afm", "fcmbi8a.afm"), sep=""), + "./cmsyase.afm")) > pdf("cm.pdf",
2014 Jan 03
Sweave trims console output in "tex" mode
Hi In the example .Rnw file below, only the newline between c and d is visible in the resulting .tex file after running R CMD Sweave. What is the reason for this behavior? Newlines are important in LaTeX and should be preserved. In particular, this behavior leads to incorrect LaTeX code generated when using tikz(console=TRUE) inside a Sweave chunk, as shown in the tikzDevice vignette. A
2014 Apr 22
Un pequeño problema
Hasta ahora no se me había presentado y por tanto no tenia ningún problema, estoy haciendo unos gráficos en R obvio, el asunto es que no se como guardarlos, requiero incertar en LaTeX, por tanto necesito imágenes .jpg o algo parecido que se pueda convertir luego. Agradezco cualquier orientación. Heber  [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 24
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ Updated packages ---------------- New reviews ----------- This email provided as a service for the R community by Like it? Hate it? Please let us know: cranatic at
2017 Oct 22
ggplot2 and tikzDevice : problems with accents
Hi all, I can't fathom why the accented "?" in the following ggplot2 graph makes R hangs when using tikzdevice,? whereas it works using simple pdf device. ###### library(tikzDevice) library(ggplot2) options(tikzDefaultEngine = "luatex") tikzLualatexPackages =c( ? "\\usepackage{tikz}\n", ? "\\usepackage[active, tightpage,psfixbb]{preview}\n", ?
2001 Apr 16
Maple, MathCad, Greek letters (was: Greek letters)
Hi. I was having trouble getting Greek letters and mathematical symbols in maple under wine, and a search turned up a few messages suggesting others have the same problem. In particular, Thomas Koenig wrote... > I wrote: > > >I have tried several applications which use Greek letters, such as > >Maple V R5 and