Displaying 20 results from an estimated 400 matches similar to: "windrose (circular package) odd table and windrose plot"
2005 Nov 22
windrose (circular package) error in table (PR#8341)
Full_Name: Allyson Williams
Version: 2.1.1
OS: Windows XP
Submission from: (NULL) (
I'm using the 'Circular' package to plot windroses. I think the output table
(see out2$table below) is incorrect when using different rotations. More
precisely, when a rotation is used for the plot, the output table stuffs up.
This example is from the code in the help notes, although the
2011 Dec 12
windrose color ramp issue
I'm having an issue with the windrose produced by the windrose
function from the circular package. For our weather stations in North
Carolina I'm helping with a script which takes hourly wind speed and
direction data to create windroses for our end users. One of the
stations in the mountains frequently reaches wind speed of 40 to 60
mph and in storms can reach wind speed over
2011 Apr 07
Windrose Percent Interval Frequencies Are Non Linear! Help!
Hi All -
I have been using the windrose function found in the circular library to create great looking windroses. But the dashed, circular percent interval lines that indicate the frequency at which each "pedal" occurs are not evenly spaced (the corresponding parameter is "cir.ind"). That is, the 5% interval closest to the heart of the windrose is wider than the 5-10 chuck,
2009 Sep 03
Output from as.windrose() in oce package baffles me
I'm having trouble understanding the output from as.windrose(). For one
thing, data on a boundary between sectors seem to be left out of the
counts. I assume that explains the missing point in the output below
(angle 45). Shouldn't one side of each sector interval be open, to
include values such as my 45 in the example? Also, why does the angle
180 in my input apparently not result in
2011 Nov 04
representing wind date using windrose
i am new to R and want to use it for a small project to draw a wind
data from a microclimate datasource, can someone give me an example of
how i can represent this in a neat way?
for example, i have:
speed, direction
how do i put this data to get a windrose graph?
many thanks
%>>> "".join( [
2010 Nov 12
wind rose (oz.windrose) scale
Dear list,
I trying to make a wind rose plot whit the command oz.windrose, from plotrix
package. My data, a matrix of percentages with the rows representing speed
ranges and the columns indicating wind directions was generated
using bin.wind.records command from same package:
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
[1,] 0.4405286 0.0000000 0.1468429 0.4405286 0.4405286
2012 Jun 08
Rose plot (like a windrose)
Dear R Gurus,
I spent some time in looking for help but didn't find a way to do what I
I do have a vector (in Degrees) containing of 360 elements, one element per
degree on a circle.
The data is dimensionless and in the range of -0.2 to 0.5.
An Example:
Wind Dir [degrees], Value
1, 0.1
2 , 0.3
3 , 0.01
Now I want to have
2009 Aug 03
[PATCH node-image] Fix edit-livecd to re-create ext2 filesystem each time
Old edit-livecd just kept adding to the ext2 fs image which meant
it never decreased in size even if files were removed.
New functionality does multiple passes of ext2fs creation. First pass
creates a new ext2fs from the image file inside the squashfs. This
first pass is to allow the user to optionally increase the filesystem
size. If the -s parameter is omitted the existing size is used and
2009 Nov 10
[RFC][PATCH] ovirt-node-image : edit-livecd : fail on error in arbitrary code
Purpose : fail iso build on encountering error in arbitrary code '$CODE'
1. export 'WDIR' , for 'CODE' to pick-up location to create 'fail'
file to indicate failure, note that it may not always be possible to
return some error code on failure in 'CODE'
2. 'set' commands enclosing 'CODE' will not be required
3. 'CODE' is
2009 Sep 22
[PATCH] edit-livecd in python
This is the second generation of the edit-livecd tool that replaces our
original bash script with a python version and aims to reuse as much as
the livecd-creator libraries as possible. The main reason for the new
creator class is to avoid the need for a kisckstart file in order to
edit an existing livecd image.
