Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "AIC value in lmer"
2013 Apr 16
Model ranking (AICc, BIC, QIC) with coxme regression
I'm actually trying to rank a set of candidate models with an information criterion (AICc, QIC, BIC). The problem I have is that I use mixed-effect cox regression only available with the package {coxme} (see the example below).
>spring.cox <- coxme (Surv(start, stop, Real_rand) ~ strata(Paired)+R4+R3+R2+(R3|Individual), spring)
I've already found some explications in
2009 Mar 10
(no subject)
Dear R users,
I have a table with the following form
1 -70 30
1 -70 30
1 -70 30
2 -72 29
2 -72 29
2 -72 29
2 -72 29
How want to extract unique value for those columns ... I am sure it is very simple, but I can not achieve to find the correct way !
I want to obtain something like
2002 Mar 01
Type III Sum of Squares
When doing a two-ways anova in R and comparing my same results with an SPSS
output, I noticed that R calculated type I Sum of Squares. Is it possible to
use Type III Sum of Squares?
S?bastien Plante
Institut des Sciences de la Mer de Rimouski (ISMER)
r-help mailing list -- Read
2013 Apr 17
Mancova with R
Dear all,
I'm trying to compare two sets of variables, the first set is composed exclusively of numerical variables and the second regroups factors and numerical variables. I can't use a Manova because of this inclusion of numerical variables in the second set. The solution should be to perform a Mancova, but I didn't find any package that allow this type of test.
I've already
2013 Apr 24
RDA permutest envfit
Dear all,
I did a RDA and when I looked to the signification of the test with permutest, the output was non-significant. But when I used the envfit function, some of the vectors are significant. All the test's conditions are respected. What it means? Is it an error in the script?
Commands and output:
> permutest(rda.ind, perm=999, first=TRUE)
Permutation test for rda
2013 May 17
Error with adehabitatHR and kernelbb
Dear all,
I'm trying to get a Brownian bridge kernel (kernelbb) for each combination of two consecutive animal locations (see commands below) and put them, with a loop, inside a list. It works well at the beginning but after 42 runs, it appears the following warning :
>Error in seq.default(yli[1], yli[2], by = diff(xg[1:2])) :
> invalid (to - from)/by in seq(.)
I looked at the
2012 Nov 12
R lmer & SAS glimmix
I am trying to fit a model with lmer in R and proc glimmix in SAS. I have
simplified my code but I am surprised to see I get different results from
the two softwares.
My R code is :
lmer(y~age_cat + (1|cat),data=fic,family=binomial(link = "logit"), NaGQ=1)
My SAS code is :
ods output Glimmix.Glimmix.ParameterEstimates=t_estimates;
proc glimmix data=tab_psi method=laplace;
2005 Dec 29
Glimmix and glm
Some months age an e-mail was posted in which a comparison between Glimmix
and glm was discussed. I have not been able to find that e-mail on the R
archive. Does anyone recall the date of the above e-mail?
Thank you very much.
Antonio Paredes
USDA- Center for Veterinary Biologics
Biometrics Unit
510 South 17th Street, Suite 104
Ames, IA 50010
2008 Jan 04
GLMMs fitted with lmer (R) & glimmix (SAS)
I'm fitting generalized linear mixed models to using several fixed effects (main effects and a couple of interactions) and a grouping factor (site) to explain the variation in a dichotomous response variable (family=binomial). I wanted to compare the output I obtained using PROC GLIMMIX in SAS with that obtained using lmer in R (version 2.6.1 in Windows). When using lmer I'm specifying
2012 Jun 19
Pseudolikelihood Estimation of spatial GLMM using R
Dear R users,
I've been trying to find an R package which does the PL estimation of
spatial GLMMs especially with the negative binomial model. so it would be
something similar to the "proc GLIMMIX" with the PL method in SAS. I've
looked up some possible packages related to GLMMs, but it doesn't seem to be
anyone using the PL estimation.
Thanks for your help!
