Displaying 20 results from an estimated 2000 matches similar to: "Standard deviation for rows"
2008 Oct 17
function help
Hi everyone,
I have dataset which I make a sample of it couple of times and each time I
get the mean and standard deviation of each row for each sample. I have a
function for that, which takes the name of the file and number of times to
sample and then returns the mean and standard deviation for each row in each
Sample=function(name, n){
2008 Oct 22
Help with functions
Hi there,
I have a the following function which takes a name(fname), total number of
rows (Total), number of times to make a sample(nSample), number of
records/rows to be included in each sample(nPatient). then it generates
required samples and calculates the mean and standard deviation of the
columns for each sample and finally in calculates the grand mean and
standard deviation.
The problem
2013 May 11
How to repeat 2 functions in succession for 400 times? (microarray data)
May be this helps:
?mydata4<- as.data.frame(matrix(sample(1:100,10*38,replace=TRUE),ncol=38))
#[1] 10 38
res<-do.call(cbind,lapply(1:400, function(i) {permutation<-sample(mydata4); (rowMeans(permutation[,1:27])-rowMeans(permutation[,28:38]))/(rowSds(permutation[,1:27])+rowSds(permutation[,28:38]))} ))
#[1]? 10 400
2009 Jul 08
heatmap.2: question regarding the "raw z-score"
I am analysing gene expression data using the heatmap.2 function in R and I
was wondering what is the formula of the "raw z-score" bar which shows the
colors for each pixel.
According to that post:
https://mailman.stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2006-September/113598.html, it
is the
(actual value - mean of the group) / standard deviation.
But, mean of which group? Mean of the gene
2008 Oct 16
saving result of a "for" loop
Hi everyone,
I have dataset which I take random samples of it 5 times. each time I get
the mean for rows for each sample.
at the end I need to calculate the Average of all means for each sample and
each row. to clear it up I give an example:
say this is my dataset.
X8 X9X10X12 X13 X14 X15 X16X17X18X19 X20 X21 X22
s1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
s2 0 0 0
2008 Oct 20
calculating mean for samples
Hi everyone,
> does any one knows how can I calculate mean for different samples
> i.e. I have a data like this:
> s1 s2 s3 s4
> 1 0 0 0 1
> 2 1 0 1 0
> 3 0 0 0 0
> 4 0 0 0 0
> 5 0 1 0 1
> 6 1 0 0 0
> 7 0 0 0 0
> 8 0 0 0 0
> 9 0 0 0 0
> 10 0 0 0 1
> I need to make 5 different sample with 5
2002 Nov 15
Why no colSDs etc
Hi people,
If there is a fn "colMeans" why isn't there a "colSDs" etc
Philip Rhoades
Pricom Pty Limited (ACN 003 252 275)
GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW 2001
Mobile: +61:0411-185-652
Fax: +61:2:8923-5363
E-mail: pri at chu.com.au
r-help mailing list -- Read
2008 Oct 23
Fuctions help!
Hi everyone,
I have a question about functions. I have two functions:
I want to use "Gmean" and "Gsd" which are the returned values from
"Sampling" function, in "Power" function.
i.e. when I call "power" I want
2014 Dec 06
R CMD check --as-cran and (a)spell checking
Does anyone know if it is possible to add a dictionary file of known
words that becomes part of the *built* package to tell 'R CMD check
--as-cran' not to report these words as misspelled. I want this
dictionary to come with the *.tar.gz such that it will be available
regardless where the package is checked. For instance, currently I
* using log directory
2008 Oct 15
Help Help with sampling
Hi everyone,
I have a dataset(named "Mydata") which includes 4 different variables named;
s1,s2,s3,s4 .Each variable(symptom) has 14 patients.
I need to use random sampling to make, 5 different samples from my data with
5 patients in each sample. i.e. using all 4 variables I need to make 5
different samples by changing patients(with 5 patients in each sample).
X8 X9 X10 X102 X110
2008 Oct 21
Inserting a new row in a matrix
Hi guys,
I need to insert a row to a matrix in a for loop. I have matrix named "Avg"
which is a 5x4 matrix of zeros.
