Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Variable scope."
2009 Mar 06
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima) (CONCLUSIONS)
Thanks a lot to everybody that helped me out with this.
In order to edit arima in R:
or alternatively:
This is not contained in the "Introduction to R" manual.
A "productive" fix of arima is attached (arma coefficients printed out and
error catched so that it doesn't halt parent loops to search for
2009 Jan 29
Arima_Like() and NaN - a (possible) problem, a patch, and RFC
recently I have started working with R (v. 2.7.2), and I have been using
R's internal ARIMA_Like() function (from the "stats" package) to
estimate some ARIMA models. In particular, I use ARIMA_Like() in a
function "fn()" that I feed to the optim() method; the main goal is to
find optimal ARIMA prediction models for some time series.
The ARIMA_Like() function returns a
2008 Jun 12
arima() bug
I guess this is more r-devel than r-help.
Note, I am just the messenger - I have no idea what the user is trying to model here.
arima() crashes R (segfault) with Linux R-2.7.0, Solaris R-2.6.0:
*** caught segfault ***
address 42400000, cause 'memory not mapped'
1: .Call(R_getQ0, phi, theta)
2: makeARIMA(trarma[[1]], trarma[[2]], Delta, kappa)
3: arima(x, c(1, 0, 1), c(1,
2013 Mar 22
predict.Arima error "'xreg' and 'newxreg' have different numbers of columns"
Hello all,
I use arima to fit the model with
fit <- arima(y, order = c(1,0,1), xreg = list.indep, include.mean = TRUE)
and would like to use predict() to forecast:
chn.forecast <- rep(0,times=num.record)
chn.forecast[1] <- y[1]
for (j in 2:num.record){
indep <- c(aa=chn.forecast[j-1], list.indep[j,2:num.indep]) # this is the newxreg in the
2009 Feb 17
What's the predict procedure of ARIMA in R?
Recently, I am working on a seasonal ARIMA model. And I met some problem in the forecasting.
Now I just want to know that How does R perform the predict procedure(the predict formula, the initial setting of errors,etc.)?
I run the following commands and get the original code of the "predict" command, but I can't read it.
Can anybody explain it to me?
saji from
2010 Mar 31
predict.Arima: warnings from xreg magic
When I run predict.Arima in my code, I get warnings like:
Warning message:
In cbind(intercept = rep(1, n), xreg) :
number of rows of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 1)
I think this is because I'm not running predict.Arima in the same
environment that I did the fit, so the data object used in the fit is no
longer present. Looking at the predict.Arima source,
2010 May 25
getQ0 gives different results
getQ0 function is used in arima. I am trying to recode arima function in
perl ( I have to use this function in grid. We have restrictions to install
R package in large set of machines ) The getQ0 acts differently for same
kind of input ( I hope ).
> init
[1] 18.368400 0.415422 0.415422
> arma
[1] 1 1 0 1 1 1 0
> transform.pars
[1] 1
> trarma = .Call(stats:::R_ARIMA_
2004 Sep 27
optim error in arima
I'm fitting a series of ARIMA models to a data set to compare fits. After taking the logs of the data and then differencing them to induce stationarity, I execute
arima( y, order=c( p, 0, q ), seasonal=list( order=c( P, 0, Q ), period=7 ) )
for various values of p, q, P and Q. For one set of these values, I get
Error in optim(init[mask], armafn, method = "BFGS", hessian
2009 Nov 01
problems whit seasonal ARIMA
I have daily wind speed data and need to fit seasonal ARIMA model, problem
is that my period is 365. But when I use arima(...) function, with period
365, I?m getting error message: ?Error in makeARIMA(trarma[[1]],
trarma[[2]], Delta, kappa) : maximum supported lag is 350?. Can someone
help me with this problem?
Thank you
Sincerely yours,
Laura Saltyte
2013 Sep 09
Fitting Arima Models and Forecasting Using Daily Historical Data
Hello everyone,
I was trying to fit an arima model to a daily historical data, but, for
some reason, havent been able to.
