similar to: rcorr.cens Goodman-Kruskal gamma

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1100 matches similar to: "rcorr.cens Goodman-Kruskal gamma"

2007 Dec 19
using rcorr.cens for Goodman Kruskal gamma
Dear List, I would like to calculate the Goodman-Kruskal gamma for the predicted classes obtained from an ordinal regression model using lrm in the Design package. I couldn't find a way to get gamma for predicted values in Design so have found previous positings suggesting to use : Rcorr.cens(x, S outx = TRUE) in the Hmisc package My question is, will this work for predicted vs
2003 Mar 11
Goodman / Kruskal gamma
The Goodman/Kruskal gamma is a nice descriptive rank-order correlation statistic, often used in psychology. It is nice because it is easy to understand. It takes all pairs of values of each variable and asks whether they are congruent (S+ is the number in the same order for both variables) or discordant (S-, opposite ranking). The statistic is (S+ - S-)/(S+ + S-). It is like tau except for the
2004 Jun 04
use of "rcorr.cens" with binary response?
Dear R-helpers, I recently switched from SAS to R, in order to model the occurrence of rare events through logistic regression. Is there a package available in R to calculate the Goodman-Kruskal Gamma? After searching a bit I found a function "rcorr.cens" which should do the job, but it is not clear to me how to define the input vectors? Is "x" a vector with the fitted
2011 Mar 01
which does the "S.D." returned by {Hmisc} rcorr.cens measure?
Dear R-help, This is an example in the {Hmisc} manual under rcorr.cens function: > set.seed(1) > x <- round(rnorm(200)) > y <- rnorm(200) > round(rcorr.cens(x, y, outx=F),4) C Index Dxy S.D. n missing uncensored Relevant Pairs Concordant Uncertain 0.4831 -0.0338 0.0462 200.0000
2005 Sep 02
Calculating Goodman-Kurskal's gamma using delta method
Dear list, I have a problem on calculating the standard error of Goodman-Kurskal's gamma using delta method. I exactly follow the method and forumla described in Problem 3.27 of Alan Agresti's Categorical Data Analysis (2nd edition). The data I used is also from the job satisfaction vs. income example from that book. job <- matrix(c(1, 3, 10, 6, 2, 3, 10, 7, 1, 6, 14, 12, 0, 1, 9,
2011 May 22
How to calculate confidence interval of C statistic by rcorr.cens
Hi, I'm trying to calculate 95% confidence interval of C statistic of logistic regression model using rcorr.cens in rms package. I wrote a brief function for this purpose as the followings; CstatisticCI <- function(x) # x is object of rcorr.cens. { se <- x["S.D."]/sqrt(x["n"]) Low95 <- x["C Index"] - 1.96*se Upper95 <- x["C
2011 Jun 21
relation between tdrocc AUC and c-statistic from rcorr.cens
I am using the rcorr.cens function from the Hmisc package and the time-dependent ROC curve obtained using tdrocc in the survcomp package. I understand that the C statistic from rcorr.cens has to be subtracted from 1 if high values of the risk variable lower survival. Given that I wonder what the connection is between that C statistic and the AUC from the tdrocc object. If they are substantially
2007 Aug 07
Goodman-Kruskal tau
On Wed, 1 Aug 2007, Upasna Sharma <upasna at> wrote: > From: "Upasna Sharma" <upasna at> > Subject: [R] Goodman Kruskal's tau > > I need to know which package in R calculates the Goodman Kruskal's > tau statistic for nominal data. Also is there any implementation for > multiple classification analysis (Andrews at al 1973) in R?
