similar to: Sweave: side by side dynamic graphs

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Sweave: side by side dynamic graphs"

2009 Mar 13
How to combine xtable and minipage with Sweave ?
Hello, I'm trying to put a dynamic table and a dynamic graph side by side in a pdf document using Sweave. The data.frame used to generate the table is called rg (rg.txt): "Date"; "Code"; "Data1"; "Data2" "2009-03-10";"1";1958;147 "2009-03-10";"2";302;144 "2009-03-10";"3";4;141
2006 Nov 30
R_WinEdt question
if I want to put fig1plot to the left, figYPplot to the right figYAaplot on the bottom. How to modify the following cod to do these? \begin{figure}[H] \centering \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth} \centering <<label=fig1plot,fig=TRUE,echo=FALSE>>= <<fig1plot>> @ %\caption{Caption 1} \end{minipage} \begin{minipage}[t]{0.5\textwidth} \centering
2008 May 17
How to paste graph from R in Latex?
Dear R-expert, Is it possible to save graph from R into Latex document? I?can?see save as metafile , PNG, pdf etc, but I'm not sure which one to use. Thank ?you so much for your help.
2012 Nov 21
Libguest Problem
Hi Richard, I am a user of LibguestFS. I have a problem in using LibguestFS to get the OS type of the virtual machine with Xenserver virtual environment. But when I use the command in Linux likes the figure1. I know that this disk file could add in libguestfish. My code is in the figure2. I can't get the OS info from GuestFs. Could you give me some suggests? James
2007 Aug 21
Formatting Sweave in R-News
Hi, I am editing a document for submission to the R-news newsletter, and in my article my Sweave code inserts a dynamically generated PDF report that my R program generates. However, when I insert the PDF using the following Sweave code: \newpage \includegraphics[scale=1.0]{\Sexpr{print(location)}} \newpage (in tex this looks like): \newpage \includegraphics[scale=1.0]{/home/arjun/sample.pdf}
2010 May 13
Using Sweave in hostile environments
I'm trying to put together a poster using the LaTeX a0poster package and including some things from pstricks to get gradient shading, etc. The problem is that the default environments used by Sweave don't work where I need them. A simple code chunk like <<eval=FALSE>>= x <- 1 @ buried in a minipage within a psshadowbox gives the error Runaway argument? > x <- 1
2007 Sep 11
xyplot question
I have the code below and it works fine if I print the xyplot but if I take the print out, then I just get a blank pdf. The same holds if I just send the plot to the console without the print ( I get nothing ). My question is whether this is always the case with xyplot or is there something wrong with my settings ? I am on linux ( redhat ) and using R.2.5.0. Thanks. load("stocks.dat")
2009 Apr 19
Sweave: Changing the background color, adding a border
Hi all, I am using Sweave to produce a document. Unfortunately, I have to print several copies and I can't print them in color. So I would like to change the way of printing the code. I would like to print the code in a box with a black borderline and a grey background (quite classic). Is it possible to do it by changing some Schunk options? Christophe
2005 Jun 16
Sweave and sideways
Hi there, I'm rying to 'turn' an Schunk in an .Rnw file(Xemacs-21.4.13, ESS-5.2.8, R-2.1, miktex-2.4.1705). Has anyone got the isorot package to work with Sweave? JC example test.Rnw: \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage{Sweave} \usepackage{isorot} \rotdriver{dvips} \clockwise \title{Sweave Example 1} \author{apologies to Friedrich Leisch } \begin{document} \maketitle
2009 Nov 29
optim or nlminb for minimization, which to believe?
I have constructed the function mml2 (below) based on the likelihood function described in the minimal latex I have pasted below for anyone who wants to look at it. This function finds parameter estimates for a basic Rasch (IRT) model. Using the function without the gradient, using either nlminb or optim returns the correct parameter estimates and, in the case of optim, the correct standard
2010 Oct 01
ff version 2.2.0
Dear R community, The next release of package ff is available on CRAN. With kind help of Brian Ripley it now supports the Win64 and Sun versions of R. It has three major functional enhancements: a) new fast in-memory sorting and ordering functions (single-threaded) b) ff now supports on-disk sorting and ordering of ff vectors and ffdf dataframes c) ff integer vectors now can be used as
2010 Oct 01
ff version 2.2.0
Dear R community, The next release of package ff is available on CRAN. With kind help of Brian Ripley it now supports the Win64 and Sun versions of R. It has three major functional enhancements: a) new fast in-memory sorting and ordering functions (single-threaded) b) ff now supports on-disk sorting and ordering of ff vectors and ffdf dataframes c) ff integer vectors now can be used as
2009 Jun 14
Centering graphics by default in Sweave
Is there an elegant way to get Sweave to center graphics by default? I'd like to use \centerline{\includegraphics{}} etc. to save some vertical space that \begin{center} ... \end{center} uses, and I'd like to avoid centering with each <<fig=T>>= Thanks Frank -- Frank E Harrell Jr Professor and Chair School of Medicine Department of
1998 Jul 05
R-beta: Suggestion for a very minor change to Rd.sty
Dear R gurus and users, for some functions in some of the many packages available for R, with the current definition of \Header given in Rd.sty, the heading bumps into the surrounding words in documentation printed via LaTeX. To alleviate this minor typographical mishap, I'd like to suggest the change to R/doc/manual/Rd.sty included below as a context diff. With this minor diff applied, the
2006 May 08
persp or wireframe 3D plot: how can I independently adjust linewidth of the 'surface' and framebox?
It is a trivial matter to adjust the linewidth of the axes and plot line in a 2D plot: x <- 1:10; y <- 1:10; par(lwd=2); # axis (and others) linewidth plot(x,y,"l",lwd=6); # plot linewidth Is there anything comparable to this for persp or wireframe? I've tried a number of ways, and the framebox/axes seem to be linked to the linewidth used in generating the
2000 Feb 15
rpois gives a large number repeatedly (PR#439)
Full_Name: Kjetil Kjernsmo Version: 0.65.1 OS: Digital UNIX 4.0 Submission from: (NULL) ( I'm experiencing problems with rpois. Occasionally, it draws a very high number. Yeah, I know, this is statistics, things like that does happen, but this really strange because a poisson distribution with a parameter of 3 shouldn't see the number 1932 very often, but the same,
2009 Mar 14
multiple hypothesis testing
Dear all, Myself Vijaykumar Muley working as senior research fellow. By training I am a computational biologist with not a strong knowledge of statistics. I have done some analysis which is explained as follows, I have 10340 (X) profiles of binary vectors with same length(N=845), I will call then "gene profiles" for example... v1 v2 v3 v4.....vN a 1 0 1 0 1 b 0
1999 Apr 25
Hi, I am very new to R and trying to bring my plot of residuals to my LaTex document, and seems as I need some help. I first tried the example from the help file, e.g. pictex(file="model1.tex", width=5, height=4) plot(1:11,(-5:5)^2, type='b', main="Simple Example Plot") this worked fine in LaTex when I did : \centerline{\input{Rplots.tex}} However, with
2010 Apr 17
Question regarding R plot
Hi, I am new to R, and have a quick question regarding an R script that I received from a kind colleague. I am trying to determine the "peak" (maximum value) of the graph that is plotted when executing the following. There is an input file called "rates_values.txt" which begins as: rateValue 0.375693 0 1.71274 0 0 1.02832 0 0.16343 1.02349 0 0 1.47258 0.703522 0.390541
2002 Nov 08
pdf() and pdflatex
I am having good success in using pdf() to produce pdf graphics files for inclusion in documents processed by pdflatex [I'm using R 1.6.0 on Linux]. I am having one small problem consistently though, which I believe I also had with S-Plus's pdf.graph(): wasted space at the top of the graph which causes pdflatex to put the graph on a later page, when the current page has plenty of space.