edit-livecd is useful for people who don't have the development and yum
2011 Feb 08
tsboot fails on Seasonal Mann-Kendall (seaKen function, wq package)
Dear R-users,
tsboot fails when I try to perform a block bootstrap on seaKen
(package wq):
these commands:
boot.block.sen <- function(data){seaKen(data)[[1]]}
tsboot(sunspot.month, boot.block.sen, R=1999, l=12, sim="fixed")
Error in seaKen(data) : x must be a 'ts'
Any suggestion on how might I change seaKen in order to use it with
2005 Feb 11
NA's in if statement
I am having trouble dealing with NA values in if statements such as:
for(i in 1:length(dat$wdir)){
if (dat$wspd[i]==0){
I get the following error due to the presence of NS values in the data:
Error in if (dat$wspd[i] == 0) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
Sorry if this is an old question but I was unable to resolve this from the
info on na.action
2006 Jan 26
Calling a SOAP service from within a Rails controller
The following works fine as a standalone ruby program:
t = Time.now
starter = Time.local(t.year,t.mon, t.day) + (24 *3600)
ender = starter + 7 * 24 *3600
lat = 40.352039
lon = -74.191961
require ''soap/wsdlDriver''
params = {:maxt => false, :mint => false, :temp => true, :dew
2010 Oct 01
plotting wind rose data (Karl Ropkins)
Following on from Jim Lemon's suggest that polar plots might be more what you need, there are both wind rose and polar plot functions in the openair package that might be of use (particularly windRose and polarFreq). They will not do everthing you are after without some careful conditioning or extra work with latticeExtra, but could get you some of the way there.
Karl Ropkins,
2008 Jan 08
Range of circular data
I want to get the minimum arc (in degrees) needed to include a set of
compass directions. I would like to use the range.circular() function
of the package circular, because that package understands a compass-type
of angle convention, but it gives results I don't understand. Howver, I
can get the correct answer in the example below, 90 degrees, using the
CircStats package. How can I make the
2007 Sep 03
Snow on Windows Cluster
the package snow is not working on a windows cluster with MPICH2 and
Rmpi. There is an error in makeCluster:
launch failed: CreateProcess(/usr/bin/env
"RPROG="C:\Programme\R\R-2.5.1\bin\R" "OUT=/dev/null" "R_LIBS="
C:/Programme/R/R-2.5.1/library/snow/RMPInode.sh) on 'cl1' failed, error
3 - Das System kann den angegbenen Pfad nicht finden.
2008 May 19
Draw Polygon with a Circular Side
Hello Friends!!!
I would want draw a circular histogram, and I would like draw a polygon with
a circular side. This is easy if I use the functions polygon and arc, but I
want that the polygon with a circular side have background colour. The
polygon created with function polygon can have background colour, but the
surface created with function arc can?t have background colour.
How I could create a
2012 Aug 03
replacement has length zero. In addition: Warning message: In max(i) : no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
Here is my data, the first 10 rows
> u=regCond_all[1:10,]
> dput(u)
structure(c(999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999, 999,
99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99, 99,
99, 99, 99, 99, 1.9, 2, 1.97, 1.99, 1.83, 1.78, 1.6, 1.52, 1.52,
1.36, 10.53, 9.88, 9.88, 10.53, 10.53, 10.53, 5.26, 9.88, 10.53,
10.53, 5.4, 5.57, 5.46, 5.34, 5.5, 5.59, 5.62, 5.76, 6.23, 6.19,
2009 Aug 20
[PATCH ovirt-node-image] fixes for edit-livecd
Patch set fixes issues with image size increase when using edit-livecd
Also address issue with ext4 root fs
2005 Jun 17
Bandwidth monitoring tool
I am trying to shape my upstream bandwidth, mostly per port. and I am
having some problems getting things to work the way I want them to.
before I throw my configuration at you guys ;), I`d like to debug it by
myself - but I was not able to find a tool that allow me to
monitor current bandwidth usage per port (and preferably even per port+ip).
I want to know what is the current bandwidth