similar to: handle graph size in eps

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "handle graph size in eps"

2000 Nov 20
Bug in stars.R (PR#739)
Hi all, Please let me know if this isn't the correct place to report bugs in contributed code. Otherwise, the following code contains one additional line and a short comment above it. The extra line of code catches the unusual situation where a data column contains all 0 values. The corrected code is below the signature. Thanks for your help. Tom Thomas S. Dye, Ph.D.
2006 Sep 11
graphics: y limit on xyplot
I would like to set the y axis limit of an xyplot using the object 'ylimit', but receive this error: [1] 990 Error in extend.limits(limitlist[[i]], axs = axs) : improper length of lim I get the same error if I use ylim. library(lattice) trellis.device(col = FALSE, theme = lattice.getOption("col.whitebg")) name <- "Variable name" symbols <-
2007 Nov 23
ggplo2: fixed extent greater than data?
Hi everyone! I'm digging into ggplot for some while now, I must say it's great! But - as some others have posted before, and hadley knows very well himself - the documentation is lacking some bits... So I have to pose that question directly: I'd like to produce a series of maps with different data on, but exactly the same extent in each plot. Is there a way of switching the
2011 Mar 18
XYPlot Conditioning Variable in Specific, Non-Alphanumeric Order.
# I need to create an xyplot() where I control the specific order of # both my conditioning variables. The default code below plots the # data correctly (dispersed across all 14 columns), but fails in two # ways. Both the primary conditioning variable (Transect), and the # secondary conditioning variable (Offset) are in alphanumeric order, # rather than the specific order I need. # Here
2013 Oct 14
ENMCA in EnQuireR problems!
Hello, I am a post-doc of the Federal University of Santa Catarina State (UFSC). Last year, used EnQuireR for hirarchical cluster analisis and end up very well. I formated my computer couple months ago and installed R again as version x64 3.0.2. have new data which ENMCA function of EnQuireR package is not running. R seems to be fine as it runs funcions of other packages. Even MCA
2009 Sep 14
How do I ensure that the minimum value is always displayed on a y-axis in a plot?
Good day all, I'm trying to plot a figure and ensure that the minimum and maximum values are always displayed. However, the code below does not display the minimum value, no matter what I try. Could someone please help? Thanking you in advance, George. Code below for reproduction (apologies if the paste is too long) >blah [1] 0.41955516 0.37330949 0.37934005 0.38013805 0.40092939
2011 Jan 26
return object from loop inside a function
Hi All, I have a for loop inside the function and I cannot get UUU to give me an updated grid.dens object when I run the function (it does update when I run just the for loop). Here's a simplified version of my function: UUU=function(pop, grid.dens) { for (i in 1:10){ Food=grid.dens[pop$yloc[i],pop$xloc[i]] #use initial grid.dens values Consumed=(pop$weight[i]*0.25) Left=Food-Consumed
2003 Nov 13
xlims of barplot
I would like to create a family of barplots with the same xlimits. Is there a way to "read" the xlimits from the first graph so I can apply it to the subsequent ones? I have tried just taking the min and max of the x data and the plot doesn't show. cheers [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Mar 09
plotlmer graphics/x-axis and legend options
Hi, I am Using R.2.9.2 and I am trying to make nicer some graphics, which are constructed with plotmer.fnc. In particular, I have two questions: 1. Is is a way to decide in which order we want the labels on the x-axis. For now, the reference value label is the first one, and the other labels appear in the alphabetical order. I would like them to be sorted in the ascending way. Here is my
2003 Sep 17
Just don't do it, surely? (was RE: Retrieve ... argument values)
Thanks for the insight. > -----Original Message----- > From: Prof Brian Ripley [mailto:ripley at] <snip> > dots <- list(...) > haveYlim <- "ylim" %in% names(dots) > > is the sort of thing we still understand 5 years later. > I didn't say "understand", I said "easily follow". Obviously how "easily" is
2010 Mar 30
Dear developers, the current implementation of hist.default() calculates 'density' (and 'intensities') as dens <- counts/(n*h) where h has been calculated before as h <- diff(fuzzybreaks) which results in 'fuzzy' values for the density, see e.g. > tmp <- hist(1:10,breaks=c(-2.5,2.5,7.5,12.5),plot=FALSE) > print(tmp$density,digits=15) [1]
2011 Mar 01
Lattice: useOuterStrips and axes
Consider the following: library(lattice) library(latticeExtra) temp <- expand.grid( subject = factor(paste('Subject', 1:3)), var = factor(paste('Variable', 1:3)), time = 1:10 ) temp$resp <- rnorm(nrow(temp), 10 * as.numeric(temp$var), 1) ylimits <- by(temp$resp, temp$var, function(x) range(pretty(x))) useOuterStrips(xyplot( resp ~ time
2011 May 23
panel.first problem when plotting with formula
I wrote a little function called bgfun that adds gridlines and a background, but it's not working with I plot using the formula. I have some theories on what's happening, but even if my theory is right, I don't know how to fix it. Someone have a straightforward silver bullet? Thank you, Gene bgfun = function(color='honeydew2',linecolor='grey45',
2009 Aug 19
Hello!   I am trying to merge two xy-plot with different ylimits.   Can someone please give me possible way of achieving it..   Thank you Regards Dimple [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Apr 22
converting histogram to barchart
Hi list, After a lot of tweaking i have managed to create a histogram with an overlaying density plot. The histogram shows a sample of birth weights of babies and the density plot shows birth weights from a much larger reference populaton. My data is divided in 0.1 Kg bins so in the code below binweigh=0.1. The trouble with the current graph is that it is not very clear since the density plot
2007 Feb 20
Simplification of Generalised Linear mixed effects models using glmmPQL
Dear R users I have built several glmm models using glmmPQL in the following structure: m1<-glmmPQL(dev~env*har*treat+dens, random = ~1|pop/rep, family = Gamma) (full script below, data attached) I have tried all the methods I can find to obtain some sort of model fit score or to compare between models using following the deletion of terms (i.e. AIC, logLik, anova.lme(m1,m2)), but I
2009 Aug 19
Fw: Hist & kernel density estimates
For the hist estimate >par(mex=1.3) >dens<-density(q) >options(scipen=4) > ylim<-range(dens$y) > h<-hist(q,breaks="scott",freq=FALSE,probability=TRUE, +? right=FALSE,xlim=c(9000,16000),ylim=ylim,main="Histogram of q(scott)") > lines(dens) >box() ? For the kernel estimate>options(scipen=4) > d <- density(q, bw =
2006 Sep 06
problem with putting objects in list
Hi I use the following code and it stores the results of density() in the list dr: dens <- function(run) { density( positions$X[positions$run==run], bw=3, cut=-2 ) } dr <- lapply(1:5, dens) but the results are stored in dr[[i]] and not dr[i], i.e. plot(dr[[1]]) works, but plot([1]) doesn't. Is there any way that I can store them in dr[i]? Thanks a lot, Rainer -- Rainer M. Krug,
2011 Apr 28
using lme4 with three nested random effects
Hi all, I'm trying to fit models for data with three levels of nested random effects: site/transect/plot. For example, modelincrBS<-glmer(|site/transect/plot), data=rws30.UL, family=gaussian, na.action=na.omit) but I get the following error: Error: length(f1) == length(f2) is not
2013 Jan 22
density of hist(freq = FALSE) inversely affected by data magnitude
Hi, I have a couple of observations, a question or two, and perhaps a suggestion related to the plotting of density on the y-axis within the hist() function when freq=FALSE. I was using the function and trying to develop an intuitive understanding of what the density is telling me. After reading through this fairly helpful post: