Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Per field analyzer"
2007 Mar 28
trouble with PerFieldAnalyzer
I''m having trouble with PerFieldAnalyzer (ferret version 0.10.14).
require ''rubygems''
require ''ferret''
require ''pp''
include Ferret::Analysis
include Ferret::Index
class TestAnalyzer
def token_stream field, input
pp field
pp input
pfa =
2007 Jul 14
performance bottleneck
I have got my database in Mysql. I used ferret to index a table with 10
million rows. On limiting the selection of data to 1000 initial retrieval,
it takes 200 seconds but for the whole table it took more than four hours
and after which i had to close my indexing application. I used the
StandardAnalyser for it. There is no problem from the database side as
retrieval of all the data in the table
2006 Aug 17
Ferret locks up when adding items to an index
I''m running Ferret 0.9.5 on a MacBook Pro (OS X 10.4.7) under
Locomotive 2.0.7.
I have a problem where Ferret is hanging when I try to add items to
the index. It doesn''t happen with every object that''s being indexed,
and I''m not sure what the objects in question have in common (they
are not all instances of the same ActiveRecord object). The process
2005 Dec 14
Query question
I have an index in which I want different records to be accessible to
different users. I think I can do this by adding a "users" field to
each record in the index and narrow down my queries to only those
records matching the current user''s userid. I have the userids
separated by commas. What would be the right way to query for a
certain user? I have to make sure that I
2007 Jan 01
Possible Bug when Creating Indexes
I''m running:
ferret (0.10.9)
ruby 1.8.5 (2006-08-25) [i386-mswin32]
on Windows XP(SP2)
When I create an index as follows:
field_infos = FieldInfos.new(:store => :yes, :term_vector => :no, :index
=> :yes)
field_infos.add_field(:id, :index => :untokenized)
field_infos.add_field(:tags, :store => :no)
index =
2006 Jul 07
How to add Asia token analyzer to ferret simply?
Can you give me an example of how to add analyzer to ferret to Asian
My web application will have to support multi language search,which
means,for example,both Chinese and English will be searched through the
Currently,I have decided to use the simple token principles,which means
that every Chinese character will be a token,although this is not so
well in some
2007 Jul 29
Memory leak in PerFieldAnalyzer
Hello everyone,
we''ve recently discovered a memory leak in the
PerFieldAnalyzer. If you use the PerFieldAnalyzer
(which you acutally should), you should switch
to a pure ruby version of that analyzer. The C
version of the Analyzer is consuming memory
on every analyzing request.
You can find an example script to verify the
leak[1]. Furthermore we''ve added a
workaround, building
2006 Apr 11
Rails failure after upgrade to 1.1.2
I tried upgrading Rails to 1.1.2 and now nothing is really working. In
connection to the Rails upgrade I upgraded my Ruby version to 1.9.0. I
also upgraded all my gem installs.
Since my old rails apps stopped working I tried generating a fresh one
, alas with the same result. Below I included the full trace when
trying to reach the app. Line 3 in application.rb is :
2006 Jul 28
mass emails
Say we have 20k-50k users signed up for an email newsletter. Does
anyone have any data on how well ActionMailer does with mass emails?
How long would that take to send? Anything I should watch out for?
2005 Dec 27
Using mocks
What's the purpose of test/mocks? I couldn't quite complete the Wiki
entry on this because all the information I _could_ find was in the
- Rowan
Morality is usually taught by the immoral.
Rails mailing list
2006 Oct 23
Trouble with custom Analyzer
I wanted to build my own custom Analyzer like so:
class Analyzer < Ferret::Analysis::Analyzer
include Ferret::Analysis
def initialize(stop_words = ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS)
@stop_words = stop_words
def token_stream(field, string)
StopFilter.new(LetterTokenizer.new(string, true), @stop_words)
As one can easily spot, I essentially want
2005 Dec 12
Calling absolute links
I have a primary layout that I''m using in several controllers. On my
sidebar I have a link that I set up as follows:
<div id="sidebar">
<%= link_to("Items", :action => "list") %>
Everything is ok when I call it from my primary controller, but since I
am also calling the layout from a second controller that does
2007 Mar 04
Getting non-stemmed terms from IndexReader
I need to get a set of terms being indexed using Ferret. I used
IndexReader.terms and it returns a list of TermEnum nicely. The only
problem is that my analyzer includes a stemming filter.
So now, the terms I''m getting back are all stemmed. Is there anyway to
get the original unstemmed terms back from the index somehow? Thanks.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2008 Jan 16
Application generation
Hi All,
Is anyone seeing this?
$ merb merb_paste
`parse_args'': uninitialized constant Merb::RELEASE (NameError)
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/optparse.rb:785:in `initialize''
from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/merb-0.5.2/lib/merb/config.rb:67:in
2006 Mar 22
currency conversion webservice in a rails app?
I''m interested in using a currency conversion web service in my rails
app. Does anyone have a free service that they use and like? I found
this one
I''ve tried to make a simple, plain Ruby script to connect to this and
get a conversion rate without success.
How do I integrate a webservice into my rails app? I
2006 Dec 09
manipulate headers?
Here''s a working Perl script that I want to be able to do in Ruby:
use WWW::Mechanize;
my $url = "http://host/tt?name=chris";
my $mech = WWW::Mechanize->new();
$mech->add_header( Referer => "http://chrismcmahonsblog.blogspot.com" );
$mech->add_header( Cookie => "messageid=170118; memberid=1007");
so the header
2006 Oct 30
PerFieldAnalyzer and AAF
Hi All,
Does anyone know if you can user PerFieldAnalyzer with the
acts_as_ferret method? My goal is to index fields with different
analyzers for a class. Thanks in advance!
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
2006 Sep 01
Ferret/acts_as_ferret don''t seem to be doing anything
I''m having an odd problem with Ferret 0.9.5 and acts_as_ferret 0.2.3, on
RedHat Linux Enterprise 4.
All of my find_by_contents calls return 0 results. When I try
Foo.rebuild_index via the console, it returns nil.
This is happening on my production machine, during deployment of my app.
Everything works perfectly on my development machine (Windows).
I have no idea where to start
2009 Mar 25
pca vs. pfa: dimension reduction
Can't make sense of calculated results and hope I'll find help here.
I've collected answers from about 600 persons concerning three
variables. I hypothesise those three variables to be components (or
indicators) of one latent factor. In order to reduce data (vars), I
had the following idea: Calculate the factor underlying these three
vars. Use the loadings and the original var
2006 Mar 28
ActionWebService date casting error
I have defined a web service to return information from a database as follows.
class BackendApi < ActionWebService::API::Base
api_method :find_all_vobs,
:returns => [[:int]]
api_method :find_vob_by_id,
:expects => [:int],
:returns => [Vob]
class BackendController < ApplicationController
wsdl_service_name ''Backend''