Displaying 20 results from an estimated 300 matches similar to: "error when using logistic.display within a loop"
2009 Mar 05
is there any option like cex.axis in ggplot2?
Dear list,
I made boxplots using ggplot and want to control for x- and yaxis. Using "plot" I can do it by setting cex.axis equally to any size but can't figure out how to do it with ggplot.
ggplot(dat, aes(x = factor(time), y = volume)) + opts(axis.title.x=theme_text(size=8),axis.title.y=theme_text(size=8)) +
geom_boxplot() + geom_jitter(aes(colour = id))+labs(x =
2008 May 12
help with calculating the differences between dates
Dear list,
How can I calculate the difference in days between the eventdate and basedate in the below dataset?
id basedate outcome.3 eventdate daydiff
1 1001 1999-09-28 2 1999-10-01 3
2 1002 1999-09-22 1
3 1003 2000-01-19 1
4 1004 2004-01-25 2 2004-02-03 9
5 1005 2005-08-11 1
6 1006 2000-07-04
2008 Jan 28
help with checking out-of-range values in each column in data frame
Dear list,
I have following data, where I want to check if any value in each
column is out of range. For example, column "f1" can only take values
1-5, so if any values less than 1 or > 5 will be
defined as missing value (i.e. NA), column "f4" can only take values
of 1-3 and any values that are outside this interval will be
considered as missing values. The below
2007 Aug 02
problem with reading data files with different numbers of lines to skips
Dear List,
I have 30 data files with different numbers of lines (31 and 33) that I want to skip before reading the files. If I use the skip option I can only choose either to skip 31 or 33 lines. The data files with 31 lines have no blank rows between the lines and the header row. How can I read the files without manually checking which files have 31 respectively 33 lines ? The only text
2007 Apr 05
Indexing in anova summary output of the form: summary(aov(y ~ x1, Error = (x1/x2)))
Hi, there
I'm trying to get the value of the Mean Square from the ANOVA model
summary that comes from specifying the error term, and am wondering if
one can actually do this ( I know it's possible when using anova(lm)
objects and the like, but I'm having a tough time with it under this
framework). There does appear to be some indexing in the output of this
type, but perhaps not
2007 Sep 30
Append the sum of each row and column to a table matrix
Dear list,
I have following table
ID 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 14 16
35 5 0 0 3 1 0 0 5 0 0
36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
43 13 15 15 0 0 13 13 15 13 15
46 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
58 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0
and want to calculate the sum for each row and column and then append the sums to the table matrix.
2008 Feb 12
help with bwplot
Dear list,
I have following data set, which I want to plot the "Scale" variable on the
x-axis and "Mean"´on the y-axis for each Ageclass and for each sex. The Mean
value of each Ageclass for each sex would be connected by a line. Totally,
there should be 6 lines, from which three present the Mean values of each
Ageclass for respective sex. Are there any easy ways to do
2008 Feb 07
Calculate the difference between dates
Dear list,
I have two data columns (part of big data frame) containing dates presenting the dates when
two measurements (M1 and M2) were taken. The data consists of 73 individuals divided
in different groups. Each group was examined at different time points (see M1 date),but
the measurements (M1 and M2) within each group should be taken in the same day but due
to some practical issues,
2008 Apr 01
set the lower bound of normal distribution to 0 ?
Tom Cohen <tom.cohen78@yahoo.se> skrev: Thanks Prof Brian for your suggestion.
I should know that for right-skewed data,
one should generate the samples from a lognormal.
My problem is that x and y are two instruments that were thought to
be measured the same thing but somehow show a wide confidence interval
of the difference between the two intruments.This may be true that
2010 Feb 18
logistic regression - what is being predicted when using predict - probabilities or odds?
