similar to: Order of tests matters???

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "Order of tests matters???"

2006 Feb 01
Test data life cycle confusion
Hi, It states on page 140 of Agile Web Development with Rails: Here?s the bottom line: even if a test method updates the test database, the database is put back to its default state before the next test method is run. This is important because we don?t want tests to become dependent on the results of previous tests. Well, I''ve been running into a brick wall with some functional tests
2005 Nov 18
[Request] file_column configurability
I wasn''t sure where to email this request, so I am hoping the author of file_column actually sees this. I was wondering if there were any plans to allow some configurability in the file_column plugin. By configurability I mean allowing the developer to define which table column is used as the unique identifier when creating image folders. Right now it seems like it uses the ID of the
2006 Feb 03
Rails from the command line
I have controller that processes data in one table and puts results in another. Now that its'' working, I would like to be able to run it from the command line ( read: windows batch file). How can this be done? It will be installed on a Windows box with InstantRails1.0, (if that matters). I will be doing more processes like this, so this is a good opportunity to get it right. -- Best
2006 Jan 31
How to Affect Plugin Load Order
I''m using bundled_resource, login_engine, and a few other plugins. It appears Rails considers plugins in alphabetic order. Turns out that there is a particular order that will work and alphabetic ain''t it. The login engine must be loaded first. Bundled resource then includes ''application_helper'' and the application helper includes LoginEngine. If
2006 Feb 04
I just can''t figure it out !
Howdy RailsWarriors, Its probably dead easy but I don''t see it. Got this in my controller. def new_computer User.find(params[:id]).computers.create(:comp => ''New Comp:'') end Which with an .rjs template creates a div at the bottom of my list. This all works like a charm. But in the partial I load in my rjs I also have a button for ''delete'' in the
2005 Oct 28
Accessing fixture
I have a very simple problem. I can''t seem to access a the fixture by name I have a sites.yml with: simple_site: id: 1 name: demo description: A demo site created_on: 2005-10-25 00:00:00 updated_on: 2005-10-25 00:00:00 And I have a test class as: require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class SiteTest < Test::Unit::TestCase fixtures
2006 May 05
Testing model: test becomes dependent on previous test
Im having trouble with Testing models. im following the tutorials in the book Agile Web Development with Rails. if i execute the code product_test.rb, i get this error: ============================================================ 1) Failure: test_update2(ProductTest) [test/unit/product_test.rb:30]: <29.95> expected but was <99.95>. 3 tests, 11 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors
2005 Dec 23
Extending model
Hi, I''m looking for a way to extend one of my models to allow some level of abstraction between what goes into it and how it is stored. For example, say I have a Product and I want to set it''s price. A person using the website will type the price in euros. Internally, I''d like to store the price as an integer value of cents. I can currently do this with some ugly code
2006 Jan 17
Rails Unit test Problem
Hi all, I have a problem with unit test database data reload. I have several test_xxx function in my ruby unit test file I would like to know why xxxx.yml containing test data are load only 1 time for all the test while specification say it done for before each test method. Thus my test_xxx are dependant of previous test This is a mistake, because the specs say the test data are reload
2005 Dec 15
passing parameters to link_to OR better way to do this?
Hi All: I''m writing my 1st Rails app and I can''t seem to find the answer on the web or in the book. I''m making a table, and I want to be able to expand a filename. The code is basically as as follows below. In the last <td> entry, I want to call an action and pass in the test_results_path, which I will go and read a file and munge the data for a separate
2006 Jan 29
Reload the lib directory
Im writing a module in the lib directory. If I change the module, the changes are not visible to the application when i releod the web page (i am in the development evironment). I must restart the web server (WEBrick) and so i see the changes... but I lost more time. How can I reload the module in the dirictory lib, without reload WEBrick? Thanks so much --Reis -- Posted via
2006 Jan 30
:condition not being applied
I am using acts_as_taggable and everything seems to be working except that :condition => "tags_resources.portal_id=#{portal_id}" is not being applied. @resource_pages = self, Resource.find_tagged_with(:any => tag, :condition => "tags_resources.portal_id=#{portal_id}").length, 25, @params[''page'']; @resources
2006 Apr 21
destory Test Case Messes up all tests
I am trying to create unit tests for my users model but when I add a test that destroys a user, that user is not available in any of the other test. If I remove the test that destroys the user all my other tests work again. All the fixtures are suppose be reloaded between tests right? Here is my testcase : require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ''/../test_helper'' class UserTest
2006 Feb 05
Emacs rails.el
Features: * Management WEBrick - start, stop * Viewing log files * Abbrev from TextMate * Switching between View/Action
2005 Apr 20
acts_as_list and single table inheritance
in a single table inheritance model, rails will automatically set the scope for acts_as_list to the ''type'' field as well as any other scope conditions we provide. Is there a way to disable this? i want to use STI but I want acts_as_list to disregard the class type when getting/setting positions. thanks alan
2006 Feb 02
ajax insertion into a form
After an ajax insertion in the dom, it seems the browser don''t refresh its knowledge of the page. The source of the page is identical after the insertion, whereas the display is correct. The ajax insertion is used to add an input field. The added fields are ignored by the submission of the form. Isn''t it possible to do that, or maybe there''s a problem in my code
2007 Dec 18
MySQL transactions not working in unit tests?
I just installed acts_as_authenticated into an app and one of its unit tests is failing. The cause is that another unit test''s changes to the AAA fixtures aren''t being rolled back. I''m confused, since I have transactional fixtures turned on and MySQL InnoDB engine being used. Details: - MySQL 5.0.24. InnoDB is the default engine, all tables in the test db are using the
2006 Jan 28
RailsCron 0.2 questions
Hi all, I''ve set up RailsCron to send email reminders on a daily basis. My dev environment is Rails trunk on Debian Sarge, lighttpd running as a regular user. I''m having two issues: 1) When I run "rake cron_start", I get rake aborted! undefined method `blank?'' for "":String The "blank?" method is provided by Rails, so I''m
2006 Mar 01
rails models, logging and testing
Hello, I am using rails 1.0 and I have following questions. Please help me. [1] How can I do logging in the rails models? I checked the wiki but didn''t find anything which I explained how to do logging in models. [2] Say I have a certain model, when I declare a function in the model, and try to use that function from a view or a unit test, I get an error. For views the error occurs
2005 Dec 15
Passing parameters to before_filter methods
I have a method that checks for a given role. I want to write something in my controllers like before_filter :check_roles(''admin'') Which will ensure the current user has the admin role. Is it possible to pass parameters in this way? Ian