I have a file named "A"(4 rows,14 columns) which I make a sample of it 5
times. each time I get the mean for each column and put the result in the
"Avg" matrix. this is my code:
> for(i in 1:5){
+ res=(A[sample(nrow(A),
2008 Oct 29
Help with Plots
Hi there,
I am trying to have a connectivity graph (two plots at once) in R:
this is an example:
will draw a circle and
will draw a graph with corresponding x's and y's and connects the point.
I want to have a circle with these points connected to
2008 Nov 07
Help With Graphs
Hi guys,
I am truing to draw a circle and choose 10 points on the circle and put a
number from 1 to 10 above each point. I don't have a problem with drawing a
circle and choosing 10 points. my problem is with numbering . is it even
possible to put a number above each chosen point? if so any idea how to do
ps: the circle has red dots and the selected points are in black.
here is my code:
2005 Jul 25
how to get the group mean deviation data ?
> n=10;t=3
> d<-cbind(id=rep(1:n,each=t),y=rnorm(n*t),x=rnorm(n*t),z=rnorm(n*t))
> head(d)
id y x z
[1,] 1 -2.1725379 0.07629954 -0.3985258
[2,] 1 -1.2383038 -2.49667038 0.6966127
[3,] 1 -1.2642401 -0.50613307 0.4895856
[4,] 2 0.2171246 0.86711864 -0.6660036
[5,] 2 2.2765760 -0.48547142 -1.4496664
[6,] 2 0.5985345 -1.06427035 2.1761071
2009 Jun 22
Calculating "row standard deviations"
Hi R-helpers,
I have been struggling with calculating row and column statistics,
e.g. standard deviation.
I know that
> datac$Mean<-rowMeans(datac,na.rm=TRUE)
will give me row means.
I have tried to replicate those row means with the apply function:
> datac$Mean2<-apply(datac,2,mean)
so that I can replace the function argument with "sd" (instead of
mean) to get standard
2012 Aug 25
Standard deviation from MANOVA??
I have problem getting the standard deviation from the manova output.
I have used the manova function: myfit <- manova(cbind(y1, y2) ~ x1
+ x2 + x3, data=mydata) .
I tried to get the predicted values and their standard deviation by using:
predict(myfit, type="response", se.fit=TRUE)
But the problem is that I don't get the standard deviation values, I only
2007 Oct 21
scatter plot with 1 standard deviation for each point
Could anyone give suggestions how to plot a scatter plot with 1 standard
deviation for each point. To make it clearer, here is a simple example: the
scatterplot is plot(X, Y), but I want to add 1 standard deviation according
to the value of Z for each Y.
1 3.5 1.1
. . .
. . .
. . .
Thanks a lot in advance.
[[alternative HTML
2012 Jul 24
Integrate(dnorm) with different mean and standard deviation help
I'm trying to provide different parameters to the integrate function for various probability functions. I'm using dnorm as the simplest example here. For instance integrate(dnorm, -1.96, 1.96) produces the correct answer for a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1. I've tried two ways to use mean=2.0 and standard deviation 1, but with no luck. The examples follow.
2003 Aug 06
Standard error of standard deviation: bootstrap or theoretical results?
Dear R users,
This is more a statistical question rather than an R question. I'd
appreciate it if you can give me some suggestions.
I have a sample of a time series (sample size 500, fat tail in density). I
am trying to calculate the Standard error of standard deviation of a
sub-block-sample (sample size 250). I take 100 this kind of
sub-block-sample, randomly. For these 100 subsamples, I
2008 Aug 13
The standard deviation of measurement 1 with respect to measurement 2
I have two (different types of) measurements, say X and Y, resulting from
the same set of experiments. So X and Y are paired: (x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2),
I am trying to calculate the standard deviation of Y with respect to X. In
other words, in terms of the scatter plot of X and Y, I would like to divide
it into bins along the X-axis and for each bin calculate the standard
deviation along