Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70000 matches similar to: "Conditional statement used in sapply()"
2008 Aug 20
Line of best
I have a scatter plot, with an equation that best fits the scatter plot expressed as: 1/x^.6. I know for normal linear regression lines you can use the abline() command; however, since my best fit line is not linear, how can I draw my line on the scatter plot in a similar fashion to abline().
Thanks for everyone's help again. I appreciate this board's advice.
2008 Aug 19
conditional with and operators
I have a problem in which I am parsing data from a list. I am simply trying to return data that has several conditions being true. Here is my syntax below:
d<-sapply(res,function(.df){(.df$TimesVisited[.df$Tick>912 && .df$Id>0])}) #res is the list, and I am trying to return a result that has two true conditions (that is the variable Tick should be greate than 912 and Id
2007 Dec 19
Aggregating by a grouping
Suppose I have:
Book Value
A 10
B 11
C 9
D 8
A 12
C 4
D 5
B 7
I want to summarize above not by Book but by groupings of Books as in
I have a list ... basic_map <- list(c("A",B"),c("C,D"))
Big_names <- c("A1", "A2")
Names(basic_map) <- big_names
So I want to get :
A1 40
A2 26
How do I use tapply AND the list to get my
2007 Dec 26
Rbind-ing a list into one item
I am doing the following:
1. I have a list of files.. Files1=list.files("some
directory",pattern="some pattern")
2. I define a list as res=vector("list", length(files1))
3. I read all the files into this list: res=lapply(files1, read.csv)
I now want to rowbind all the items in the list into one big mass (all
files have same number of columns). I tried
2009 Mar 20
functions within a list
I am trying to perform various functions on a list with a number of elements. For example. I would like to take the mean of different variable values in the entire list. As an example,
say I have a list with 1000 elements and variables called Id and Tick. What I would like to do is take the mean of a variable called X for each Tick in the data element. So, there can be say 1 to 600 tick
2008 Jan 08
Error with rbind and zoo
Hi all:
I have a directory of files as in -------------> bunchafiles <-
list.files(path="/data/2.3/2006", pattern="returns",
full.names=T,recursive=T) .... Each file is a bunch of returns for a
particular date (unique). There are like 252 files or so.
With a custom function myread (below), I define a vector ----- res <-
2011 May 16
conditional rowsums in sapply
Hi all
I have a data frame with duplicate columns and i want to remove duplicates
by adding rows in each group of duplicates, but have lots of NA's.
dfrm <- data.frame(a = 1:4, b= 1:4, cc= 1:4, dd=1:10, ee=1:4)
names(dfrm) <- c("a", "a", "b", "b", "b")
a a b b b
1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2 2 2
2008 Jan 10
Extracting last time value
I have a dataframe as follows:
Date time value
20110620 11:18:00 7
20110620 11:39:00 9
20110621 11:41:00 8
20110621 11:40:00 6
20110622 14:05:00 8
20110622 14:06:00 6
For every date, I want to extract the row that has the greatest time.
Therefore, ending up like:
20110620 11:39:00 9
20110621 11:41:00 8
20110622 14:07:00 6
I am using for loops (for every date, find largest time value) to do
2008 Aug 12
Parsing array data
I read in csv files with the following code:
res <- vector(mode="list",length=3)
for(i in 1: length(res))
This allows me to load the data into an array of length 3, with the res array containing my data from the csv
2008 Dec 29
Merge or combine data frames with missing columns
Hi R-experts,
suppose I have a list with containing data frame elements:
(Intercept) y1 y2 y3 y4
-6.64 0.761 0.383 0.775 0.163
(Intercept) y2 y3
-3.858 0.854 0.834
Now I want to put them into ONE dataframe like this:
(Intercept) y1
2009 Mar 26
Reading in files with variable parts to names
Dear all,
I'm trying to read in a whole directory of files which have two variable parts to the file name: year and month. E.g. comp198604.asc represents April of 1986 - 'comp' is fixed in each case. Years range between 1986 to 1995 and months are between 1 and 12.
Just to be clear, there are 12 files associated with each year: e.g. comp198601, comp198602, ... comp198612 through to
2009 Jan 08
Convert to as.Date
I have an vector object that looks like
DA <- c("1991q1", "1993q2")
(first quarter of 1991 etc) and I want to convert it into a date object
using as.Date(). I did this for montly data but am stumped when it comes to
dealing with quarterly data and as.Date.
Would anyone be able to help? Would be very grateful for any advice, sorry
for being such an R-newbie!
2009 Mar 25
Manual sort in a for loop
Dear all,
I am trying to manually re-sort rows in a number of tables. The rows aren't sorted on any particular values but are simply ordered by user choice (as shown by the row numbers in the code). I have been able to carry out each re-arrangement without the use of the 'for' loop, but cannot seem to successfully execute the statements when incorporated into the loop. The code I have
2008 Aug 06
Union of columns of two matrices
I was posed the following problem/teaser:
given two matrices, come up with an "elegant" (=fast & short) function that
returns a matrix with all and only the non-duplicated columns of both
matrices; the column order does not matter. In essence, a matrix equivalent
of union(x,y), where x and y are vectors. I could not come with anything
nice. Any ideas?
Giuseppe A.
2009 Mar 25
Plot inside For loop
I am plotting a set of data inside a for loop.
Is it possible to use plot in for loop without redrawing the whole
plot? Am using par(new=TRUE) but that draws on top of the previous plot.
Couldn't find any threads about the topic.
2009 Feb 25
How to get JRI to work from my NetBeans
I need your help. I have downloaded a precompiled JRI as part of rJava. I
have included rJava as part of my R package libraries.
Now I need to be able to work with some R functions from my Java apps. I'm
using NetBeans on Windows.
I have followed some instructions from http://www.rforge.net/JRI/
but i keep on getting errors when compiling my Java app as follows:
Cannot find JRI
2010 Feb 01
Merging vector data into one file
I had another question. If you had say a vector (e.g., called data)
with 235 elements and each element looked like the following
Column A-B Column Z-S Column A-S....
1 2 5 .......
Column Z-B Column A-S Column A-B....
2 1 3 .......
Anyway, each element consists of one row
2009 Apr 02
Deleting rows based on identity variable
I have created this data frame to help illustrate my problem.
y<-c(0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.2, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.4, 0.12, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.55, 0.2, 0, 0.1, 0.5, 0.3, 0.2, 0, 0.1, 0.6, 0.4, 0.1)
I would like to delete all rows where id=4, however, when I tried the command
and looked
2009 Feb 25
reshape from wide to long
Hi,I would like to reshape the following "wide" data set to "long" form. I
would appreciate help with the correct code for "reshape". I tried a few
Grp X0 X3 X6 X12 X25
X501 C 0.5326517 0.6930942 0.9403883 1.157571
2002 Jun 26
FW: samba woes
I have been working on a component that is included with samba called SMBSH. The binary allows you to automount your NT shares by accessing your profile . I have been working on this for the last
few days and have been unsuccesful at getting it work. Now I am not much of a programmer, but I did my best to try and troubleshoot this. However it just does not want to work in Linux. I