Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "output too large to display all"
2009 May 18
Overdispersion using repeated measures lmer
Dear All
I am trying to do a repeated measures analysis using lmer and have a number
of issues. I have non-orthogonal, unbalanced data. Count data was obtained
over 10 months for three treatments, which were arranged into 6 blocks.
Treatment is not nested in Block but crossed, as I originally designed an
orthogonal, balanced experiment but subsequently lost a treatment from 2
blocks. My
2009 Jun 12
Replacing 0s with NA
I have a dataset in which I would like to replace 0s with NAs. There is a
lot of information on how to replace NAs with 0, but I have struggled to
find anything with regards to doing the reverse. Any recommendations would
be great.
2013 Mar 21
How to store data frames into pdf file and csv file.
I have a data frame
> mdl.summary
est.coef std.err t.stat
intercept 0.0011625517 0.0002671437 4.351784
aa -0.0813727439 0.0163727943 -4.969997
dummy1 -0.0002534873 0.0001204000 -2.105376
dummy2 -0.0007784864 0.0001437537 -5.415417
bb -0.0002856727
2008 Aug 20
bug in lme4?
Dear all,
I found a problem with 'lme4'. Basically, once you load the package 'aod' (Analysis of Overdispersed Data), the functions 'lmer' and 'glmer' don't work anymore:
(fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days|Subject), sleepstudy))
(gm1 <- glmer(cbind(incidence, size - incidence) ~ period + (1 | herd),
family = binomial, data
2013 Nov 07
Error running MuMIn dredge function using glmer models
Dear list,
I am trying to use MuMIn to compare all possible mixed models using the dredge function on binomial data but I am getting an error message that I cannot decode. This error only occurs when I use glmer. When I use an lmer analysis on a different response variable every works great.
Example using a simplified glmer model
global model:
mod<- glmer(cbind(st$X2.REP.LIVE,
2011 Nov 14
lme4:glmer with nested data
Dear all,
I have the following dataset with results from an experiment with individual bats that performed two tasks related to prey capture under different conditions:
X variables:
indiv - 5 individual bats used in the experiment; all of which performed both tasks
task - 2 tasks that each individual bat had to perform
dist - 5 repeated measures of individual bats at 5 different distances from
2009 Aug 28
Help with glmer {lme4) function: how to return F or t statistics instead of z statistics.
I'm new to R and GLMMs, and I've been unable to find the answers to my
questions by trawling through the R help archives. I'm hoping someone
here can help me.
I'm running an analysis on Seedling survival (count data=Poisson
distribution) on restoration sites, and my main interest is in
determining whether the Nutrients (N) and water absorbing polymer Gel
(G) additions to the
2010 Nov 18
Logistic regression with factorial effect
I?d like to evaluate the temporal effect on the relationship between a
continuous variable (e.g. size) and the probability of mate success.
Initially I was trying to do a logistic regression model incorporating the
temporal effect, but I don?t know if that is the best option. I simulated
some data and that?s the problem:
2003 Mar 02
model.frame.default problem in function definition
Could someone point me in the right direction for the following issue:
A function is defined as follows:
tfun <- function(dat)
fmla <- as.formula("y~x+z")
dat2 <- dat
mdl <- lm(fmla,dat2)
mdl <- step(mdl)
Then the following code
dat <- data.frame(x=1:10,z=1:10,y=(1:10)^2+10*(1:10))
generates the output
Start: AIC= 43.67
2011 Mar 17
generalized mixed linear models, glmmPQL and GLMER give very different results that both do not fit the data well...
I have the following type of data: 86 subjects in three independent groups (high power vs low power vs control). Each subject solves 8 reasoning problems of two kinds: conflict problems and noconflict problems. I measure accuracy in solving the reasoning problems. To summarize: binary response, 1 within subject var (TYPE), 1 between subject var (POWER).
