Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "Problem with script,"
2008 Oct 27
Problem with script
Hello :-) I am trying to run the next script, it generates "random
areas" inside a map of the american continent,
and then plot it, it?s suppose that every frame gives you the evolution
of the program but at some point it stops
with the weirdest of the errors I?ve ever seen in R, I don?t even have a
line like that :-|
Error in if (random_matrix[x_list[random_sq] - 1,
2011 Jun 09
scatterplot3d - help assign colors based on multiple conditions
I am relatively new to R and am trying to figure out to plot 3d scatter plot using defined colors based on x-axis and y-axis values. Right now in the code below, I assign colors based on certain values in the names of the x-axis. Now if I want to extend the condition to assign a color based on the names of both x-axis and y-axis values, what should I be doing? Any help or ideas would be
2008 Apr 23
filled contour plots
hello everyone,
I was wondering if anybody can help me solve 2
problems related to the function filled.contour.
I am entering the following R command:
filled.contour(xx,yy,P1, nlevels=20,color=cm.colors,
nlevels=20, drawlabels=F)
2013 Feb 14
Plot a Matrix as an Image with ggplot
Dear all,
I am trying to plot a matrix I have? as an image
?num [1:21, 1:66] 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .
?that contains only 0s and 1s,
where the xlabel will be Labeled as
?num [1:66] 1e+09 1e+09 1e+09 1e+09 1e+09 ...
and the yLabels will be labeled as
?num [1:21] -88 -87 -86 -85 -84 -83 -82 -81 -80 -79 ...
I have found on the internet that I can do
2002 Aug 02
More spec notes
A few more notes on the specs -- I just spent a few minutes and did up
floor 1 header decode. Short and sweet, but still important.
Monty, please read these and my several earliers -- I'm trying to
improve and validate the spec for your codec, and though I understand
you were taking a break before, a reply would be appreciated. Note
(again, if you read my other emails) that if you help me get
2011 Apr 14
Categorical bubble plot
I do not have much R experience just the basics, so please excuse
any obvious questions.
I would like to create bubble plot that have Categorical data on the x and y
axis and then the diameter if the bubble the value related to x and y.
Attached to the email is a pic of what I would like to do.
I do hope someone can help me.
Regards/Groete/Mit freundlichen Gr??en/recuerdos/meilleures
2011 Feb 04
Adding axes label to image
Dear all,
Using the code I got from the link (
http://www.phaget4.org/R/image_matrix.html), I obtained a nice plot that
suits me. However, adding axes labels proved difficult for me . I have
succeeded in adding a few things to the plot function so as to get what a
better plot. Other things work but ylab="days" did not reflect.
It will be great if somebody can advice on how to add axes
2002 Mar 21
plot question
I want to display 2 graphs with different number of data points on the
x-axis. The code below scales them so it seems that testtwo has the
same number of data points as testone. How can I fix that? thanks.
2002 Jan 16
list indexing
I've got a question about list indexing. If anyone can help or point
in the direction of some documentation, that'd be great. I've checked
the Introduction to R and R language definition.
Say you have a list of vectors:
2017 Jun 15
duplicated factor labels.
Dear R devel
I've been wondering about this for a while. I am sorry to ask for your
time, but can one of you help me understand this?
This concerns duplicated labels, not levels, in the factor function.
