similar to: R CMD check detects parse error, but in which file?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "R CMD check detects parse error, but in which file?"

2009 Nov 29
lm: eval(parse(text=)) works on one side y/x but not on both?
Hi My goal is to do a (multiple) regression, just knowing that my Y variables will be the say k first variables of a matrix/data frame. I thought I should do it with eval(parse)) but encounter a strange problem. See: lm(y~.-y, data=freeny) #that's what I want to do in the one equation case #Problem is I don't know name of the variable... only that it is the first one... #so idea is to
2013 May 20
R CMD check: unknown option ‘--outdir==RCHECK’
Dear R devel I am experiencing a problem using R CMD check. I tried to specify the argument outdir, but get every time the error message: Warning: unknown option ‘--outdir==RCHECK’ This happens both on R 2.15.2 Linux, as well as R 3.0.1 Windows, with latest Rtools. Is it just that I am not passing the argument the right way, or is there an issue with R CMD check? I tried to write the argument
2009 Nov 25
rattle(): unable to load shared library
Hi I'm trying to install the rattle GUI on winwos 2000, with last version R 2.10. I had a first problem using the rattle package, as it was asking pkg XMl, which is no more in the CRAN repo. I instead simply install in R/libraries the XML pkg from: Maybe I mised something here... So now I was able to run the library(rattle) then,
2008 Nov 06
FW: [rkward-devel] questions on RKWard
Thought I should copy the list with Matthieu's response. H -----Original Message----- From: Matthieu Stigler [mailto:matthieu.stigler at] Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2008 8:29 PM To: Horace Tso; rkward-devel at Subject: Re: [rkward-devel] questions on RKWard some answer only for the third question: do you have the package r-doc-html installed? (on ubuntu
2008 Dec 18
Indicator function for merged times (was: Re: Rr: For and if confusion)
Please start a new thread for a new topic and use a meaningful subject for sake of the archives and everyone trying to follow. Using your Int1, correcting your Int2 and using your Y (which goes to Jul not Aug as per the comment): library(zoo) > as.ts(with(merge.zoo(Int1, Int2, Y, fill = 0), pmax(Int1, Int2))) Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1992
2009 Nov 28
Include manually an intercept in lm without breaking it?
Hi Say I want to add manually an intercept in the function lm. Even if almost all results will be identical, few stats are different as DF counting will be different as intercept will not be included in "automatic" case, while it will be in "manual" case. See: ###usual lm on freeny fr<-lm(freeny.y~freeny.x) ###manual lm on freeny man<-cbind(1,freeny.x)
2008 Apr 17
Suggestion: add a warning in the help-file of unique()
Hello I'm sorry if this suggestion/correction was already made but after a search in devel list I did not find any mention of it. I would just suggest to add a warning or an exemple for the help-file of the function unique() like "Note that unique() compares only identical values. Values which, are printed equally but in facts are not identical will be treated as different."
2019 Aug 05
R CMD check: should contain the new "Registered S3 method overwritten by" message?
Hi Since I believe 3.6, there is a message when loading a package that overwrites S3 methods, reading like "Registered S3 method overwritten by...". Should this message be included in the files saved in the tests/ folder of a package? It seems R CMD check is not happy about it? I simply ran R CMD BATCH xxx.R but running later on R CMD check on the package
2011 Apr 13
R plots pdf() does not allow spotcolors?
Hi We are about to publish a book, which contains figures made with R plots. An important detail that we did not take into account is that the book will not be printed in 4 colors (cmyk mode), but only 2 (black +"spotcolor"). The spotcolor we use is part of the big Pantone family. The problem is that both pdf() and postscript() offer either rgb or cmyk, but no spotcolors such as
2012 Oct 24
R CMD BATCH: set locale?