Fei He
2005 Dec 01
Strange Estimates from lmer and glmmPQL
I'm trying to fit a generalized mixed effects model to a data set where
each subject has paired categorical responses y (so I'm trying to use a
binomial logit link). There are about 183 observations and one
explanatory factor x. I'm trying to fit something like:
I also tried fitting the same type of model using glmmPQL from MASS. In
both cases, I get a
2012 Feb 24
code for mixed model in R?
I am analysing my data wit a mixed model. I used SAS but I want to redo the
same analysis in R. Here the SAS code and what I wrote in R. It seems to
work but the results are not the same. I don't know how to specify the class
variable in R or specify the variance matrix. Can you please help me?
## SAS:
proc glimmix data=trend method=RSPL;
class pid;
model mdrfinal
2008 Feb 14
Cholmod error `matrix not positive definite'
Dear R-users,
I'm new to R, so my apologies if this question doesn't make sense.
I've tried the following model in lmer, and it works perfectly:
model<-lmer(aphids~densroot+zone+(1|zone/site), family=quasipoisson)
But if I try the exact same model with a different variable, totmas, the model looks as follows:
model<-lmer(aphids~totmas+zone+(1|zone/site), family=quasipoisson)
2008 Feb 20
p-value for fixed effect in generalized linear mixed model
Dear R-users,
I am currently trying to switch from SAS to R, and am not very familiar with R yet, so forgive me if this question is irrelevant.
If I try to find the significance of the fixed factor "spikes" in a generalized linear mixed model, with "site" nested within "zone" as a random factor, I compare following two models with the anova function:
2009 May 19
xen and company os (winxp)
I would like to use xen on my company laptop (DELL Latitude D830 with dual
core intel cpu + 2 GB RAM) but first have to unclear some doubts about xen
So, my company provided winxp preinstaled with some special software for my
job. In addition I made dual boot with linux or opensolaris.
Now I would like to be on my linux all the time with ability of using winxp
all the time. :-)
2011 Dec 14
First PRoblem solved
> read.csv("KT80.csv")
X x
1 1 0.01331361
I ommitt "" in calling the file name...
2011/12/14 Trying To learn again <tryingtolearnagain@gmail.com>
> Hi all,
> I have 100 csv files always with this information (I Attach two example
> excels)
> KT80.csv contains:
> ,"x"
2008 Feb 08
Asterisk queue not play muscinhold or hangup
Dear all
I am going to setup Asterisk Call center solution and i have setup my queue and agent i have 2 SNOM ip phone but when i call to queue my agent phone is rining without musicnhold or when both phone is busy then i call to queue its directy hangup without musicnhole means my call not goes in to queue what is the problem
my queue.conf
[root at pbx asterisk]# cat
2008 Nov 20
syntax and package for generalized linear mixed models
Hi All,
I am making the switch to R and uncertain which of the several packages for
mixed models is appropriate for my analysis. I am waiting for Pinheiro and
Bates' book to arrive via inter-library loan, but it will be a week or more
before it arrives.
I am trying to fit a generalized linear mixed model of survival data
(successes/trials) as a function of several categorical fixed and
2007 Jul 17
Missing value in circ.mean and polar.plot
I try to compute circular means for a matrix with NAs, but the function "circ.mean" return only means for lines with complete values and do not accept "na.omit=T" or "na.rm=T", or "na.action=na.omit", or "na.fail=T".
Also, I try to use "polar.plot" of the package poltrix with the same matrix, but angles are not display because of
2003 Oct 26
ReplayTV connecting through Asterisk box
Has anyone had any luck getting a ReplayTV DVR box to connect
through an Asterisk box? Mine seems to dial just fine, but can't
negotiate a connection. I am using:
exten => _95380024,1,Dial(Zap/1/${EXTEN:1},120,d)
exten => _95380024,2,Congestion
I don't have any problems doing a fax though my system.
For this setup, I am running a simple Digium developer's kit
on a