Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Saving results of Kruskal Walis test"
2006 Oct 24
Installing stats4 package
I wantto use 'mle' function in R on linux. As I see its been integrated
into the stats4 package. Am I correct ? If yes, Can anyone suggest how to
install the stats4 package to be able to run 'mle' function in R on linux ?
Otherwise how to sort out this problem ?
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2006 Apr 07
Dealing with missing values in HeatMap generation
I want to generate a heatmap for my data (in a matrix). However, the
data has some missing values (represented as blank).
I get the following errors (with the blanks and with blanks replaced by
NA and including the option rm.na = TURE):
> filename = "input_heatmap.txt"
> g <- as.matrix(filedata)
> fg <- rainbow(nrow(g), start=0, end=.3)
> gg <-
2006 Sep 08
Does acts_as_attachment :storage => :db_system work?
I found the post about needing to install acts_as_attachement_1_1_6 if
you are not on edge rails. But I am having trouble getting db_system
storage to work. As far as I can tell in from the database, things are
working, but I don''t see how my model table hooks up with the db_files
table so I am having trouble altering the image_tag from the tutorial
2007 Feb 27
Mongrel upload progress not showing progress on production server
Hi all,
Tried out the mongrel upload progress plugin with Drb and it works
great on my OSX development box, but when putting it into production
(Ubuntu Dapper), uploads complete but the app isn''t returning any
values for upload progress, and uploads are not showing up in the
queue when running upload_client.rb. Before anyone asks, yes, I''m
running both the mongrel instances and
2013 Apr 15
I have got two groups of samples; and for every row, I wish to calculate
Kruskal-Wallis' p-value.
In the example below, and the stars (****) show where I am struggling to
design and put things together. Any help would be appreciated.
myFile <- data.frame(Sample_1a = 1:10, Sample_1b = 2:11, Sample_1c = 3:12,
Sample_2a=4:13, Sample_2b=7:16, row.names=LETTERS[1:10])
groups <- rep
2012 Jan 10
2 sample wilcox.test != kruskal.test
I think I am right in saying that a 2 sample wilcox.test is equal to a 2
sample kruskal.test and
a 2 sample t.test is equal to a 2 sample anova. This is also stated in the
?kruskal.test man page:
The Wilcoxon rank sum test (wilcox.test) as the special case for two
samples; lm together with anova for performing one-way location analysis
under normality assumptions; with Student's t
2008 Aug 21
Kruskal.test() on lists
I am trying to do a kruskal wallis test on two lists, fVisited and cSN:
[1] 0.17097623 0.30376141 0.17577266 0.14951855 0.03959753 0.08096217 0.05744888 0.02196257....
[1] 0.08557303 0.36477791 0.19601252 0.12981040 0.05351320 0.10385542 0.03539577 0.03106175....
So if I just want to do a test on just one of the entries this is simple enough:
2013 Jul 09
?a<- c(2,4,5,2,7)
?b<- c(2,2,6)
?c<- c(3,7,9,3)
?#? Kruskal-Wallis rank sum test
#data:? list(a, b, c)
#Kruskal-Wallis chi-squared = 2.003, df = 2, p-value = 0.3673
I need an expression in R to apply a kruskal.test to this data (for example).
a ? a ? a ? a ? ?a ? ?b ? b ? ?b ? ?c ? ?c ? c ? ?c
2 ?4 ? ?5 ? 2 ? ?7 ? ?2 ? 2 ?
2003 Nov 21
kruskal wallis for manova?
