similar to: a "date" x-axis in a xyplot

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "a "date" x-axis in a xyplot"

2009 Jan 12
anova() or aov()?
Dear all, I have a simple (I think) question that is troubling me lately: Is there any main difference between anova() command and aov() command when performing an ANOVA in Experimental design analyses? Thank you for your time, Ismini
2018 May 07
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
Jim, Thank you very much! How do I use the axis command for side=1 to label the x horizontal axis, in the format="%Y-%m-%d? style? Greg y_duration <- c (301.59050, 387.35700, 365.64366, 317.26150, 321.71883, 342.44950, 318.95350, 322.33233, 330.60333, 428.99516, 297.82066, 258.23166) x_yyyymmdd <-as.Date(c ("2018-04-25", "2018-04-26",
2010 Oct 07
text/mtext axis labels on graphs
Hello everyone I have problem with axis labels on graphs, I have my code as below: plot(0,0,xlim=c(1,ncol(PA)),ylim=c(1,nrow(PA)),main="Stratigraphic Range",xlab="Time Bins",ylab="Taxa",cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=2,cex.main=2.5,mgp=c(5,1.5,0),xaxt="n") text(1:(length(strat_name)), y= 0, adj=1, srt=45,labels=strat_name,xpd=TRUE, cex=1) #adds text to x
2013 Feb 27
lattice xyplot point labelling
This is my reproducible example<-structure(list(inq = structure(4:17, .Label = c("D4", "D5", "D6a", "D6b", "D6c", "D7", "D8", "F4", "F5a", "F5b", "F6a", "F6b", "F6c", "F6d", "F7a", "F7b", "F8"), class =
2012 Mar 28
xyplot lattice fine control of axes limits and thick marks (with log scale)
After a long and winding road (sorry but I'm a novice) I get to a final result which is quite close to what I need; nevertheless I would like to tweak a little further the xyplot so that I can get ***for each single panel defined by variable z*** a finer control over: -the x and y the limits: I would like to be the same for both axes; -the number of thick marks: again I would like to be same
2010 Aug 24
Rotate x-axis label on log scale
Hi I'd appreciate some help with plotting odds ratios. I want to rotate the labels on the x-axis by 45 degrees. The usual way of doing this, using text - e.g. text(1, par('usr')[3]-2.25..) - gives no result when the y-axis is a log scale. I guess this is because, as the par help says, for a logarithmic y-axis: y-limits will be 10 ^ par("usr")[3:4] Does anyone know
2003 Jan 24
problem with srt vector in xyplot {lattice}
[ R 1.6.1 ] PROBLEM The plot of the appended code does produce a postscript file which is not interpretable by gv under Linux. REMARK If the srt argument is commented out or set to a constant like 45 or 90, the ps file becomes interpretable. CODE xytest <- function( ... ){ with( airquality, { print( xyplot( Ozone ~ Temp | Month , panel
2010 Jun 22
Labels for matplot x axis
Hi all, I've been messing with this for a while now.. myStudy is a matrix of word frequency to date of document/document. As you can see I'm trying to plot the series in the matrix. I'd like three things -- 1- In the plot that gets created the first series is a solid line, the rest are dashed... how do I make them either one or the other. 2- The legend that comes up has filled boxes
2012 Feb 02
"shifted" bar chart / battleship curve
What I want to do is create a horizontal bar chart matrix for a set of data that have a common set of variables (e.g., % of As, % of Bs, etc.) listed on the Y-axis and groups (e.g., Classes) on the X-axis. The key here is that the bars for each individual class plot are "centered" rather than left or right-justified. In archaeology plots similar to this are called battleship curves or
2011 Apr 14
Categorical bubble plot
Hi, I do not have much R experience just the basics, so please excuse any obvious questions. I would like to create bubble plot that have Categorical data on the x and y axis and then the diameter if the bubble the value related to x and y. Attached to the email is a pic of what I would like to do. I do hope someone can help me. -- Regards/Groete/Mit freundlichen Gr??en/recuerdos/meilleures
