Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Return variable assignments from a function"
2007 May 16
Reshape a sparse matrix
I'd like to reshape a sparse matrix generated from the Matrix package. I can't seem to do it with the command
dim(A) <- c(6,9)
which works perfectly with the base package matrices, but with the sparse matrices it errors with
Error in dim(A) = c(6, 9) : dim<- : invalid first argument
Manipulating the Dim attribute of the sparse Matrix does not produce the desired effect. A
2007 May 21
an array of matrices
I'd like to have a three dimensional array of matrices. I thought I could construct a five dimensional array to have the three dimensional array of matrices. However, not all of the matrices in the array have the same dimensions, which seems to mean I can't use a five dimensional array.
What I'd like is this:
A = matrix(1:4,2,2)
B = matrix(1:25,5,5)
C = matrix(1,3,3)
D =
2010 Dec 22
how to pass object "members" in functions
This is an R-syntax question when attempting to manipulate/access objects
when passed to a function.
I have a function attempting to just print values attached to an argument
object. For example,
printThis <- function(obj, parm2, parm3) {
where I've assigned stuff1 and stuff2 to the actual object passed as such
actualObject.stuff1 <-
2007 Apr 18
Checking validity of NHS numbers
I need to check that the NHS numbers in my database are valid. I''m
storing them as ten-digit strings: the first nine are the identifier and
the tenth is a check digit.
There are four steps to calculating the check digit (from
1. multiply each of the first nine digits by a weighting factor
2007 Sep 14
Cross Compiling
Hello All,
I have a Linux computer and do all of my work from it. However, I
teach also, which means that many of my students use windows. Hence,
I need to create packages that work under windows as well as Linux. I
have tried to follow the directions at
which is the document "Building Microsoft Windows Versions of R and R
2010 Sep 16
using variable from for loop in naming new variables
Simple one here ... but can't get it to work ...
for (i in 1:4){
paste("stuff",[i]),sep="") <- 3 + i
I just want it to create 4 new variables called stuff1, stuff2, stuff3, stuff4 with the corresponding assignments. I realise that there are more elegant functions but this is just a model of a bigger situation.
2009 Aug 21
a --no-save option for Rprofile.site?
I need to set up Rcmdr for use in a testing center that uses Windows. Since
it is in a testing center, we don't want to have data saved, and want it
cleared (or never saved) each time R or Rcmdr is run.
The method I used to get Rcmdr to run automatically is to add the lines:
defpack = getOption("defaultPackages")
mylibs =
2005 Oct 27
Opteron + Nvidia + Centos 4.2 i386 = Thud
Dear All,
Just returned from vacation and was delighted to see that Centos 4.2 is now on
the mirrors. Unfortunately the new i386 version is giving us problems on our
dual Opteron workstations with Nvidia graphics cards...
Basically, nine times out of ten, the boxes will hang when they try to re-load
X... and just sit there with the keyboards Caps and Scroll lock LED's
flashing. The only
2020 Sep 20
help improving relevance of snippets displayed by Omega
Thanks again very much for helping me improve my understanding of Xapian
and Omega. Thanks especially for pointing out that my idea of trying to
generate a snippet from stemmed text lacking capitalization and punctuation
would probably not produce a user-friendly result.
But I'm still doubtful that expanding the sample size could be the right
way to obtain excerpts from the document
2008 Mar 03
R function to convert a number to text
hi, Dear R users -
I wonder is there a written R function to convert a number to a text, say convert 1 to "one" , 100 to "one hundred". I know in xls. has such a function BAHTTEXT, does anybody know is there a similar function in R ? Thanks.
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2010 Feb 07
Noval numbers
Dear everybody,
How can I transform numbers to a positional system with the base of, e.g., nine, and do further operations with them?
Thank you in advance
Yours, sincerely
Mag. Ferri Leberl
2004 Oct 08
Evaluating Assignment-Operator R 2.0.0
Dear Helpers,
in which way I have to use the assignment-operator evaluating left to right
with R 2.0.0?
With R 2.0.0 (w2k-installation) the "superassignment" operator '<<-' seems to
have a different behaviour compared with R 1.9.1 :
> x<<-4
> x
[1] 4
> attr(x,'y')<<-5
Error: Object "x" not found
Using earlier
2003 Oct 28
formula parsing, using parts ...
I am writing a little abstraction for a series of tests. For example,
I am running an anova and kruskal.test on a one-factor model. That
isn't a particular problem, I have an interface like:
my.function <- function(model,data) {
a <- anova(lm(formula,data))
if(a$"Pr(>F)"[1] < 0.05) {
2007 Oct 03
Shading area under density curves
I have a question regarding shading regions under curves to display
95% confidence intervals. I generated bootstrap results for the slope
and intercept of a simple linear regression model using the following
code (borrowed from JJ Faraway 2005):
> attach(allposs.nine.d)
> x<-model.matrix(~log(d.dist,10))[,-1]
> bcoef<-matrix(0,1000,2)
> for(i in 1:1000){
2005 Apr 07
PDC: Logging out from Windows XP SP2 takes a long time
I have samba set up as primary domain controller, and have problems with
my Windows XP SP2 machines. Logging in is quick, but most of the time
(nine out of ten times) the logout process takes a long time - I do end
up rebooting, but once I let it stay and it took a whole hour before it
was logged out. It seems to act the same way for all users.
Possible sources already eliminated:
- I have
2009 Jul 03
normalised curve fitting with error bars
Dear List,
My data consist of nine columns and about 50,000 rows. It looks like
-9.0225 3.46464 2.80926 -0.3847 3.73735 1.1058 -2.98936 1.38901 -8.1846
-2.4315 -5.1189 1.8225 3.3798 1.7874 4.693 -3.9286 1.4266 5.7849
-3.4894 -4.0305 3.7879 3.5195 2.9186 2.8685 -6.126 4.978 4.9381
4.5282 3.62558 -3.0455 4.6518 1.39746 0.68652 3.5708 -3.6404 -4.2963
-1.3183 0.6752 -4.0382 -2.5386
2011 Jun 06
list demographics
Hi all,
I got curious about something, so in proper scientific fashion I
obtained some data and analyzed it.
Question: what is the female participation in the R-help email list?
Data: the most recent list postings, obtained from the website. I took
my best shot at classifying the names given in the email header as
male/female, but ended with a fair number of unknowns.
This dataset had 2797
2000 Jun 08
Output args?
Is there a way to find out if a function was called with an output argument? Or to prevent the printing of large amount of data if the function was called without output argument?
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2014 Jul 28
lattice, latticeExtra: Adding moving averages to double y plot
Hi lattice users,
I would like to add 5-year moving averages to my double y-plot. I have three factors needs to be plotted with moving averages in the same plot. One of these reads off y-axis 1 and two from y-axis 2. I have tried to use the rollmean function from the zoo-packages, but I fail in insering this into lattice (I am not an experienced lattice user). I want to keep the data points in
2023 Mar 19
WISH: Optional mechanism preventing var <<- value from assigning non-existing variable
Why should it make an exception for cases where the about-to-be-assigned-to
name is present in the global environment? I think it should warn or give
an error if the altered variable is in any environment on the search list.
On Sun, Mar 19, 2023 at 10:54?AM Duncan Murdoch <murdoch.duncan at gmail.com>
> I think that should be the default behaviour. It's pretty late to