Is there like the kruskal wallis test in relation to ANOVA (no
restrictions on normallity and variance homogenity) something (in R)
Dr.Nicolaas Busscher Universit?t GH Kassel
Nordbahnhofstrasse: 1a, D-37213 Witzenhausen
Phone: 0049-(0)5542-98-1715, Fax: 0049-(0)5542-98-1713
2010 Aug 03
Kruskal Walllis test
Hi all
My data table (g) contains a continues data column (plant.height) and other
columns (columns 8 to 57),
each with number of levels of different factors. ANOVA test was done and
the p-values were extracted
as follos:
a <- function(x) anova(lm(plant.height ~ x))$"Pr(>F)"[1]
r<- apply(g[,8:57],2,a)
If I try to do a Kruskal-Wallis test :
kw <- function(x)
2008 Oct 22
Saving kruskal wallis p-values
Hi everyone,
I am working on analyzing spectra which requires hundreds of kruskal wallis
tests to be performed. Once significant results are found post tests are
performed ect. My questions are: how do I perform all these kw tests and
save just the pvalues in a table? Is there anyway to have R automatically
perform post tests if a result of p<0.05 is found? Currently when I run the
2009 Sep 07
Equivalence of Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal-Wallis test with k=2
Hi all,
The Kruskal-Wallis test is a generalization of the two-sample Mann-Whitney
test to *k* samples. That being the case, the Kruskal-Wallis test with *k*=2
should give an identical p-value to the Mann-Whitney test, should it not?
[1] 0.01587302
2013 Mar 10
kruskal test
I need to test scores from questionnaires ADDQoL by age group by Kruskal
test. But he wrote me:
kruskal.test (wis1 ~ vekkat)
Error in kruskal.test.default (c (-2, -4, 0, -1, -1, -3, 0, -4, 0, -1, 0,:
all group levels must be finite
Vekkat is as.factor and wis1 is as.nuemric
How to remove this error? Please advise me. Thank you
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2012 Jan 12
kruskal wallis post hoc?
Dear all,
I run a kruskal wallis test and found significant results. Then, I conducted all pairwise comparisons and found no significant results. Could anyone please give me a hint as to why this happens or redirect me towards a specific web page where I can find more info? (I used alpha=5% and made no bonferroni or other correction for the pairwise comparisons)
Thank you
Dr. Iasonas
2018 Apr 23
Bug 16719: kruskal.test documentation for formula
I submit a couple options for addressing bug 16719: kruskal.test
documentation for formula.
disallow-character.diff changes the documentation and error message
to indicate that factors are accepted.
allow-character.diff changes the kruskal.test functions to convert
character vectors to factors; documentation is updated accordingly.
2009 Oct 14
post-hoc test with kruskal.test()
Dear R users,
I would like to know if there is a way in R to execute a post-hoc test
(factor levels comparison, like Tukey for ANOVA) of a non-parametric
analysis of variance with kruskal.test() function. I am comparing three
different groups. The preliminary analysis using the kruskal-wallis-test
show significance, but I still don''t know the relationship and the
significance level
2010 Oct 11
How to get Mean rank for Kruskal-Wallis Test
Hello All,
I want "Ranks' Table in R as like in SPSS ouput in the given link.
Is the code is already available? Please let me know.
2012 Aug 03
Multiple Comparisons-Kruskal-Wallis-Test: kruskal{agricolae} and kruskalmc{pgirmess} don't yield the same results although they should do (?)
Hi there,
I am doing multiple comparisons for data that is not normally distributed.
For this purpose I tried both functions kruskal{agricolae} and
kruskalmc{pgirmess}. It confuses me that these functions do not yield the
same results although they are doing the same thing, don't they? Can anyone
tell my why this happens and which function I can trust?
kruskalmc() tells me that there are no
2012 Jun 11
Kruskal Wallis Post hoc
Hi, I have searched and found a response to a question similar to mine but
when I tried the code, R says it's not an actual function so I thought I'd
ask here.
http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/file/n4633035/Cookies.csv Cookies.csv
I have attached the data I am using. I am trying to look at two things: how
moisture content changes over time, and how it changes along the length of a
2006 Mar 04
Npmc for doing post-hoc after Kruskal
I followed the threads that enquired about doing post-hoc tests after doing
Kruskal testing. It took me to npmc. But npmc is giving an output I do not
I noticed a thread entitled "npmc function: 'x' must be atomic" but there
never appeared to be a resolution.
> npmc(npmcinput)
Error in sort(unique.default(x), na.last = TRUE) :
'x' must be atomic