Displaying 20 results from an estimated 4000 matches similar to: "How to plot countours with fixted densities?"
2006 Jul 08
String mathematical function to R-function
I make a subroutine that give-me a (mathematical)
function in string format.
I would like transform this string into function ( R
function ).
thanks for any tips.
fun_String = "-100*x1 + 0*x2 + 100*x3"
fun <- function(x1,x2,x3){
evaluation( fun_String )
True String mathematical function :-( :-(
> nomes
2009 Nov 09
How to transform the Matrix into the way I want it ???
Hi, R users,
I'm trying to transform a matrix A into B (see below). Anyone knows how to
do it in R? Thanks.
Matrix A (zone to zone travel time)
zone z1 z2 z3 z1 0 2.9 4.3 z2 2.9 0 2.5 z3 4.3 2.5 0
from to time z1 z1 0 z1 z2 2.9 z1 z3 4.3 z2 z1 2.9 z2 z2 0 z2 z3 2.5 z3 z1
4.3 z3 z2 2.5 z3 z3 0
The real matrix I have is much larger, with more than 2000 zones. But I
think it should
2011 Mar 29
Integration with variable bounds
If this is posted elsewhere I cannot find it. I need to perform multiple
integration where some of the variables are in the bounds of the other
variables. I was trying to use R2Cuba function but cannot set the upper and
lower bounds. My code so far is :
int <- function(y){
u2 = y[1]
z2 = y[2]
u1 =y[3]
z1 = y[4]
ff <- u1*(z1-u1)*u2*(z2-u2)*exp(-0.027*(12-z2))
2012 Aug 08
help, please! matrix operations inside 3 nested loops
hello, this is my script:
#1) read in data:
header=TRUE, sep="\t")
#2) create empty matrix:
indxind<-matrix(nrow=617, ncol=617)
#3) compare cells to each other, score:
for (s in 3:34) { #walks though the matrix colum by colum, starting at
2006 Jun 15
matrix selection return types
Dear Rusers,
I would like some comments about the following results
(under R-2.2.0)
> m = matrix(1:6 , 2 , 3)
> m
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 1 3 5
[2,] 2 4 6
> z1 = m[(m[,1]==2),]
> z1
[1] 2 4 6
> is.matrix(z1)
> z2 = m[(m[,1]==0),]
> z2
[,1] [,2] [,3]
> is.matrix(z2)
[1] TRUE
Considered together, I'm a bit surprised about
2002 Mar 27
Error with nls
Dear R-group members,
I use:
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch x86
os Win32
system x86, Win32
major 1
minor 4.1
year 2002
month 01
day 30
language R
I try to fit a 2 compartment model. The compartments are open, connected
to each other and
2013 Oct 18
crr question in library(cmprsk)
Hi all
I do not understand why I am getting the following error message. Can
anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance.
result1 <-crr(ftime, fstatus, cov1, failcode=1, cencode=0 )
one.pout1 = predict(result1,cov1,X=cbind(1,one.z1,one.z2))
Error: could not find function
2017 Jul 28
problem with "unique" function
I have the joint distribution of three discrete random variables z1, z2 and
z3 which is captured by "z"
and "prob" as described below.
For example, the probability for z1=0.46667, z2=-1 and z3=-1 is 2.752e-13.
Also, the probability adds up to 1.
> head(z) z1 z2 z3
[1,] -0.46667 -1.0000 -1.0000
[2,] -0.33333 -0.9333 -0.9333
[3,] -0.20000 -0.8667 -0.8667
2006 Jun 14
A question about stepwise procedures: step function
Dear all,
I tried to use "step" function to do model selection, but I got an error massage. What I don't understand is that data as data.frame worked well for my other programs, how come I cannot make it run this time. Could you please tell me how I can fix it?
2010 Nov 20
How to do a probability density based filtering in 2D?
This sounds like a problem to which many solutions should exist, but I
did not manage to find one.
Basically, given a list of datapoints, I'd like to keep those within
the X% percentile highest density.
That would be equivalent to retain only points within a given line of
a contour plot.
Thanks to anybody who could let me know which function I could use!
