Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "help with formula and data= argument"
2007 Aug 01
Problem to remove loops in a routine
Dear R-users,
I have written the following code to generate some trellis plots. It
works perfectly fine except that it is quite slow when it is apply to my
typical datasets (over several thousands of lines). I believe the
problem comes from the loops I am using to subset my data.frame. I read
in the archives that the tapply function is often more efficient than a
loop in R. Unfortunately ,
2010 Jun 13
add only selected labels using thigmophobe
I am trying to label data points within a scatter plot using thigmophobe.
While the data set consists of about 3000 points I only would like to label
a subset of these points.
I read the x and y coordinates in from a txt file and define them as:
the names and a corresponding ID are read in from the same txt file as:
2009 Sep 02
get function to return object "name"?
Dear list,
I've written a function that plots subjects. Something like:
myplot <- function(subject) { plot(subject) }
Subjects are vectors, e.g. ...
s1 <- c(200,200,190,180)
... and plotting them works fine, e.g. ...
Now I want to have "s1" etc appear in the plot title, but I don't know
how to refer to this generically (the object "name"? I tried
2001 Jan 10
eval() bug in plot.formula() ?
I don't have time now to investigate myself,
and I'm not feeling like deciding myself if the following is a bug:
myplot <- function(dat, cex = 1.2, ...) {
if(!is.data.frame(dat <- as.data.frame(dat)))
stop("`dat' must be a data.frame")
if(any(is.na(match(c("x","y"), names(dat)))))
stop("`dat' must have a `x' and a
2009 Feb 05
plotrix::thigmophobe could usefully coerce to numeric...
thigmophobe.labels() fails with error when supplied with an array
resulting from tapply (example below).
The error originates in thigmophobe()
I know the help page says 'numeric vector' but it would be kind of nice
if it worked with numeric things of class array too. I think it would
need no more than a couple of as.numeric() calls in thigmophobe itself,
or (simpler but slightly less
2007 Dec 09
R + LaTeX formula
what is actually the best method to include R-plots into LaTeX documents?
At the moment i use
postscript("myplot.eps", width = 12.0, height = 9.0, horizontal = FALSE,
onefile = TRUE, paper = "special",encoding = "TeXtext.enc")
But it is a bit unhandy to scale later and its difficult to get nice
formula in the plots.
And how should
2013 Feb 26
How to avoid overlapping labels
Hi Remko,
thanks for your answer. but i do
not really understand how to use the commands.
if i want to use thigmophobe.labels(x,y,) do i need to identify the xy
coordinates for each point first and then manually move every point? and if
i neet to do so how to use the identify() function?
or is there any possibility to automatically place the labels in the best
>MatArab <-
2006 Dec 08
lattice: defining an own function using args for "formula" and "groups"
x.fun <- function( formula, data ) dotplot( formula, data )
x.grp <- function( formula, groups, data ) dotplot( formula, groups, data )
data( barley )
> x.fun( variety ~ yield | site, data=barley )
# no problem
> dotplot( variety ~ yield | site, groups=year, data=barley )
# no problem
> x.grp( variety ~ yield | site, groups=year, data=barley )
object "year" not found
2009 Jul 03
Variable names in lattice XY-plot
how can I get a more descriptive text
instead of the variable names in my XY-lattice plot,
according to the table below?
Variable text
acet = "Acetylaspartate Thalamus"
chol = "Choline Thalamus"
acetp = "Acetylaspartate parieoc"
ino = "Inositole Thalamus"
I could not find a solution.
Please have a look at my syntax.
Thanks a lot,
2005 Oct 03
grob questions
If I run the following example from:
> grid.newpage()
> pushViewport(viewport(w = 0.5, h = 0.5))
> myplot <- gTree(name = "myplot", children = gList(rectGrob(name = "box",
+ gp = gpar(col = "grey")), xaxisGrob(name = "xaxis")))
> grid.draw(myplot)
2009 Apr 20
plotCI (plotrix) problem
I am attempting to create a plot with intervals "stretched" in the
x-direction using plotCI() in the plotrix package. The same data
provides an appropriate set of intervals when "stretched" in the
y-direction but I only get a lower interval when "stretched" in the
The data are as follows
mns <-
2008 Aug 08
gridBase and new.page() / grid.newpage()
Hello all,
I'm trying to write a function using the gridBase package. I'd like
to push several base subplots to a larger plot constructed with grid.
However, I'm having trouble getting consistent results when running
the function when the plotting window (quartz) is closed, when it is
left open and the plot function is repeated to the same window, and
when the output is saved to a
2005 Mar 09
function in order to plot the same graph to postscript and pdf
I've written a function in order to plot the same graph in a postcript and in
a pdf file. Unfortunately, the second graph is always empty, i.e.:
plot.both <- function{myplot, filename}{
pdf(file=paste(filename, ".pdf", sep=""))
postscript(file=paste(filename, ".eps", sep=""))
yields in a
2009 May 04
ellipsis problem
I'm confused about the use of ellipsis in function arguments. I'm trying
to write a wrapper for plot to automate the combination of plot() and
points() calls for a data.frame. Some arguments seem to get passed
through to the inner plot, while others cause an error:
Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) :
..1 used in an incorrect context, no ... to look in
As a minimal example:
2010 Apr 07
ggplot2, density barplot and geom_point layer
Please consider the example below. How can I manage to overlay the points
the way I want in the second case?
Thanks, Joh
# Modify data to match "real" case
myDiamonds <- diamonds
myDiamonds[["clarity"]] <- as.character(myDiamonds[["clarity"]])
myDiamonds[myDiamonds[["clarity"]]=="I1","clarity"] <- 1
2009 Sep 14
How to set default plotting colors by treatment?
Dear R-helpers,
I have a number of dataframes that looks something like this:
mydfr <- data.frame(treatment=c(rep("A",3),rep("B",3)), Xmeas=1:6,
# except with many more variables, which I plot all the time colored
by treatment to quickly check things:
with(mydfr, plot(Xmeas, Ymeas, pch=19, col=c("blue","red")[treatment]))
# I
2010 Dec 17
Nested layout()
Is it possible to call a graphing function that uses layout() multiple times and layout those outputs ? Here's a minimal example :
myplot <- function()
layout(matrix(1:2, nrow=1), widths = c(1, 1))
layout(matrix(1:2), heights = c(1, 2))
Dario Strbenac
Research Assistant
Cancer Epigenetics
2007 Jun 14
function with xyplot
I'm a new user trying to switch from SAS, so sorry for the beginner's
question: Suppose I have a dataframe DF that contains variables X,Y,Z. I am
trying to write a function like this:
myplot <- function(varname){xyplot(varname ~ Y, group = Z, data = DF)}.
The problem is then how to enter X into my function. If I write myplot("X")
I get an error because the argument is a
2000 Aug 17
Things I don't understand about the graphics interface
Using R-1.1.1 on RedHatLinux 6.2.
I've made some progress, succeeded in outputting bitmap, jpeg, and png
files. Yipee.
I did them with this command:
> dev2bitmap("whatever.bmp",res=300)
> dev.print(png, file="myplot.png", width=480, height=480)
> dev.print(jpeg, file="myplot.jpg", width=480, height=480)
> dev.print(pictex,
2008 Sep 25
ggplot, qplot in loop
Dear List,
yes, me again trying to work with qplot ;-)
I would like to make several single plots within a loop, like this
(simplified and so on...):
trials <- c("A","B","C")
mycolours <- ("wheat","darkolivegreen","lightgreen",