I think it is hard to understand that factor() fails, but levels()
after does not
> x <- 1:6
> xlevels <- 1:6
> xlabels <- c(1, NA, NA, 4, 4, 4)
> y <- factor(x,
2014 Sep 08
problema con los cambios de marcas temporales en el eje X
Muchísimas gracias Carlos, de verdad que te agradezco la ayuda, pero no es lo que voy buscando. Quiero colocar en el eje de abscisas la secuencia temporal de los meses, es decir, agosto septiembre, octubre, etc? pero no las fechas de las toma de datos, sino que aparezca la marca de un mes, y la siguiente marca sea la del siguiente mes, etc?, y además que las muestras estén separadas de acuerdo con
2014 Sep 08
problema con los cambios de marcas temporales en el eje X
Hola de nuevo, acabo de encontrar la solución. He creado una variable ficticia con los días 1 de cada mes en la secuencia temporal que quería y después he actuado de la siguiente manera
plot (xbar~as.Date(fecha,"%d/%m/%y"), type="b", pch=19,cex=2,xaxt="n")
xlabels<-strptime(ofeje, format = "%d/%m/%y")
2005 Nov 15
y-axis in histograms
Dear R- list,
I have some data to present with histograms. Therefore I used hist(...).
I have few values with almost 80% of
the frequencies (totaly 800) and some other values with low frequencies
( totaly 5 -10 )
that I want to emphasize. Therefore I want to "cut" the y-axis on 100,
but I
don't know how to deal with this.
Thanks in advance,
Michael Graber
2014 Sep 08
problema con los cambios de marcas temporales en el eje X
Muchas gracias Carlos, previo a mi correo, entre las pruebas que hice estaba una parecida a la que apuntas de la siguiente manera:
attach (Libro1)
plot (xbar~as.Date(fechas,"%d/%m/%y"), ylim=c(400,660), xaxt="n", type="b", pch=19,cex=1)
axis.Date (1,at=xlabels,format="%b-%y")
2011 Jul 28
plotting matrix into 2D color plots with rainbow colors
Dear all,
Can you pl. help me in plotting a matrix into 2D plot with more color
options. I tried to plot with myImagePlot with
RGB color ramp but it shows limited variation in color. There is a rainbow
plot option also. Can anyone help me.
Hitendra Padalia, PhD
Scientist/Engineer 'SD'
Regional Remote Sensing Centre-North, NRSC
Indian Space Research Organisation
2010 Jun 07
Patch for legend.position={left,top,bottom} in ggplot2
Hi Hadley and everyone,
here's a patch for ggplot2 that fixes the behavior of
opts(legend.position={left,top,bottom}). If you try the following code
in an unmodified ggplot2
options(warn = -1)
data <- data.frame(
x = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),
y = c(2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5),
2007 Jan 10
axis labels at subset of tick marks
For example, this works:
x = seq(-100, 1000, 25)
y = x * x
plot(x,y, xaxt="n")
axis(1,x[x %% 100 ==0])
It creates two axis objects and the values of the x-axis are the
labels. The following scenario is more difficult, because it uses
'image' to plot a grid of values:
a = matrix(rnorm(100),ncol=10)
image(1:ncol(a), 1:nrow(a), a, xaxt="n",
2014 Sep 07
problema con los cambios de marcas temporales en el eje X
Estimada Comunidad, solicito vuestra ayuda en un tema quizás un poco tonto, pero no logro dar con la tecla.
Estoy intentando hacer una gráfica de la evolución temporal de una variable (xbar) a lo largo del tiempo.
La secuencia que he hecho es la siguiente:
plot (xbar~as.Date(fechas,"%d/%m/%y"), ylim=c(400,650), type="b", pch=19,cex=1)
2002 Aug 21
More help with Lattice
Thanks a lot to Deepayan Sarkar, author of lattice I think, who
solved my first query. I am afraid that I have another one.
I am plotting several mutipanels boxplots (with one conditioning
variable) on one page. The x, y and conditioning variable are all
continuous variables. The x and conditioning variables are
transformed to shingles before being plotted. The plot looks nice but
2009 Apr 26
Conditional plot labels
Hi all,
I'm trying to do multiple graphs in a window like this:
___ ___ ___
ylab |__| |__| |__|
___ ___ ___
ylab |__| |__| |__|
___ ___ ___
ylab |__| |__| |__|
xl xl xl
If I try to put the labels manually, some graphs become smaller than
other and the output is really ugly.
In the thread title I put the word