Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "hands-on book on multivariate statistics and data-mining with R?"
2009 Jun 19
please recommend hands-on books on classification, data-mining and machine learning with R?
Hi all,
Could anybody please recommend some hands-on books on classification,
data-mining and machine learning with R? I would like to get a very
good understanding of the statistical tools that are used in these
areas, while reducing the learning curve.
Thank you!
2012 Jul 03
Help! Please recommend good books/resources on visualizing data and understanding multivariate relations...
Hi all,
Could you please help me?
I am looking for books/pointers/resources/tutorials on visualizing
complex/big data and on understanding multivariate relations in complicated
More specifically, we have categorical variables and are interested in how
to visualize the categorical data and visualize data conditioned upon
categorical values.
Could anybody please give me some pointers?
2003 Mar 18
Course on "Data Mining and Explorative Multivariate Data Analysis"
Dear Madame / Sir,
European Courses in Advanced Statistics (ECAS) is a programme supported by
the main Statistical European Societies.
The ECAS are intended to achieve postgraduate training in special areas of
statistics for both researchers and teachers at universities. Also
professionals, who work in industry and are interested in the application of
new statistical methods, are invited
2013 Mar 20
Hands-on Webinar: Advances in Regression: Modern Ensemble and Data Mining Approaches (no charge)
Hands-on Webinar (no charge)
Advances in Regression: Modern Ensemble and Data Mining Approaches
**Part of the series: The Evolution of Regression from Classical Linear Regression to Modern Ensembles
Register Now for Parts 3, 4: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/500959705
**All registrants will automatically receive access to recordings of Parts 1 & 2.
Course Abstract: Overcoming Linear
2004 Jul 04
doubly multivariate analysis in R
20 subjects were measured in 5 conditions (thus repeated measures) and
for each subject in each condition there are 4 response measures (thus
multivariate as it is a combined score that needs to be compared across
the conditions).
So, using a multivariate approach to repeated measures this is a doubly
multivariate analysis.
I would appreciate any suggestions as to the best way to do such a
2004 Jan 20
evaluation of discriminant functions+multivariate homoscedasticity
I am switching from SPSS-Windows to R-Linux. My university is very
SPSS-oriented so maybe that's the cause of my problems. I am a beginner
in R and my assignments are SPSS-oriented, so I hope I don't annoy
anyone with my questions...
Right now I've got 2 problems:
-I have to evaluate discriminant functions I have calculated with
lda(MASS). I can't find a measure that
2007 Sep 10
partial correlation function for multivariate time series
Dear all,
I found the following behaviour with pacf() in the multivariate case,
x <- rnorm(1000,sd=10000)
y <- rnorm(1000,sd=1)
Partial autocorrelations of series 'cbind(x, y)', by lag
, , x
x y
0.047 ( 1) 0.000 ( -1)
0.011 ( 2) 0.000 ( -2)
0.005 ( 3) 0.000 ( -3)
0.013 ( 4)
2005 May 14
Job Opportunity: Statistical Guru CC 083
Do you consider yourself a cutting edge statistical expert with a penchant
for applying your broad theoretical background to solving some of the most
complex statistical challenges facing human health today? Does the idea of
working for an emerging company who has a strong management team,
financial backing and world class scientific advisors appeal to you? If
so, read on...
Our client is a drug
2006 Apr 05
Multivariate linear regression
I am working on a multivariate linear regression of the form y = Ax.
I am seeing a great dispersion of y w.r.t x. For example, the
correlations between y and x are very small, even after using some
typical transformations like log, power.
I tried with simple linear regression, robust regression and ace and
avas package in R (or splus). I didn't see an improvement in the fit
2005 Jan 13
multivariate diagnostics
Hi, there.
I have two questions about the diagnostics in multivarite statistics.
1. Is there any diagnostics tool to check if a multivariate sample is from
multivariate normal distribution? If there is one, is there any function
doing it in R?
2. Is there any function of testing if two multivariate distribution are
same, i.e. the multivariate extension of Kolomogrov-Smirnov test?
Thanks for
2011 Nov 06
VAR and VECM in multivariate time series
Hello to everyone!
I am working on my final year project about multivariate time series. There
are three variables in the multivariate time series model.
I have a few questions:
1. I used acf and pacf plot and find my variables are nonstationary. But in
adf.test() and pp.test(), the data are stationary. why?
2.I use VAR to get a model. y is the matrix of data set and I have made a
2010 Aug 27
multivariate distributions
How can I generate data from multivariate gamma distribution & multivariate
beta distribution?
I only found command for multivariate normal only.
Many thanks in advance :)
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2011 Mar 03
Multivariate Granger Causality Tests
Dear Community,
For my masters thesis I need to perform a multivariate granger causality
test. I have found a code for bivariate testing on this page
(http://www.econ.uiuc.edu/~econ472/granger.R.txt), which I think would not
be useful for the multivariate case. Does anybody know a code for a
multivariate granger causality test. Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
View this message in context:
2011 Feb 08
Simulation of Multivariate Fractional Gaussian Noise and Fractional Brownian Motion
Dear R Helpers,
I have searched for any R package or code for simulating multivariate
fractional Brownian motion (mFBM) or multivariate fractional Gaussian noise
(mFGN) when a covariance matrix are given. Unfortunately, I could not find
such a package or code.
Can you suggest any solution for multivariate FBM and FGN simulation? Thank
you for your help.
Best Regards,
Wonsang You
2005 May 03
multivariate Shapiro Wilks test
I have a question about multivariate Shapiro-Wilks test.
I tried to analyze if the data I have are multivariate normal, or how
far they are from being
multivariate normal. However, any time I did
I get the message:
Error in solve.default(R %*% t(R), tol = 1e-18) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number
= 5.38814e-021
I tried
2005 Oct 06
R for teaching multivariate statistics (Summary)
Greetings all
I promised a summary of the responses that I got to my question:
"Next year I will be teaching a third year course in applied statistics
about 1/3 of which is multivariate statistics. I would be interested in
hearing experiences from those who have taught multivariate statistics
using R. Especially I am interested in the textbook that you used or
2013 Mar 15
metafor - multivariate analysis
Dear Metafor users, I'm conducting a metaanalysis of prevalence of a particular behaviour based on someone elses' code. I've been labouring under the impression that this:
is doing the multivariate analysis that i want, but have read that
2010 Aug 24
generate random numbers from a multivariate distribution with specified correlation matrix
Hi all,
rmvnorm()can be used to generate the random numbers from a multivariate
normal distribution with specified means and covariance matrix, but i want
to specify the correlation matrix instead of covariance matrix for the
normal distribution.
Does anybody know how to generate the random numbers from a multivariate
normal distribution with specified correlation matrix? What about
2009 May 27
Multivariate Transformations
Hello folks,
many multivariate anayses (e.g., structural equation modeling) require
multivariate normal distributions.
Real data, however, most often significantly depart from the multinormal
distribution. Some researchers (e.g., Yuan et al., 2000) have proposed a
multivariate transformation of the variables.
Can you tell me, if and how such a transformation can be handeled in R?
Thanks in
2010 Jan 05
Multivariate Poisson GLM??
Dear R Users,
I'm working on a problem where I have a multivariate response vector of
counts and a continuous predictor.
I've thought about doing this the same way you would do a Multvariate
regression model with normally distributed data, but since these data are
counts, they are probably better modeled with a Poisson distribution.
For example