similar to: ANCOVA: Next steps??

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "ANCOVA: Next steps??"

2013 Jan 12
Interpreting coefficients in linear models with interaction terms
Hi, I am trying to interpret the coefficients in the model: RateOfMotorPlay ~ TestNumber + Sex + TestNumber * Sex where there are thee different tests and Sex is (obviously) binary. My results are: Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -86.90 -26.28 -7.68 22.52 123.74 Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) (Intercept) 29.430 6.248
2007 Jul 30
Extract random part of summary nlme
Dear helpers, I'm estimating multilevel regression models, using the lme-function from the nlme-package. Let's say that I estimated a model and stored it inside the object named 'model'. The summary of that model is shown below: Using summary(model)$tTable , I receive the following output: > summary(model)$tTable Value Std.Error DF t-value
2007 Jul 31
Extracting random parameters from summary lme and lmer
LS, I'm estimating multilevel regression models, using the lme-function from the nlme-package. Let's say that I estimated a model and stored it inside the object named 'model'. The summary of that model is shown below: Using summary(model)$tTable , I receive the following output: > summary(model)$tTable Value Std.Error DF t-value
2010 Oct 04
Plot for Binomial GLM
Hi i would like to use some graphs or tables to explore the data and make some sensible guesses of what to expect to see in a glm model to assess if toxin concentration and sex have a relationship with the kill rate of rats. But i cant seem to work it out as i have two predictor variables~help?Thanks.:) Here's my data. >
2007 Dec 07
paradox about the degree of freedom in a logistic regression model
Dear all: "predict.glm" provides an example to perform logistic regression when the response variable is a tow-columned matrix. I find some paradox about the degree of freedom . > summary(budworm.lg) Call: glm(formula = SF ~ sex * ldose, family = binomial) Deviance Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -1.39849 -0.32094 -0.07592 0.38220 1.10375
2008 Feb 12
Finding LD50 from an interaction Generalised Linear model
Hi, I have recently been attempting to find the LD50 from two predicted fits (For male and females) in a Generalised linear model which models the effect of both sex + logdose (and sex*logdose interaction) on proportion survival (formula = y ~ ldose * sex, family = "binomial", data = dat (y is the survival data)). I can obtain the LD50 for females using the dose.p() command in the MASS
2011 Feb 08
intervals {nlme} lower CI greater than upper CI !!!????
Hi folks... check this out.. > GLU<-lme(gluc~rt*cd4+sex+age+rf+nadir+pharmac+factor(hcv)+factor(hbs)+ + haartd+hivdur+factor(arv), + random= ~rt|id, na.action=na.omit) > intervals(GLU)$fixed lower est. upper (Intercept) 67.3467070345 7.362307e+01 7.989944e+01 rt *0.0148050160* 6.249304e-02 1.101811e-01 cd4
2004 Jun 09
Specifying xlevels in effects library
library(effects) mod <- lm(Measurement ~ Age + Sex, data=d) e <-effect("Sex",mod) The effect is evaluated at the mean age. > e Sex effect Sex F M 43.33083 44.48531 > > e$model.matrix (Intercept) Age SexM 1 1 130.5859 0 23 1 130.5859 1 To evaluate the effect at Age=120 I tried: e
2007 Jul 30
A simple question about summary.glm
Hello, I am new to R and have tried to search similar questions but could not find exactly what I am looking for, but I apologize if the question was already asked. I have 10 different treatments and want to know whether they affect the sex ratios of insect emergence. After running the glms I got this table: Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev F Pr(>F) NULL
2007 Jul 30
Extracting random parameters from summary lme
LS, I'm estimating multilevel regression models, using the lme-function from the nlme-package. Let's say that I estimated a model and stored it inside the object named 'model'. The summary of that model is shown below: Using summary(model)$tTable , I receive the following output: > summary(model)$tTable Value Std.Error DF t-value
2010 Nov 16
glmer, Error: Downdated X'X is not positive definite,49
