Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20000 matches similar to: "Black-Litterman model"
2011 Sep 26
How to determine the efficient frontier portfolios using the Black-Litterman model?
I'm trying to find 50 portfolios on the efficient frontier using the
Black-Litterman model but have not found a suitable method for doing so. I
tried using the "portfoliosFrontier" function given in the package
fPortfolio using the "optimalPortfolios.fPort" function on package "BLCOP"
but does not provide satisfactory results
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2009 Jun 05
Rails Code Indentation
Hi All,
Rails code must be readable, formatted and well indented.
I wanted to do indent code in my previous projects.
Is there any built in rails plugin/gem that can help me to
indent my existing code.
Any ideas will be really appreciated !
NOTE: Please don''t suggest editor plugins.
Thanks & Regards,
Sandip R~
Ruby on Rails Developer
2006 Mar 03
avoiding nil object error?
I''m a total Rails newbie and i''ve been struggling for hours today
with one (prolly very silly) problem:
I have a table portfolios that has many images:
class Portfolio < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :images
class Image < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :portfolios
In the controller i define a list of active portfolios:
@active_portfolios =
2011 Jul 07
elimination duplicate elements sampling!
Hi everyone!
I have a data frame with 1112 time series and I am going to randomly
sampling r samples for z times to compose different portfolio size(r
securities portfolio). As for r=2 and z=10000,that's:
x1=sample(A,z,replace =TRUE)
x2=sample(A,z,replace =TRUE)
M=cbind(x1,x2) # combination of 2 series
Because in a portfolio with x1[i]=x2[i],(i=1,2,...,10000) means a 1
2008 Nov 18
anyone familiar with this error?
[whit at linuxsvr R.packages]$ sudo R CMD INSTALL portfolio.construction
* Installing to library '/usr/local/lib64/R/library'
* Installing *source* package 'portfolio.construction' ...
** R
** preparing package for lazy loading
Loading required package: fts
Loading required package: quadprog
Loading required package: Rexcelpoi
terminate called after throwing an instance of
2012 Feb 15
Control number of assets in resulting portfolio with optimizations using package fPortfolio
Dear All,
I am using package fPortfolio to run minimum variance portfolio
optimizations in R. I already know how to set portfolioSpecs, portfolio
objects and constraints. Unfortunately I am not able to set the following
type of constraints.
I have a timeSeries object with returns data for roughly 1.5k assets for 261
subperiods (workingdays) and want to compute the global minimum variance
2011 Jan 07
Currency return calculations
Dear sir, I am extremely sorry for messing up the logic
asking for help w.r.t. my earlier mails
I have tried to explain below what I am looking for.
I have a database (say, currency_rates) storing datewise
currency exchange rates with some base currency XYZ.
currency_rates <- data.frame(date =
c("12/31/2010", "12/30/2010", "12/29/2010",
2011 Sep 15
portfolio, portfolio.optim function not found
After installing and loading the package "portfolio", I tried to run the
example code provided, and it would not run.
this is the link:
this is the example code, as found at the link:
x <- rnorm(1000)
dim(x) <- c(500,2)
res <- portfolio.optim(x)
the error I get is:
Error: could not find
2008 Sep 03
portfolio.optim and assets with weigth equals to zero...
I don't understand a particular output of portfolio.optim (tseries).
I have 4 assets and the portfolio.optim returns an asset with weight equals
to zero.
If I do a portfolio.optim with 3 assets, without the asset with weight
equals to zero,
it returns a completely different result.
That's I would expected the same weights as the run with 4 assets.
Below the code.
Thanks in
2012 Oct 12
error msg using na.approx "x and index must have the same length"
Below I have written out some simplified data from my dataset. My goal is
to interpolate Price based on timestamp. Therefore the closer a Price is in
time to another price, the more like that price it will be. I want the
interpolations for each St and not across St (St is a factor with levels
A, B, and C). Unfortunately, I get error messages from code I wrote.
