similar to: validates_presence_of not working

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 3000 matches similar to: "validates_presence_of not working"

2006 Mar 29
inserts now set unset columns to null
Hi, I upgraded to Ruby 1.8.4 and whatever the latest Rails is as of March 29 2006. I am using PostgreSQL 7.4. With the earlier version of rails, I had insert queries that looked like this: Topic Create (0.001189) INSERT INTO topics ("inlibrary", "irx_display_title", "irx_title", "title", "creation_stamp", "last_update_stamp",
2006 Mar 29
active record bug?
I have some code that generates the following log entries (annotated with #). The code takes place inside a transaction. A record is inserted. Then I get the of the newly inserted record, then I explicitly select that record (this is just to illustrate the problem). Then another insert is attempted and fails because of a constraint that requires one of the values entered to be an existing
2005 Dec 19
Error handling!
Hello all, I''m in the beginning states of learning ruby on rails development and have got to a part where I''m a little stuck! Basically writing a simple blog application, just to try something completely different! ;-) I have a page which displays the current blog entry, it''s comments and at the bottom of the page, a form to add a comment. So far, so good.
2006 Jun 20
Validation error_messages_for problem
I am having trouble getting error_messages_for to work. My controller(relevant parts) looks like def configure @account = session[:account] @user = end def add_new_user_to_account @user =[:user]) if @user.valid? session[:account].users << @user end redirect_to :action=> ''configure'' end end and my
2009 Nov 26
ActionView::TemplateError (can't convert ActiveRecord::Error into String)
I cannot work out why this error is appearing. ActionView::TemplateError (can''t convert ActiveRecord::Error into String) on line #3 of app/views/button/_show_enquiry.html.erb: 1: <h1>Send us a message</h1> 2: <% remote_form_for :enquiry, :url => {:action => ''send_mail''} do | f| %> 3: <%= error_messages_for ''enquiry'',
2006 Feb 15
error_messages_for trouble
I am trying so learn how to do custom validations. The validation works as expected, but I can''t get "error_messages_for" to display. How is the name of the object supposed to be formated? Where is this object created, the model or controller? What am I doing wrong here? #### Model ######################## class MyFolder < ActiveRecord::Base def validate # validation
2006 Jul 17
error_messages_for ?
Hi, I can''t list error_messages in my Form ??, and all the formfields are reset ...(I think my redirect :back clean everything, formfield and error_messages ...), only my flash[:notice] is ok.... I would like to use the "error_messages_for" tag to add a simple red * on my textfiled if a problem occurs ... thanks for help arnaud here are the basics steps to check that
2006 Feb 03
how to add multiple new records from one form
I''m trying to provide our customers with a page where they can add up to 20 items to their cart in one form. The form simply has 20 rows with each row containing a text input for product code and a text input for quantity. I''ve tried having the controller create an array that has an object for each row by looping through something like: @new_items[1] = and the
2005 Jul 23
Validation without ActiveRecord
Hello, I followed the instructions at But now I''m having trouble trying to create my form view. Here''s a brief rundown of what I''ve done: - Created a class called SearchRequest that extends ValidatingBase and saved it in a file called search_request.rb and put it in my models
2005 Dec 31
Validation errors not displaying and will not save
Hello all, I''m fairly new to rails so I''m probably doing something really stupid here.... I have been banging my head at this for hrs now... I''ve tried so many different things and nothing seems to get me any further... I am trying to create an image uploading page that will simultaneously create thumbnails to separate file directories and update the database via
2006 Jul 08
Creating/Saving dependent objects
Folks, Am new to RoR and am building an example to get myself familiar. I am running into a simple issue while creating a user registration page. I have a User and Address models defined as below (partial/relevant code included below). User has_one address and Address belongs_to user. I have a foreign key defined in address table that refers to user(id) In a form I take in username, password,
2008 Oct 25
Update action | NoMethodError | nil.to_sym
Ok, totally no reason why I''m getting an error in this model update and no other. HELP! CONTROLLER: # GET /employees/1/edit def edit @employee = Employees.find(params[:id]) end VIEW: <h1>Edit Employee</h1> <div id="main-sub"> <%= error_messages_for :employees %> <% form_for(@employee) do |f| %> <table width="600"
2007 Nov 20
How to test views with Nested Resources and Partials
Hi everyone, I am relatively new to rspec and I am running into a wall in testing my views. I have a RESTful resource Contracts with a nested resource of Line_items. I am trying to figure out how to test the "edit" form of the Line_items. What complicates this is the nested routing and how to account for it, and that there is a partial form (_form.haml) that both the edit.haml and
2006 Jul 18
A quick question on forms
I want to change parts of this form in order to use default values (with a disabled input). The problem is if I change it from text_field to text_field_tag that part of the form stops functioning. It seems like a silly question, but its been driving me crazy. Any help would help. Steve. <%= error_messages_for ''post'' %> <!--[form:post]--> <p><label
2007 Nov 06
Why is this view spec failing?
I can''t figure out why I am getting a failure. It renders out fine in the browser. <h1>New member</h1> <%= error_messages_for :member %> <% form_for(:member, :url => members_path) do |f| %> <fieldset> <legend>Member Info</legend> <p><label for="member[first_name]">First Name:</label> <%=
2008 Feb 17
"URL" model not possible?
Hello there, I just added an URL model to my app (allowing users to basically add urls etc), which works perfectly fine on the console, but the views are not working properly. I always get the following error (e.g. when wanting to create/add a new url): ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `rewrite'' for #<Url: 0x25a6070>) on line #5 of urls/new.html.erb: 2: 3: <%=
2006 Jan 13
Form field naming semantics question
Hi, I have a question today regarding how the various form elements in _form.rhtml are named. I understand that for a database table "persons" with a column headed by "name", then in _form.rhtml it will probably be like: <p><label for="person_name">Name><br/> <%= text_field ''person'', ''name''
2005 Sep 02
Form to update two tables
Hello there, this is probably a very simple problem but I''m stuck. I''m following the Login generator tutorial from rubyonrails. It''s all worked fine so far. But I want to add a bit more functionality so that when a user signs up in addition to chosing a login name and password they type in a company name which is added to a seperate table called COMPANIES. The id
2006 Jun 13
help with ''error_messages_for''
Greetings, I''m in the throws of deploying an app on site5, and I''m getting strange errors. I think I might need to understand how error_messages_for works. I get a pretty standard looking error: " You have a nil object when you didn''t expect it! You might have expected an instance of ActiveRecord::Base. The error occured while evaluating nil.errors Extracted
2006 Apr 29
can i alter the _form.rhtml without have troubles to validat
hello my name is reynaldo and i have a problem i alter the _form.rhtml to display a select option in the place a simple text_box, and the application work very well, but in the moment that i apply a validation in the model i get a error. the code is the next in the controller: def new @catelemento = @komandancias = Catcomandancia.find(:all) end in the