similar to: Hmisc latex() and Rcmdr numSummary() percentage issues

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Hmisc latex() and Rcmdr numSummary() percentage issues"

2009 May 07
Hmisc::latex() help
Dear R-helpers, I have a data frame (info[[j]]) that looks like this: necklace originalPosition same run surprise1 pair surprise2 triple surprise3 1 1 1 0 2 2.709511 11 4.81884167930642 110 2.70951129135145 2 1 2 0 2 2.709511 10 1 000 1 3 0 3 NA NA
2003 Jun 13
problem with latex of object summary reverse
Hi, I have the following problem (library Hmisc loaded, iris data loaded, R Version 1.7.0 (2003-04-16), packages updated, running on a linux Debian i386): > summary(Species~Sepal.Length,method="reverse")->a > a Descriptive Statistics by Species +------------+-----------------+-----------------+-----------------+ | |setosa |versicolor |virginica
2011 Nov 22
Rcmdr numSummary: means of multiple variables without grouping
Hello there, when using the function numSummary in Rcmdr and selecting more than one variable (without grouping), the grand mean across all variables is returned for each variable instead of the mean of each single variable. However, this happens only for the mean, and not for sd, quantiles and na. This is the output: > numSummary(dataset1 [,c("var1", "var2")],
2005 Aug 30
Convert ftable to latex?
Dear list, I cannot make the latex command to output a ftable objet the way I want it. Is it posible? I found a post in the archives saying that one should use the rgroup and n.rgroup arguments to supply the row names, but so far I have been unsuccessful. This is what I have: >
2010 Jul 13
latex table question
Hi: My head is spinning with this latex doc so hopefully after I align my tables to the left of the page my headache are going to be over. I always use: \hspace*{-0.1in} to move my figures horizontally to the left margin of the page but the table below doesn't move at all, but instead it gets sideways. Not sure if \begin{landscape} has something to do with it or is just me. I? hope someone
2004 Sep 26
Sweave: superfluous newline (`\\') in tex file
Hi, I'm having trouble sweaving the following example: --8<------------------------schnipp------------------------->8--- \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \SweaveOpts{echo=FALSE} @ <<>>= rm(list=c(ls())) library(Hmisc) library(ISwR) data(energy) energy$log <- log(energy$expend) attach(energy) @ %def @ <<results=tex>>= mysum <- summary(stature ~
2010 Dec 07
latex() hangs R console
[Env: R 2.11.1, Win Xp, Miktex 2.7] I've just started using Hmisc::latex and friends, and find that running latex() produces the .tex and .dvi files, but hangs, presumably trying to run yap. An example is below. What could be wrong? My PATH seems OK: > strsplit(Sys.getenv("path"),';') $path [1] "c:\\program files\\imagemagick-6.4.4-q16"
2010 Jun 18
Latex problem in Hmisc (3.8-1) and Mac Os X with R 2.11.1
Dear all, I did post this more or less identical mail in a follow up to another question I posted, but under another heading. I try again, but now under the correct header. upon running this code (from the Hmisc library-latex function) I believe the call to summary.formula is allright and produces wonderful tables, but the latex command results in a correct formatted table but where all the
2013 Mar 15
latex(test, collabel=) returns wrong latex code?