I wanted to fit the following model:
2015 Jun 10
Duda glmer
Tengo una base de datos con estructura jerárquica en la que quiero
clasificar observaciones en distintas categorías.
En el caso más simple, tengo una variable con dos categorías (variable
Y1) y dentro de cada una de ellas hay otras dos categorías (variable
Y2). Además tengo una variable explicativa cuantitativa discreta X.
El banco de datos sería de este tipo:
X Y1 Y2
5 0 1
9 0 0
2009 Jan 07
how to estimate overdispersion in glmer models?
Dear all,
I am using function glmer from package lme4 to fit a generalized linear
mixed effect model. My model is as follows:
model1 <- glmer(fruitset ~ Dist*wire + (1|Site), data, binomial)
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
Formula: fruitset ~ Dist * wire + (1 | Site)
Data: data
AIC BIC logLik deviance
68.23 70.65 -29.11 58.23
2010 Apr 12
glmer with non integer weights
i'd appreciate help with my glmer.
i have a dependent which is an index (MH.index) ranging from 0-1. this index
can also be considered as a propability. as i have a fixed factor (stage)
and a nested random factor (site) i tried to model with glmer. i read that
it's possible to use a quasibinomial distribution, for this kind of data,
which i than actually did - but firstly
2008 Sep 08
mixed model MANCOVA
I need to perform a mixed-model (with nesting) MANCOVA, using Type III sums of squares. I know how to perform each of these types of tests individually, but I am not sure if performing a mixed-model MANCOVA is possible. Please let me know.
<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
Erika Crispo, PhD candidate
2008 Apr 04
predict.glm & newdata
Hi all -
I'm stumped by the following
mdl <- glm(resp ~ . , data = df, family=binomial, offset = ofst) WORKS
yhat <- predict(mdl) WORKS
yhat <- predict(mdl,newdata = df) FAILS
Error in drop(X[, piv, drop = FALSE] %*% beta[piv]) :
subscript out of bounds
I've tried without offset, quoting binomial. The offset variable ofst IS in df.
Previous postings indicate possible
2012 Dec 06
lme4 glmer general help wanted - code included
Hi guys,
I'm very new to R and have been teaching myself over the past few months - it's a great tool and I'm hoping to use it to analyse my PhD data.As I'm a bit of a newb, I'd really appreciate any feedback and/or guidance with regards to the following questions that relate to generalized linearmixed modelling (or, at least, I think they do!)(if there is a 'better',
2011 Dec 23
Long jobs completing without output
I've been running a glmer logit on a very large data set (600k obs).
Running on a 10% subset works correctly, but for the complete data set,
R completes apparently without error, but does not display the results.
Given these jobs take about 200 hours, it's very hard to make progress
by trial and error.
I append the code and the sample and complete output. As is apparent, I
upgraded R
2011 Sep 22
comparing mixed binomial model against the same model without random effect
Hi everybody,
If I am correct, you can compare a model with random effect with the same model without the random effect by using the nlme function, like this:
no.random.model <- gls(Richness ~ NAP * fExp,
method = "REML", data = RIKZ)
random.model <- lme(Richness ~NAP * fExp, data = RIKZ,
random = ~1 | fBeach, method = "REML")
2011 Jun 22
error using glmmML()
Dear all,
This question is basic but I am stumped. After running the below, I receive
the message: "non-integer #successes in a binomial glm!"
model1 <-
data = data, cluster= data$Patch, family=binomial(link="logit"))
My response variable is sex ratio, and I have learned quickly not
2010 Mar 14
likelihood ratio test between glmer and glm
I am currently running a generalized linear mixed effect model using glmer and I want to estimate how much of the variance is explained by my random factor.
summary(glmer(cbind(female,male)~date+(1|dam),family=binomial,data= liz3"))
Generalized linear mixed model fit by the Laplace approximation
Formula: cbind(female, male) ~ date + (1 | dam)
Data: liz3
AIC BIC logLik deviance