2007 Aug 01
Goodman Kruskal's tau
Hi I need to know which package in R calculates the Goodman Kruskal's tau statistic for nominal data. Also is there any implementation for multiple classification analysis (Andrews at al 1973) in R? Any information on this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Upasna -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Upasna Sharma Research Scholar Shailesh J. Mehta
2006 Apr 21
Hi R-users, I'm having some problems in using the Hmisc package. I'm estimating a cox ph model and want to test whether the drop in concordance index due to omitting one covariate is significant. I think (but I'm not sure) here are two ways to do that: 1) predict two cox model (the full model and model without the covariate of interest) and estimate the concordance index (i.e. area
2009 May 15
Function Surv and interpretation
Dear everyone, My question involves the use of the survival object. We can have Surv(time,time2,event, type=, origin = 0) (1) As detailed on p.65 of: My data (used in my study) is 'right censored' i.e. my variable corresponding to 'event' indicates whether a person is alive (0) or dead (1) at date last seen
2008 Dec 12
Concordance Index - interpretation
Hello everyone. This is a question regarding generation of the concordance index (c index) in R using the function rcorr.cens. In particular about interpretation of its direction and form of the 'predictor'. One of the arguments is a "numeric predictor variable" ( presumably this is just a *single* predictor variable). Say this variable takes numeric values.... Am I
2004 Dec 14
can R do the goodman modified multiple regression method?
the method is described in the article:goodman leo A.,a modified multiple regression approch to analysis of dischotomous variables",american sociological review 33(hebruary):28-46 thank you in advance:)
2009 Sep 09
"predict"-fuction for metaMDS (vegan)
Dear r-Community, Step1: I would like to calculate a NMDS (package vegan, function metaMDS) with species data. Step2: Then I want to plot environmental variables over it, using function envfit. The Problem: One of these environmental variables is cos(EXPOSURE). But for flat releves there is no exposure. The value is missing and I can't call it 0 as 0 stands for east and west. Therefore I
2010 Jan 04
no "rcorrp.cens" in hmisc package
Dear, I wanna to compare AUC generated by two distribution models using the same sample. I tried improveProb function's example code below. set.seed(1) library(survival) x1 <- rnorm(400) x2 <- x1 + rnorm(400) d.time <- rexp(400) + (x1 - min(x1)) cens <- runif(400,.5,2) death <- d.time <= cens d.time <- pmin(d.time, cens) rcorrp.cens(x1, x2, Surv(d.time, death))
2009 Sep 08
rcorrp.cens and U statistics
I have two alternative Cox models with C-statistics 0.72 and 0.78. My question is if 0.78 is significantly greater than 0.72. I'm using rcorrp.cens. I cannot find the U statistics in the output of the function. This is the output of the help example: > x1 <- rnorm(400) > x2 <- x1 + rnorm(400) > d.time <- rexp(400) + (x1 - min(x1)) > cens <- runif(400,.5,2) > death
2011 Aug 19
Hmisc::rcorr on a 'data.frame'?
Dear all ?Hmisc::rcorr states that it takes as main argument "a numeric matrix". But is it normal that it fails in such an ugly way on a data frame? (See below.) If the function didn't attempt any conversion to a matrix, I would have expected it to state that in the error message that it didn't accept 'data.frame' objects in its input. Also, I vaguely remember having used
2008 Nov 11
how to export results of rcorr into excel
Hi, I try to export the outputs of rcorr into excel. but I got error message,"cannot coerce class "rcorr" into a data.frame". Actually i just need export part of results of this analysis,e.g. p-values or stat-values. Does anyone have sort of exprience before or you can help on how to export subset of results of analysis? Many Thanks! Xin
2002 Sep 05
rcorr in Hmisc
Dear list, I get the following message when I use rcorr in library "Hmisc" ------------------------------------------------------ > rcorr(lskPox0t30, type=c("spearman")) Error in "[<"(*tmp*,, value = 1e+30) : matrix subscripts not allowed in replacement ------------------------------------------------------ I do not understand
2010 May 05
rcorr p-values for pearson's correlation coefficients
Hi! All, To find co-expressed genes from a expression matrix of dimension (9275 X 569), I used rcorr function from library(Hmisc) to calculate pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) and their corresponding p-values. From the correlation matrix (9275 X 9275) and pvalue matrix (9275 X 9275) obtained using rcorr function, I wanted to select those pairs whose PCC's are above 0.8 cut-off and then