Dear list, I am new to this list and I am new to the world of R. Additionally I am not very firm in statistics either but have to deal. So here is my problem: I have a dataset (which I attach at the end of the post) with a binomial response variable (alive or not) and three fixed factors (trapping,treat,sex). I do have repeated measures and would like to include one (enclosure) random factor. I
2007 Dec 28
logistic mixed effects models with lmer
I have a question about some strange results I get when using lmer to build a logistic mixed effects model. I have a data set of about 30k points, and I'm trying to do backwards selection to reduce the number of fixed effects in my model. I've got 3 crossed random effects and about 20 or so fixed effects. At a certain point, I get a model (m17) where the fixed effects are like this
2009 Nov 04
vglm(), t values and p values
Hi All, I'm fitting an proportional odds model using vglm() from VGAM. My response variable is the severity of diseases, going from 0 to 5 (the severity is actually an ordered factor). The independent variables are: 1 genetic marker, time of medical observation, age, sex. What I *need* is a p-value for the genetic marker. Because I have ~1.5 million markers I'd rather not faffing
2013 Mar 23
Non-convergence error for GLMM with LME4?
Hello! I am trying to run a GLMM using LME4, and keep getting the warning message: "In mer_finalize(ans) : false convergence (8)" I am quite new to R, and in looking into this thus far, it appears that there are a variety of reasons why this might occur, such as needing to standardize some parameters or if all subjects in one combination of parameters all have the same outcome. I also
2001 Nov 27
lme on large data frames
Recently there was a question on using lme with large data sets. As an experiment I fit a linear mixed-effects model to a data set with about 350,000 observations on 6 predictors, a numerical response, and a single grouping factor. The timings shown below were on a 1.2 GHz Athlon with 1 GB of PC133 memory and 2 GB of swap. The operating system is Debian 3.0 GNU/Linux. The kernel is 2.4.14.
2007 Jun 18
how to obtain the OR and 95%CI with 1 SD change of a continue variable
Dear all, How to obtain the odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) with 1 standard deviation (SD) change of a continuous variable in logistic regression? for example, to investigate the risk of obesity for stroke. I choose the happening of stroke (positive) as the dependent variable, and waist circumference as an independent variable. Then I wanna to obtain the OR and 95% CI with
2003 Mar 15
formula, how to express for transforming the whole model.matrix, data=Orthodont
Hi, R or S+ users, I want to make a simple transformation for the model, but for the whole design matrix. The model is distance ~ age * Sex, where Sex is a factor. So the design matrix may look like the following: (Intercept) age SexFemale age:SexFemale 1 1 8 0 0 2 1 10 0 0 3 1 12 0 0 4
2008 Jan 07
xtable (PR#10553)
Full_Name: Soren Feodor Nielsen Version: 2.5.0 OS: linux-gnu Submission from: (NULL) ( The print-out of xtable in the following example is wrong; instead of yielding the correct ci's for the second model it repeats the ci's from the first model. require(xtable) require(MASS) data(cats) b1<-lm(Hwt~Sex,cats) b2<-lm(Hwt~Sex+Bwt,cats)
2009 Mar 05
I am struiggling a bit with this function 'hatvalues'. I would like a little more undrestanding than taking the black-box and using the values. I looked at the Fortran source and it is quite opaque to me. So I am asking for some help in understanding the theory. First, I take the simplest case of a single variant. For this I turn o John Fox's book, "Applied Regression Analysis
2007 Nov 28
fit linear regression with multiple predictor and constrained intercept
Hi group, I have this type of data x(predictor), y(response), factor (grouping x into many groups, with 6-20 obs/group) I want to fit a linear regression with one common intercept. 'factor' should only modify the slopes, not the intercept. The intercept is expected to be >0. If I use y~ x + factor, I get a different intercept for each factor level, but one slope only if I use y~ x *