In the end only IDs 10 and 14 will
2012 Jul 23
Help with Portfolio Optmization
I need some help with Portfolio Optimization problem. I am trying to find
the minimum variance portfolio subjected to constraints on weights like
/x1< w1 <x2
x3< w2 <x4</i>
I need help with solving for the minimum variance portfolio as solve.QP
doesn't allow me to specify the lower boundaries.
View this message in context:
2006 Nov 10
Value at Risk historical simulation
Has someone got a package/script at hand to do a historical simulation
to calculate the Value at Risk?
If your not sure what Historical Simulation is:
In simple terms, Historical Simulation (HS) is just taking sample
percentiles over a moving sample. Suppose we want to use HS to predict
a portfolio's Value-at-Risk at a confidence level of 99 percent and
the window size is chosen to be 250
2008 Jul 21
portfolio optimization problem - use R
How to use R to solve the optimisaton problem
?*w^T*omega*w+mu^T*w+c^T(w-w0) for w>w0 long position
?*w^T*omega*w+mu^T*w-c^T(w-w0) for w<w0 short position
W: is the update weight of portfolio
Wo is the initial weight of portfolio
Omega is the variance covariance matrix
mu is the vector of return rate of stocks in the portfolio
C is the vector coefficient of transaction cost
2012 Jul 23
Bug in my code (finding nonzero min)
Can someone verify for me if the for loop below is really calculating the
nonzero min for each row of a matrix? I have a bug somewhere in the is
section of code. My first guess is how I am find the the nonzero min of each
row of my matrix. The overall idea is to make sure I am investing all of my
money, i.e. new.set is a set of indicator variables for each stock for a
particular portfolio, i.e.
2012 Jan 13
Portfolio Optimization
I'm an R newbie and I've been struggling with a optimization problem for
the past couple of days now.
Here's the problem - I have a matrix of expected payouts from different
stock option strategies. Each column in my matrix represents a different
stock and each row represents the return to the strategy given a certain
market move. So the rows are not a time series of percentage
2004 Dec 10
Porting optimisation setup from Excel Solver to R
Hi all,
I am currently optimising a small portfolio I have
created as a part of my research project in Excel. I
am unable to find the appropriate package to port this
into R. My problem set up is as follows
Minimise ABS(Sum(Xi-Xi')+10*Sum(XiMi)/Mavg)
Subject to:
0 <= Xi <= 0.05
ABS(Sum(Xi)) = 0.2
Mi - Market Cap of Stock i
Xi - Initial weight of Stock i
Xi' - New weight of
2009 May 27
Contingent Select Boxes - 2 Q's
I have a form with contingent select boxes (the state is contingent on
the country selected, so when the country selected changes, the state
changes -- I am using the Carmen plugin for getting my state names and
country names together, but not the functionality I am interested in
Everything works fine except I cannot figure out how to amend my code
such that:
A. When the form is first
2007 Nov 30
rollapply on zoo object
Dear R users.
I have zoo object "size_june" containing market-capital values:
> dim(size_june) # market-cap data of 625 firms for 20 years
[1] 20 625
> class(size_june)
[1] "zoo"
> size_june # colnames = "size.firmcode"
size.34020 size.4710 size.11050 size.10660 size.9540 size.8060
size.16160 size.8080 size.9280
1988-06-30 NA
2012 Jun 19
help with xy.coords(x,y)
i am working on the project to analyze hedge fund performance, i would
appreciate that if you guys could spare some time helping me out with the R
code. Thanks.
The senario is:
i applied BOXPLOT() to plot the performance of all hedge funds with 7
And right now in this boxplot I need to plot the points of 30 individual
hedge funds from my portfolio. And I applied POINTS() and
2010 Apr 12
how to calculate a table
Hi R-Group,
I am stuck with the following problem: I am constructing a portfolio of
2 variables x and y
x <- rnorm(100, mean=100, sd=4)
y <- rnorm(100, mean=120, sd=10)
which I am combining as follows to a portfolio for sampling purposes:
portfolio <- c(rep(x, 8), rep(y, 2))
In this case I have assigned the weights of 8 and 2 to calculate the
bootstrapped mean:
mean.boot <-