similar to: Creating Excel-Charts via RDCOMClient

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "Creating Excel-Charts via RDCOMClient"

2010 Oct 20
Regarding RDCOMClient package
Hi all, We currently faced a problem about how to pass a matrix with different types to a COM function call thru the RDCOMClient asCOMArray(). As we all know that matrix in R can't hold of elements with different types. So we managed to create a matrix of lists: rates <- matrix(
2009 Jun 03
Excel Export in a beauty way
Hallo all, I`ve read a lot of things in this forum about an Excel export via R. It is no problem to export my data frames via write.table or write.xls (xls or csv), but some things are not very convenient for me: I always have to adjust the column with to see all the numbers or the text and there is no frame between the cells. And I missing the possibility to make some headers bold or coloured.
2006 Apr 25
Questions to RDCOMClient
Dear list members, I'm using R in connection with the RDCOMClient and Excel. The more I use the package, the more I'm fascinated of it. The possibilities of R can be brought together with the necessities of outputing my socio-economical research results in MS Office! But I have some special questions concering the use of RDCOMClient and perhaps you can help me solving them: 1. Problems
2006 Apr 18
3D pie
Hi all, Is there a way to draw 3D pie with R (like excel does)? I know how to do it in 2D, just by using pie(something)... I know it isn't the best way to represent data, but people are sometimes more interested by the look and feel than by the accuracy of the results... If there is no way, have you another suggestion ? (i already use dotchart instead of pie) Thks to all of
2012 Mar 26
What does "package 'RDCOMClient' is not installed for 'arch=x64' " exactly mean?
Hi, I'm trying to use the package to write data to excel spreadsheets. I've installed the RDCOMClient package as required but get the error: package 'RDCOMClient' is not installed for 'arch=x64' I'm on Rx64 2.13.0. I assume it means the RDCOMClient package does not work on the x64 version. I've tried to see if there does a x64 RDCOMClient package
2004 Oct 19
RDCOMClient under R2.0.0 - "not a valid package"
Dear r-help, Both '' and '' appear to be bouncing with 'user unknown' so trying r-help .... [ Btw, "mailing lists" link on omega page is returning "mailman CGI error". ] > > require("RDCOMClient") > Loading required package: RDCOMClient > Error in library(package,
2009 Jul 08
RDCOMClient: how to close Excel process?
Hi, I?m using R package RDCOMClient ( to retrieve data from MS Excel workbook. I?m using the code below to count the number of sheets in the workbook and then loop the data from sheets in to a list. ############# R code ################### library(gdata) library(RDCOMClient) xl <- COMCreate("Excel.Application") sh <-
2006 Apr 19
Help with package RDCOMClient
Fresh Download of the newest R for windows R : Copyright 2005, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing Version 2.2.1 (2005-12-20 r36812) ISBN 3-900051-07-0 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details. Natural language support but
2010 Mar 23
rdcomclient issue - member not found when using borders
I wrote a procedure to create a spreadsheet using rdcomclient. It uses a function to do the writing and runs "correctly" in isolation. It gives errors, but it continues to completion. The error I receive is "Error: Member not found". If I place it inside a for loop the loop fails after the first iteration, once it reaches the error. Has anyone had experience with this
2011 May 02
install rdcomclient source
Hi, I'd like to ask a installation question. I want to install a source code through the following command, R CMD INSTALL RDCOMClient but get Error: unexpected symbol in "r cmd" Please let know if I miss anything. I my utils package loaded. Thanks, Richard [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Jun 14
names() after library(RDCOMClient) problem(?)
Hello, Try example(names) in R 2.5.0 after library(RDCOMClient) and you get > example(names) names> # print the names attribute of the islands data set names> names(islands) Error in names(islands) : no applicable method for "names" > Is this normal? Any way round it??? Best regards, Costas ---------------------------------- Costas Vorlow
2010 Aug 13
RDCOMClient interface - problems setting a variable
I try to produce and modify shapes in a PowerPoint presentation but run into a difficulty setting a variable. library(RDCOMClient) # load RDCOMClient package library(SWinTypeLibs) # package SWinTypeLibs from Omegahat to access information about COM libraries ppt = COMCreate("PowerPoint.Application") # create a ppt COM ppt[["Visible"]] <- TRUE # set COM
2013 Feb 18
How to title the excel chart and axis using RDCOMClient
Hello,   I'm trying to create an Excel chart using the package RDCOMClient. I am not able to title the excel chart and axis using RDCOMClient  "ChartTitle" and "Axis"?   Any suggestions or references is appreciated.   Thanks, uak. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 07
How do I plot a line followed by two forecast points?
Good day all, I'm trying to plot a continuous line plot, which is followed by two forecast points eg. one forecast point is 12 months out, and another 24 months out from the last date of the line plot. In my attempts so far, the second plot (the forecast points) is scaled against a new axis scale, thus the two plots are not directly comparable (I need the forecast points to be scaled
2012 Oct 30
Is there an lm() equivalent of panel.lmline()?
panel.lmline returns intercept and slope of y ~ x subsetted to the combination of conditioning factors given to xyplot in lattice. for instance: xyplot(Xvalues ~ log(Qvalues)|Tfac, data = df7, panel = panel.lmline) I am looking to find the equivalent formulation for lm() proper. If I do this: lmcal <- lm(Xvalues ~ log(Qvalues):Tfac, data = df7) Only one value of the intercept is returned.
2007 Jul 25
Constructing bar charts with standard error bars
I am new to R. I want to graph group data using a "Traditional Bar Chart with Standard Error Bar", like the kind shown here: Is there a simple way to do this? So far, I have only figured out how to plot the bars using barplot. testdata <- scan(, list(group=0,xbar=0,se=0)) 400 0.36038 0.02154 200 0.35927
2009 Jul 11
maximum/minimum value of a function
Dear All, Does anyone know how to get the maximum/minimum value of a function using R, I think there should be an instruction, but i can not find it in help files Thank you in advance for your help :) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2004 Nov 26
(no subject)
Hi -----Original Message----- From: r-help-bounces at [mailto:r-help-bounces at] On Behalf Of Angela Re Sent: Friday, November 26, 2004 5:26 PM To: r-help at Subject: [R] (no subject) I'd like to know how to superimpose a Student distribution pt on a histogram. I think I have to use the plot function but I don,t know the details. Other
2009 Jul 15
abline(v= x) in plot with time formated xaxis not working
Hi, I try to create a vertical line in my plot, which has a xaxis comprising time formated data. This is what I tried: ---------------- y<-152833 x<-strptime(y, format="%H%M%S") abline(v=x, col="red") ---------------- for some reason, it doesn't work and no error msg is displayed... I hope someone can tell me what I do wrong, or maybe an alternative. Thanks
2012 Jun 10
Data.frames can not hold objects...What can be done in the following scenario?
R-Help community, I understand that data.frames can hold elements of type double, string etc but NOT objects (such as a matrix etc). This is not convenient for me in the following situation. I have a function that takes 2 inputs and returns a vector: testfun <- function (x,y) seq(x,y,1) I have a data.frame defined as follows: testframe<-data.frame(xvalues=c(2,3),yvalues=c(4,5)) I would