Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Plotting pdf of function"
2011 Oct 09
glmmadmb help
[cc'ed back to r-help]
I've started to take a look, and there's nothing immediately obvious
about the problem with the fit (the warnings and errors are about a
"non-positive-definite Hessian", which usually means an
overfitted/poorly identified model) -- still working on whether there's
a way to get more useful information.
As it turns out, glmmADMB's default
2011 Jan 27
Quasi-poisson glm and calculating a qAIC and qAICc...trying to modilfy Bolker et al. 2009 function to work for a glm model
Sorry about re-posting this, it never went out to the mailing list when I
posted this to r-help forum on Nabble and was pending for a few days, now
that I am subscribe to the mailing list I hope that this goes out:
I've been a viewer of this forum for a while and it has helped out a lot,
but this is my first time posting something.
I am running glm models for richness and abundances. For
2003 Dec 15
DNS and DHCP setup
Does anyone know of a document that gives details on how to set up Bind
9 and DHCPD 3.x so that dns is updated when clients log on?
I saw this is not in the howto collection
(http://www.bibsyst.no/samba/docs/man/DNSDHCP.html#id2981727) so I was
kind of hoping someone else has some notes.
I would be greatfull for any tips and links.
2012 Nov 16
pairing data using combn with criteria
Dear All,
I have a dataframe made up of individual beetles consisting of individual
number, family number, mother's family number, father's family number, and
sex of the beetle. I would like to pair up the individuals for breeding. I
would, however, like to avoid breeding beetles of the same sex (obviously),
the same family, and with the same mother's family or father's family,
2011 Oct 09
ANOVA from imported data has only 1 degree of freedom
I'm trying to analyse some data I have imported into R from a .csv file but
when I carry out the aov command the results show only one degree of freedom
when there should be 14. Does anyone know why? I'd really appreciate some
help, the data is pasted below.
/The imported table looks ike this this:/
Order Transect Sample Abundance
1 Coleoptera 1 1 13
2004 Dec 02
Text Mining with R
anyone has experiences with text mining and R?
I'll be very greatfull for tutorial or examples.
Daniele Medri - http://www.medri.org
2019 Jan 07
My 1973 VW Karmann Ghia
Or at least post your smb.conf, we tend to base our diagnosis on it.
On 07.01.2019 11:01, Sven Schwedas via samba wrote:
> It might actually, Karmann-Ghia, Beetle and Samba all shared the same
> engine blocks, from what I recall.
> …it's probably still better to ask a car mechanic.
> On 04.01.19 23:04, A. James Lewis via samba wrote:
>> I wonder if it's the
2005 Sep 26
Carrier Access - Access Bank I config
Is there somebody using an Access Bank I with Asterisk that could
share the secret ingredients needed to make it work ?
I've searched around and found some info, I tryed almost every
configuration possible but I can't seem to find the right combination.
If someone could provide me with the config needed on Asterisk as well
as the dip-switch settings on the channel bank part, I would
2011 Jul 10
question about release prm for 6
I am running centos x686 and upgraded from 4 to 5 when it came out now I
want to try the same with centos 6 where can I get the centos i686 release
rpm I used does not have the rpm I used any help wood be greatfull
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2002 Jan 01
Transparent bridging / smart rate limiting
I''ve decided to try to make a transparent bridge, that should drop
packet''s based on some weird rules.
I have googled around a bit and couldn''t find any information about what
I would like to do.
And therefore I now send a mail to this mailinglist in hope that someone
can either help me, or point me in the right direction.
What I want to do is the following:
Make a
2007 Sep 19
Programming problem.
I can't find a nice way to solve a problem. So if you have
some ideas I would be greatfull.
This is the problem.
I can ask a bcmxcp ups what commands it support, if the
firmware is after revision AE.
I was thinking about to use this in the driver. For example
' a ups that don't support battery_test would not have this
command enabled.'
The hex responce look like this from
2002 Jan 09
exporting an output of an analysis
I am now doing a principal component analysis for a data set. This dataset
inludes above 100 variables so the output matrix of the analysis is also
big. Because the output matrix is so huge it is a problem to use the browser
of R to look at the analysis. Therefor I want to export the solution of the
principal component analysis to another tool which better fittet for viewing
2011 Apr 27
Speed up plotting to MSWindows graphics window
I am working on a project analysing the performance of motor-vehicles
through messages logged over a CAN bus.
I am using R 2.12 on Windows XP and 7
I am currently plotting the data in R, overlaying 5 or more plots of
data, logged at 1kHz, (using plot.ts() and par(new = TRUE)).
The aim is to be able to pan, zoom in and out and get values from the
plotted graph using a custom Qt
2004 Mar 17
ANCOVA when you don't know factor levels
Hello people
I am doing some thinking about how to analyse data on dimorphic animals
- where different individuals of the same species have rather different
morphology. An example of this is that some male beetles have large
horns and small wings, and rely on beating the other guys up to get
access to mates, whereas others have smaller horns and larger wings,
and rely on mobility to
2019 Jan 04
My 1973 VW Karmann Ghia
I wonder if it's the same part as used on the VW Samba!
On 04/01/2019 21:55, Steven Hirsch via samba wrote:
> On Fri, 4 Jan 2019, Susan Slayter King via samba wrote:
>> I crashed my car and need the entire turn indicator assembly. Drivers
>> side.
>> Can anybody help. No local retailers have it. I did get a wiring tube
>> but
>> still need the seal,
2012 Mar 12
Faceted bar plot shows wrong counts (ggplot2)
I have encountered a problem with faceted bar plots. I have tried to
create something like the example explained in the ggplot2 book (see pp.
mpg4 <- subset(mpg, manufacturer %in%
c("audi", "volkswagen", "jeep"))
mpg4$manufacturer <- as.character(mpg4$manufacturer)
mpg4$model <- as.character(mpg4$model)
base <-
2003 Sep 21
How to join a win2k-domain using Samba 2.*
The documentation that I found regarding this issue wasn't that good - it didn't help me that much. Later on I managed to join the win2k-domain after a lot of work. Thus I'm writing this letter in order to help people who were in my situation.
This was my problem and the solution I devised for it:
I was using samba-2.2.3a (debian package) and the windows-domain I tried to join is
2004 May 31
ffnet problem
Context:Linux debian testing, compiled R 1.9.0 from source.
I've just installed the contributed ffnet package wit no problem at all.
But when loading the library the following error message is popping up and
no ffnet command seems to work:
Error in dyn.load(x, as.logical(local), as.logical(now)) :
unable to load shared library
2006 Mar 22
mixed ordinal logistic regression
Dear Colleagues,
I hope to know how ordinal logistic regression with a mixed model is made
in R. We (My colleague and I) are studying the behavior of a beetle. The
attraction of beetles to a stimulus are recorded: the response is Slow,
Mid, or Fast. They are based on the time after the presentation of the
stimulus to the beetles. Because we do not observe the behavior
continuously but do
2005 Feb 03
Re: Logon Hours problems (really stuck)
Hi guys,
Unfortunately this is still happening I've tried restarting Samba. Users who
should be denied access after 21:00 are being denied access at 19:00.
Our time zone in South Africa is GMT+2. Perhaps I should set the timezone on
the server to UTC/GMT ?
Do you think this will help ? Should I then leave the time set to the
current time in South Africa ? Or should I set the time to the