Hi I would like to change the locale when using R CMD BATCH. Usually, if I want to run it in english, for R in console/GUIs, I edit the .Rprofile file, adding: Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL","en_US.UTF8") Sys.setlocale("LC_MESSAGES","en_US.UTF8") But while this works for interactive R, it does not for R CMD BATCH. The problem is that running tests for a package,
2011 Jan 24
error with source(): invalid 'times' value
hi I am seeing a strange behavior I can't understand... doing: > source("/tmp/RFile.r",echo=TRUE) Error in, continue.echo), c(leading, length(dep) - : invalid 'times' value > traceback() 3:, continue.echo), c(leading, length(dep) - leading)) 2: paste(, continue.echo), c(leading, length(dep)
2010 Apr 15
Changing locale?
Hi I need for a specific application to change the locale of R 2.9.2 in Ubuntu 9.04. Trying the example in ?Sys.setlocale: Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "de_DE.utf8") [1] "" Warning message: In Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "de_DE.utf8") : la requ?te OS pour sp?cifier la localisation ? "de_DE.utf8" n'a pas pu ?tre honor?e I tried the code
2008 Nov 15
Update to 2.8 and problem with liblapack
Hello To update from R 2.6 to 2.8 (on Ubuntu 8.04 both) I had to install new tcl and liblapack packages (excuse me it is in french): > sudo apt-get install r-base-dev > Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait > Construction de l'arbre des d?pendances > Lecture des informations d'?tat... Fait > Les paquets suppl?mentaires suivants seront install?s : >
2011 Aug 16
invalid multibyte string at '<a0>'
Hi I have a problem reading files from Windows... these files have, instead of NA on last column. special ending '<a0>' which makes problem... This problem does not appear while reading the same file in Windows! Try: read.csv("") Could you please tell me if you also have this problem? I have tried either by cleaning the file on
2010 Nov 15
How to move an internal function to external keeping same environment?
Hi I have within a quite big function foo1, an internal function foo2. Now, in order to have a cleaner code, I wish to have the internal foo2 as "external". This foo2 was using arguments within the foo1 environment that were not declared as inputs of foo2, which works as long as foo2 is within foo1, but not anymore if foo2 is external, as is the case now. Now, I could add all those
2009 Jan 13
Using fortran code which call LAPACK subroutines
Hello I'm trying to run a fortran code which use LAPACK subroutines. I think I should use some points shown in the manual 5.5 Creating shared objects but it is too technical for me :-(... Could anyone help me for the procedure to do: -which part of the manual is relevant for this type of question? actually I'm speaking from writing R extensions, should I read R admin? -point 1.2
2011 Apr 19
Axes Alignment Problem for Multiple Plots
Dear all, I'm trying to plot, in the same window, two different series, using barplot() for the first one and plot() for the second. What happens is that the second chart has a different axes origin, therefore the final plot is wrong. This piece of code shows the differences between the values of par()$usr: barplot(coredata(Z0), beside=TRUE, ylim=c(0,100)); par()$usr;
2011 Apr 27
Package rgdal
Hi It was quite tricky to install package rgdal, needed to try a few times installing different gdal and proj debian packages... If feel it is one of the complicated package that deserve an automatic install... Do you think it would be possible to have once this package on r-cran- ? Or on the ppa you were mentioning Michael? Would be so nice and helpful!!! Thanks a lot Matthieu
2008 Nov 17
Partial update of r packages possible?
Hello I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 but I added in my source list some local mirror so I have possibility to upgrade to R 2.8. However, it seems that there is a dependency problem, (should install some liblapack libraries). This is not the problem, I can keep R 2.7. However, even if I'm not able to install R 2.8, the other packages: -r-base-html -r-base-doc -r-doc-info -r-doc-html -r-doc-pdf
2009 Jan 20
Sweave: conflict between setwd and \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=}
Hello I think there is a conflict between setwd() and \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=}. In the same document, those both command get Sweave confuse the files and directories. See: say my .Rnw document is in File1 If one inserts some setwd() for another file: -setwd(File2) then the command \SweaveOpts{prefix.string=graphics/Rplots} will search the "graphics" folder in File2 because of