2003 Sep 17
Date on x-axis of xyplot
xyplot doesn't seem to want to label my x-axis with dates but instead puts the day-number for each date. begdate is the number of days since January 1, 1960 and was initially created by library(date) ... polls$begdate<,begdd,begyy) I create a new dataframe (pollstack) which includes begdate. In the process begdate seems to lose its date attribute so I redo it as: >
2018 May 05
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
Hi Greg, What you are getting there is a factor, interpreted as a 1:n sequence based on the sort order of your "dates". Here's a way to get dates on your x-axis in the format you want: x_yyyymmdd<-as.Date(c("2018-04-25","2018-04-26","2018-04-27",
2010 Aug 12
x-axis label print in 45 degree
Hi how can print x-axis labels in 45 degree in boxplot() (or plot in general)? I can use las=2 to print in 90 degree, but it looks ugly. Is there a simple option to do 45 degree easily? Thanks John
2008 Jul 28
axis.break on Date-x-axis in lattice xyplot
Dear list, i am using the following code to produceĀ  a lattice xyplot, but the axis.break-function is seemingly not executed. Date<-seq(as.Date("2006-08-29"), as.Date("2007-08-28"), by="2 weeks") Period<- var1<-rnorm(27, 90000000, 30000000) var2<-rnorm(27, 500000000,250000000) var3<-rnorm(27, 1000000,500000) var4<-rnorm(27, 600000,300000)
2009 Jun 08
increase number of ticks on x axis of dates
My x axis is a series of daily dates (e.g., 01/01/2000, 01/02/2000, etc.) from 2000 to end of 2008. The default only gives me 4 ticks. I want more. Why doesn't this work? sdate<-as.POSIXct(strptime(date,format="%m/%d/%Y")) plot(ppt~sdate,type="l",ylim=c(0,47),col=1,lwd=1,pch=16,ylab="Salinity, psu",xlab="Year",las=1,main="Duck Key
2018 May 05
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
I am using R 3.5.0 for Mac OS X. Issuing these two commands yields the expected plot. y_duration <- c (301.59050, 387.35700, 365.64366, 317.26150, 321.71883, 342.44950, 318.95350, 322.33233, 330.60333, 428.99516, 297.82066) plot (y_duration, type="l?) Adding Year-Month-Day values for the x axis, and then calling plot (x,y), yields a bizarre plot. Apparently, R does not
2018 May 06
Adding Year-Month-Day to X axis
Jim, That you very much! How do I instruct staxlab to label once every n days, rather than labeling every day? Greg > On May 5, 2018, at 6:50 PM, Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at> wrote: > > staxlab(1,at=x_yyyymmdd,labels=format(x_yyyymmdd,"%Y-%m-%d")) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Sep 11
POSIXct dates on x-axis using xyplot
I am using 'xyplot' in lattice to plot some data where the x-axis is a POSIXct date. I have data which spans a 6 month period, but when I plot it, only the last month is printed on the right hand side of the axis. I would have expected that at least I would have a beginning and an ending point so that I have a point of reference as to the time that the data spans. Here is some test
2011 Jun 16
lines(..., lwd=3) inaccuracy
Using a line width > 1 results in not only a thicker line but also some fuzz in the other direction, as shown in this example program. You will see that the thick vertical black lines extend below the gray scale horizontal lines. Does anyone know whether this is intended or is it a bug? The application is for displaying a correlation matrix (here just some random U(0,1)s). Thanks -Frank
2005 Nov 29
rotated ylab with xyplot
hi all, in R, what's the best way to have a rotated ylab in a graph plotted with either xyplot or xYplot? I tried this but it didn't work. xyplot(y~x,data.frame(x=1:10,y=runif(10)),ylab=list(srt=90,crt=90,rot=90,label="my label")) more generally, how do you output a text at an angle in a lattice graph? what would be a good reference for R lattice graphics? I need more