Hello: I'm working with a 2-dimensional table that looks sort of like test below. I'm trying to produce latex code that will add dimension names for both the rows and the columns. In using the following code, latex chokes when I include collabel='Vote' but it's fine without it. The code below prouces the latex code further below. I'm confused by this, because it looks
2007 Dec 05
Export to LaTeX using xtable() - Control the digits to the right of the separator [solved]
Hello everyone, The thread title speaks for itself. Here's the code that worked for me: > numSummary(finance[,"Employees"], statistics=c("mean", "sd", "quantiles")) mean sd 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% n NA 11492.92 29373.14 1777 3040 4267 6553 179774 53 5 > str(numSummary(finance[,"Employees"],
2009 Apr 23
latex(Hmisc): cgroup + rownames shifts column names
I have submitted this as a bug ( but I am wondering if anyone else has seen it or perhaps developed a workaround. I could certainly fix the LaTeX by hand, but I am using this inside Sweave, so it is a bit cumbersome. The exact same code used to work fine, but something changed underneath it. Even so, perhaps I am using the latex() command
2015 Nov 25
Estimados Instale MiKTeX 2,9 y Texmaker y se mantiene el problema. Apreciaría la ayuda de los conocedores Saludos Cuando quiero hacer una tabla con el paquete stargazer, esto es lo que sale stargazer(attitude) % Table created by stargazer v.5.2 by Marek Hlavac, Harvard University. E-mail: hlavac at % Date and time: lu., nov. 16, 2015 - 10:55:58 \begin{table}[!htbp]
2007 Jan 10
2 problems with latex.table (quantreg package) - reproducible
Dear all, When using latex.table from the quantreg package, I don't seem to be able to set table.env=FALSE: when I don't specify caption (as I think I should, when understanding the R help rightly(?)), I get an error message, and when I do so, of course I get one, as well. The funny thing is, that a table is indeed produced in the first case, so I get a nice tabular, but as I'm using
2015 Nov 16
Estimados Cuando quiero hacer una tabla con el paquete stargazer, esto es lo que me sale, probablemente tengo que instalar algun programa sessionInfo() R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14) Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit) Running under: Windows 8 x64 (build 9200) locale: [1] LC_COLLATE=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_CTYPE=Spanish_Spain.1252 [3] LC_MONETARY=Spanish_Spain.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C [5]
2013 Apr 25
tables: proper use of Hline() in tabular()
Dear all, I am unable to understand how Hline() works in tabular(). I've read the vignette and the help page, and here this example compiles perfectly fine: latex( tabular( Species + Hline() + 1 ~ Heading()*mean*All(iris), data=iris) ) However, if I try it on my own data it fails. Consider this: set.seed(1) Xa <- data.frame(p=rep(c("First group","Second
2004 Jan 26
Significances of Korrelations and Sweave
Hi, 1. I've written a function to obtain significances of correlations (there is probably already a function for this, but I'm still not very familar with all the functions). This function works just fine, but there are some differences with e.g. SPSS, not large though. Maybe some floating point calculation issues [1]? Maybe someone has time to have a look, I've uploaded a working
2009 Aug 19
[Hmisc] latex() with ctable=T inserting unwanted empty line in .tex file when used on summary.formula(method="reverse") object
Dear useRs, When I'm using Hmisc's latex() function with ctable=TRUE on a summary.formula with method="reverse" object and saving in a .tex file, the latter contains an unwanted empty line which makes compilation fail. Here is a brief example : library(Hmisc) test <- data.frame(a=sample(1:30,10),b=sample(c("good","bad","ugly"),10,replace=T))
2009 Oct 02
trouble with html() in Hmisc
Dear all On my system html() conversion of a `latex()' object fails. Follows a dummy example: > require(Hmisc) > data(Angell) > .object <- cor(Angell[,1:2], use="complete.obs") > tmp <- latex(.object, cdec=c(2,2), title="") > class(tmp) [1] "latex" > html(tmp) /tmp/RtmprfPwzw/file7e72f7a7.tex:9: Warning: Command not found: \tabularnewline
2010 Jul 15
Backslash \ in string
Dear R community, is there any way to include a backslash in a charakter string without meaning some escape sequence? E.g. i need a string like: a <- '\hline' Error: '\h' is an unrecognized escape in character string starting "\h" to include some latex code in a xtable object, but I only mange to do: a <- '\\hline' which is not what I want. In
2010 Jul 22
pagebreak in xtable and columns'width
Dear list, I'm using the Sweave function in order to get some report. Here one chunk: <<echo=F,results=tex>>= report<-lapply(repor, function(x) { (print(xtable(data.frame(x[1:2,]), align="|l|rrr|"),floating=FALSE,tabular. environment="longtable",include.colnames=FALSE,size="\\small"))