Dear gurus,
I've analyzed a (fake) data set ("data") using logistic regression (glm):
logreg1 <- glm(z ~ x1 + x2 + y, data=data, family=binomial("logit"),
Then, I created a data frame with 2 fixed levels (0 and 1) for each predictor:
2005 Feb 10
skip missing values in plots
I really like these Trellis graphics but how do I get this code to
skip the missing?
logreg<-read.csv("logreg.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",", na.string=" ")
bwplot(yesno~bc_pcb_tot |varlist, data=logreg, main="Box Cox PCB
transformation", auto.key=TRUE, fontfamily = "HersheySans" )
Dean Sonneborn M.S.
Public Health Sciences *
2008 Oct 08
default menu option using vesamenu.c32
Maybe I am just not looking in the right spot but I can't figure out how to set a default menu in my isolinux.cfg. This is what it looks like:
DEFAULT /boot/vesamenu.c32
LABEL cubez
MENU LABEL Graphics mode (Compiz) - Experimental
KERNEL /boot/vmlinuz
APPEND vga=0x317 initrd=/boot/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=9999 root=/dev/ram0 rw chexpand=256 load=cubez
2006 Jun 06
Error in inherits(x, "data.frame") : object "Dataset" not found
I have been trying to run a logistic regression using a number of studies.
Below is the syntax, error message & data.
Any advice regarding what I am doing wrong or solutions are appreciated,
Bob Green
> logreg <- read.csv("c:\\logregtest.csv",header=T)
> attach(logreg)
> names(logreg)
[1] "medyear" "where" "who"
2011 Sep 06
read.xls (gdata) problem
I've suddenly started seeing a consistent problem with read.xls.
No matter what xls file I try I always get an error message of this type:
Error in xls2sep(xls, sheet, verbose = verbose, ..., method = method, :
Intermediate file
In addition: Warning message:
running command
2009 Feb 26
ggplot2: labels points with different colors or idnumbers
Dear list,
Using ggplot2 I could produce both boxplot and points in the same plot but instead of points I would like to label the different
subjects with different colors or their idnumbers. Is there away to do it? Also how can I put three plots on the same graph with ggplot2?
mfrow=c(3,1) did not do the job.
> dat
group time id freq
1 1 00 0018 5.21
2 1 00 3026 3.13
2008 May 19
How to get confidence interval and coefficient in Logic Regression
sorry to bother everyone.
i have question to get the coefficient and confidence interval in Logic
Regression with Logistic model. below i list the R code
X <- matrix(as.numeric(runif(400) < 0.5), 50,8)
colnames(X) <- paste("X", 1:ncol(X), sep="")
rownames(X) <- paste("case", 1:nrow(X), sep="")
# Define expected result: Y = (NOT X1) AND X5
2008 Jul 09
problems using mice()
R 2.7.2
PPC Mac OS X 10.4.11
library mice 1.13.1
I try to use mice for multivariate data imputation.
My variables are numeric, factors, count data, ordered factors.
First I created a vector for the methods to use with each variable
ImpMethMice<-c(rep("logreg", 62), rep("polyreg",1), rep("norm",12),
next step was
2008 Oct 17
I was trying to plot the logistic regression from a regression "logreg"
I just ran.
I downloaded the "car" package from the R website and went to Packages
-> install package from local zip file
I checked in my library file and the package is there. I restarted R.
I then ran the command:
reg.line(logreg,col=palette()[2], lwd=2, lty=1)
And I get the error:
Error: could
2008 Mar 18
how to reset slogic.f file
Hi there:
recently i try to use LogicReg package for a tree model(logistics fit )
. i list my code and error below:
> dim(model.dat)
[1] 48000 745
> fit1 <- logreg(resp = model.dat[,745], bin=model.dat[, 9:700], type = 3,
select = 3, ntrees = c(1,2), nleaves=c(1,7), )
Insufficient declaration
LGCn1MAX in logreg() is 20000
LGCn1MAX should be at least 48000
Please fix and
2009 Feb 09
problems with lm for nested fixed-factor Anova
Dear R users,
I want to run nested fixed-factor Anova in R on different experiments.
In this toy example I have 3 levels of the main factor x1 and 7 levels
of the nested factor z1
x1 and continuous response variable y1.
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
[38] 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3
[75] 3 3 3