I basically have 212 observations (from 12/1/2012 to 06/30/2013) containing
the number of transits for a particular vessel.
The following messages are produced by R:
dailytrans.fit<-arima(dailytrans$transits, order=c(0,1,2),
seasonal=list(order=c(0,1,2), period=365),
2010 Aug 04
Maximum seasonal 'q' parameter
Hi R,
Seems like the maximum seasonal 'q' parameter for the ?arima is 350. Any
way, where we can increase this? Since I am working on 3 year (q=252*3)
and 5 year(q=252*5) returns, I may require this option. Thanks.
> fit=arima(r,c(3,0,0),seasonal = list(order = c(0, 0, 500), period =
Error in makeARIMA(trarma[[1L]], trarma[[2L]], Delta, kappa) :
2009 Feb 19
Arima bug?
I was looking at the 'R' code associated with arima. I see the following:
upARIMA <- function(mod, phi, theta) {
p <- length(phi)
q <- length(theta)
mod$phi <- phi
mod$theta <- theta
r <- max(p, q + 1)
if (p > 0)
mod$T[1:p, 1] <- phi
if (r > 1)
mod$Pn[1:r, 1:r] <-
2008 Jul 29
optim fails when using arima
Hi all,
I?m using the arima() function to study a time series but it gives me
the following error:
Error en optim(init[mask], armafn, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE,
control = optim.control, :
non-finite finite-difference value [3]
I know that I can change the method of the arima() to "CSS" instead of
"ML" but I'm specially interested in using
2007 Jan 18
arima function
I want to modify the arima function. Can anyone can tell me what are the objects: R_ARIMA_transPars,R_ARIMA_Like, R_ARIMA_Invtrans, R_ARIMA_undoPars...?
best regards.
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2015 May 22
In R devel rev.66393 (2014-08-15) it was possible to do this:
trace(optim, exit = quote(str(returnValue())))
but returnValue() does not seem to be available any more. The above
was useful to get the output of a function when it was called deep
within another function that I have no control over.
Has this been replaced by some other equivalent function?
P.S. This demonstrates that it no
2004 Aug 02
help(arima) return value typo?
in ?arima (R-1.9.1), the return value component 'convergence' should be
(it's a pity there is no reliable way to check return value documentation
consistency with the code, or is there?)
Hiroyuki Kawakatsu
School of Management and Economics
25 University Square
Queen's University, Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
Northern Ireland
2004 Aug 02
help(arima) return value typo?
in ?arima (R-1.9.1), the return value component 'convergence' should be
(it's a pity there is no reliable way to check return value documentation
consistency with the code, or is there?)
Hiroyuki Kawakatsu
School of Management and Economics
25 University Square
Queen's University, Belfast
Belfast BT7 1NN
Northern Ireland
2011 Mar 24
Problems with predict in fGarch
Hello. I am using fGarch to estimate the following model:
garchFit(formula = fmla, data = X[, i], trace = F)
Mean and Variance Equation:
data ~ arma(1, 1) + garch(1, 1)
Conditional Distribution:
mu ar1 ma1 omega alpha1 beta1
-0.94934 1.00000 -0.23211 54.06402 0.45709 0.61738
Std. Errors:
based on Hessian
Error Analysis:
2009 Jan 26
how to modify an R built-in function?
Hello R experts!
Last week I run in to a lot a problems triyng to fit an ARIMA model to a
time series. The problem is that the internal process of the arima function
call function "optim" to estimate the model parameters, so far so good...
but my data presents a problem with the default method "BFGS" of the optim
function, the output error looks like this:
Error en
2011 Oct 21
Arima Models - Error and jump error
Hi people,
I´m trying to development a simple routine to run many Arima models result
from some parâmeters combination.
My data test have one year and daily level.
A part of routine is:
for ( d in 0:1 )
{ for ( p in 0:3 )
{ for ( q in 0:3 )
{ for ( sd in 0:1 )
{ for ( sp in 0:3 )
{ for ( sq in 0:3 )