2008 Jul 11
Comparing complex numbers
Is there an easy way to compare complex numbers?
Here is a small example:
> (z1=polyroot(c(1,-.4,-.45)))
[1] 1.111111-0i -2.000000+0i
> (z2=polyroot(c(1,1,.25)))
[1] -2+0i -2+0i
> x=0
> if(any(identical(z1,z2))) x=99
> x
[1] 0
# real and imaginary parts:
> Re(z1); Im(z1)
[1] 1.111111 -2.000000
[1] -8.4968e-21 8.4968e-21
> Re(z2); Im(z2)
[1] -2
2006 Mar 16
Using of LME function in non-replicate data
Hello all R-users!
In Jun-2005, I find the follow discussion about using
LME function ( in NLME library ) for fitting
non-replicate data
The thread: ANOVA vs REML approach to variance
component estimation
Someone expose the follow problem:
# non-replicate data
y <- c(2.2, -1.4, -0.5, -0.3, -2.1, 1.5, 1.3, -0.3,
0.5, -1.4,
2008 Apr 03
summary(object, test=c("Roy", "Wilks", "Pillai", ....) AND ellipse(object, center=....)
Dear All,
I would be very appreciative of your help with the following
1). I am running multivariate multiple regression through the manova() function (kindly suggested by Professor Venables) and getting two different answers for test=c("Wilks","Roy","Pillai") and tests=c("Wilks","Roy",'"Pillai") as shown below. In the
2006 Jan 27
about lm restrictions...
Hello all R-users
_question 1_
I need to make a statistical model and respective ANOVA table
but I get distinct results for
the T-test (in summary(lm.object) function) and
the F-test (in anova(lm.object) )
shouldn't this two approach give me the same result, i.e
to indicate the same significants terms in both tests???????
The system has two restrictions:
1) sum( x_i ) = 1
2) sum(
2005 Jun 02
when I run
> plot.default(z1, z2, xlab = "x", ylab = "y", main = "xxxx", pch = "+")
> abline(lm(z1 ~ z2))
then the plot is plotted perfectly (scatterplot), however, the lm()
function doesnt appear on the plot. What could be wrong?
(Yesterday it worked perfectly, with the lm() line.)
Running R 2 on OS X.
Mathias Hunsk??r Furevik
2004 Mar 10
Shorewall2 - Action commands
Dear All,
I have read all the documentation I can find but I still have not understood how, in what context and where to use the action commands enumerated in /usr/share/shorewall/actions.std.
Illustrating with SMB traffic for instance, how can one use AllowSMB, DropSMB and RejectSMB to control SMB traffic instead of the classic
ACCEPT z1 z2 udp 135,445
2010 Jan 29
use zoo package with multiple column data sets
I am trying to use the zoo package with an array of data:
hh:mm:ss 1
hh:mm:ss 2
hh:mm:ss 3
hh:mm:ss 4
hh:mm:ss 11 55
hh:mm:ss 22 66
hh:mm:ss 33 77
hh:mm:ss 44 88
I wanted to merge these data set so I tried the following commands:
2007 Dec 06
How can I plot this graph
I am having trouble plotting the graph I need given the follow kind of data
> xxx <- data.frame(
"z2"=c(2,NA,4,6,NA) )
> xxx
x y1 y2 y3
2004 Feb 27
Hi everybody.
The question:
I get two vectors 'iFalseFalse' and 'i2'.
I think they should be the same but they are not.
Is it because
R does not handle complicated logical expressions in such cases
or I do something wrong?
> z1 = c(NA, "", 3, NA, "", 3)
> z2 = c("", "", 3, NA, 3, NA)
> cV = (as.character(z1)==as.character(z2))
2006 Apr 23
bivariate weighted kernel density estimator
Is there code for bivariate kernel density estimation?
For bivariate kernels there is
kde2d in MASS
kde2d.g in GRASS
KernSur in GenKern
(list probably incomplete)
but none of them seems to accept a weight parameter
(like density does since R 2.2.0)
Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
Faculty of Computer Science
Computer Supported Didactics Working Group
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