similar to: descretizing xy data

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "descretizing xy data"

2009 Apr 20
doing zero inflated glmm for count data with fmr
Hello R users, Doing My PhD I collected count data which I believe is zero inflated. I have run a statistical model with lmer and family=poisson and got summary(model)@sigma=1 so I believe there is no overdispertion. I would like to use the fmr function from the 'gnlm' library but I just cannot figure out from the examples in the help page and some forums out there how to convert the lmer
2006 Apr 25
by() and CrossTable()
I am attempting to produce crosstabulations between two variables for subgroups defined by a third factor variable. I'm using by() and CrossTable() in package gmodels. I get the printing of the tables first and then a printing of each level of the INDICES. For example: library(gmodels) by(warpbreaks, warpbreaks$tension, function(x){CrossTable(x$wool, x$breaks > 30,
2006 Apr 19
prop.table on three-way table?
Dear list, I am trying to create a three-way table with percent occurrence instead of raw frequencies. However, I cannot get the results I expected: I have the following table: > ftable(table( mannerDF$agem, mannerDF$target, mannerDF$manner )) <snip> 50 bak 0 0 0 0 1 0 pak 0 0 0 0 3 0 sak
2009 Jul 03
table () for more variables
Dear All, I want to create a table for several variables. As example. I have a dataframe with following data: Gender transport driving 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Now I want to create a table in the following form: Gender
2011 Apr 21
Stymied by plyr
Hello, This is my first time trying to use plyr, and I'm getting nowhere. I have teacher ratings data (1:4), on 10 components, by external observers and internal observers, in schools in areas. I want to calculate the percentage of each rating given on each component, by each type of observer, within each school, within each area. The data look like this: unit area ext.obs rating comp 11
2012 Mar 28
Urgent - I really need some help lme4 model avg Estimates
Hello all, If someone could take a little time to help me then I would be very grateful. I studied piping plovers last summer. I watched each chick within a brood for 5 minutes and recorded behaviour, habitat use and foraging rate. There were two Sites, the first with 4 broods and the second with 3 broods. As the data within a
2005 Aug 30
crosstab for n-way contingency tables
Dear list. New to R, I'm looking for a way of using crosstab to output low-dimensional (higher than 2) contingency tables (frequencies, per-cents by rows, % by columns, mean, quantiles....) I'm looking for something of the following sort dataframe: singers, categorical variates: voice category (soprano,mezzo-soprano, ...) , voice type( drammatic, spinto, lirico-spinto, lirico,
2007 Apr 04
transition matrices
I am working with transition matrices of sequences of animal behaviours. What I would like to do is parse the original matrices, adjusting row/column order so that the matrix has its main values in blocks surrounding the diagonal. This would cause behaviours involved in functional groupings (e.g. grooming, resting, foraging etc) to appear as blocks. This can be done manually by applying
2011 Dec 30
Fwd: Re: Poisson GLM using non-integer response/predictors?
Hi, Use offset variables if count occurrences of an event and you want to model the observation time. glm(count ~ predictors + offset(log(observation_time)), family=poisson) If you want to compare durations, look at library(survival), ?coxph If tnoise_sqrt is the square root of tourist noise, your example seems incorrect, because it is a predictor, not the dependent variable tnoise_sqrt ~
2012 Mar 23
Using MuMIn - error message
Hello, I hope that you can bare with me. I am new to models, but I think I have a pretty godd understanding of how to run them now, including how to use AICc and Anova. The issue is that I have many factors that I wish to compare so doing each one at a time would take forever. I came across the MuMIn package and I was so excited, however I am getting an error message and i don't know why.
2012 Jan 23
model non-nested random effects in nlme library
Hello all, In lme4 if you want to model two non-nested random effects you code it like this: mod1 <- lmer(y~x + (1|randomvar1) + (1|randomvar2)) How would you go about to model something similar in nlme? In my database I have two variables for which I have repeated measures, lets call them "individual" and "year". But none of the "individuals" were measured in
2006 Aug 26
Did a recent Samba upgrade change something to lose connection with iptables enabled?
Hello, I am still a newbie to Linux, but I can find my ways around as long as I have help. For some reason if I leave my iptables enabled, I will lose my Samba share connection after a few minutes. Of course, then iptables disabled, I have no problems. I am using Debian with Kernel 2.6.14-K7. Is this normal? Thank you in advance. :) -- "Ever watch ants just crawling around? They walk in
2005 Apr 15
abbreviate or wrap dimname labels
For a variety of displays (mosaicplots, barplots, ...) one often wants to either abbreviate or wrap long labels, particularly when these are made up of several words. In general, it would be nice to have a function, abbreviate.or.wrap <- function(x, maxlength=10, maxlines=2, split=" ") { } that would take a character vector or a list of vectors, x, and try to abbreviate or wrap
2011 Apr 04
moving mean and moving variance functions
Hello Lets say as an example I have a dataframe with the following attributes: rownum(1:405), colnum(1:287), year(2000:2009), daily(rownum x colnum x year) and foragePotential (0:1, by 0.01). The data is actually stored in a netcdf file and I'm trying to provide a conceptual version of the data. Ok. I need to calculate a moving mean and a moving variance for each cell on the following
2011 Apr 01
filled contour plot with contour lines
I'm stumped, can anyone find my error in this sequence. for(j in 1:(varsize[4]-1)) temp <- get.var.ncdf(nc=input, varid="p_foraging",c(1,1,j),c(varsize[1],varsize[2],1)) filled.contour(x, y, temp, color = terrain.colors, plot.title = title(main = paste("Everglades Wood Stork Foraging Potential \nYear", (2000+j)), xlab =
2011 Aug 17
Getting vastly different results when running GLMs
Dear R gurus I am analysing data from a study of behaviour and shade utilization of chimpanzees. I am using GLMs in R (version 2.13.0) to test whether shade/sun utilization is predicted by behaviour observed. I am thus interested in whether an interaction of behaviour (as a predictor) and presence in the sun/shade (also predictor) predicts the counts I have for the respective categories. I have
2011 Dec 15
lme with nested factor and random effect
Hello all, I'm having difficulty with setting up a mixed model using lme in the nlme package. To summarize my study, I am testing for effects of ornamentation on foraging behavior of wolf spiders. I tested spiders at two different ages (penultimate vs. mature) and of two different phenotypes (one species tested lacks ornamentation throughout life [non-ornamented males] while the other
2008 Jul 06
What is my replication unit? Lmer for binary longitudinal data with blocks and two treaments.
First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read it.Here is my problem. I am running a lmer analysis for binary longitudinal (repeated measures) data. Basically, I manipulated fruits and vegetation to two levels each(present and absent) and I am trying to access how these factors affect mice foraging behavior. The design consist of 12 plots, divided in 3 blocks. So each block
2005 Jul 13
maps drawing
Hello, is there a package in R that would allow map drawing: coastlines, country/state boundaries, maybe topography, rivers etc? Thanks for any guidance, Mark
2016 Apr 26
From NUM to INT
Can you explain why you need them as 'integer', A floating point representation can hold a value upto ~4.5e15 as an "integer" keeping the precision that you might need. Jim Holtman Data Munger Guru What is the problem that you are trying to solve? Tell me what you want to do, not how you want to do it. On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 1:11 PM, Andr? Luis Neves <andrluis at