similar to: re placing default labels in lattice

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 600 matches similar to: "re placing default labels in lattice"

2007 Feb 10
error using user-defined link function with mixed models (LMER)
Greetings, everyone. I've been trying to analyze bird nest survival data using generalized linear mixed models (because we documented several consecutive nesting attempts by the same individuals; i.e. repeated measures data) and have been unable to persuade the various GLMM models to work with my user-defined link function. Actually, glmmPQL seems to work, but as I want to evaluate a suite of
2013 Jun 22
metaMDS Error, Nan similar or negative values
H ello R-experts, I want to do ordination plots using vegan metaMDS. I have a where many cells have zero values. Data structure: X[1:10,1:14] Height.1 Height.2 Height.3 Height.4 Height.5 Height.6 Height.7 Height.8 Height.9 Height.10 Height.11 Height.12 Height.13 D30I1A 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 98 D30I1B
2004 Dec 10
How to circumvent negative eigenvalues in the capscale function
Dear All I am trying to do a partial canonical analysis of principal coordinates using Bray-Curtis distances. The capscale addin to R appears to be the only way of doing it, however, when I try and calculate a Bray-Curtis distance matrix either using Capscale or Vegedist (capscale I understand uses Vegedist anyway to calculate its distance matrix), R uses up all available memory on the computer,
2008 May 12
inserting mathematical symbols in lattice strip
I have tried without success to find a way including the square root symbol in lattice strips as part of my conditioning labels. I have tried supplementing by creating a list of vectors using the function coupled with the expression function used in xlab/ylab. xyplot(adjusted_Rand_index~cluster|distance_measure, main="Level of agreement between partitions: Wards Method",
2008 May 12
Mathematical annotation in lattice strip: Is it possible?
I have tried without success to find a way including the square root symbol in lattice strips as part of my conditioning labels. I have tried supplementing by creating a list of vectors using the function coupled with the expression function used in xlab/ylab. xyplot(adjusted_Rand_index~cluster|distance_measure, main="Level of agreement between partitions: Wards Method",
2010 Feb 26
Error in mvpart example
Dear all, I'm getting an error in one of the stock examples in the 'mvpart' package. I tried: require(mvpart) data(spider) fit3 <- rpart(gdist(spider[,1:12],meth="bray",full=TRUE,sq=TRUE)~water+twigs+reft+herbs+moss+sand,spider,method="dist") #directly from ?rpart summary(fit3) ...which returned the following: Error in apply(formatg(yval, digits - 3), 1,
2011 Sep 09
NMDS plot and Adonis (PerMANOVA) of community composition with presence absence and relative intensity
Hi! Thanks for providing great help in R-related statistics. Now, however I'm stuck. I'm not a statistics person but I was recommended to use R to perform a nmds plot and PerMANOVA of my dataset. Sample(treatment) in the columns and species (OTU) in the rows. I have 4 treatments (Ambient Temperature, Ambient temperature+Low pH, High temperature, High temperature+low pH), and I have 16
2007 Aug 22
distance by vegan
How to calculate sorensen (bray-curtis) distance by dist function within the vegan package? Cheers Duccio
2004 Mar 16
Does R have a function to calculate Bray-Curtis distance measures, which is probably one of the most frequently used and recommended dissimilarity measures in ecology? It isn't mentioned in dist().
2013 Dec 17
What is the formula of Pseudo-F statistic in capscale in vegan?
Dear R-help, We are conducting a distance-based redundancy analysis using capscale and then testing for statistical significance for six terms in the model for the constrained ordination using anova.cca in the vegan package. The significance test is sequential, i.e., testing for significance of a term only after accounting for all preceding terms. Could someone please provide us with either the
2006 Nov 10
Problems with metaMDS from vegan
Hello all, I recently used the Vegan library quite extensively (in the context of text similarity assessment) on an Ubuntu 6.06 LTS system with R version 2.2.1 (2005-12-20 r36812). The Vegan lib is version 1.6-10. I hit on a problem yesterday, though, when trying to install R and Vegan on two further computers - one Windows XP and one further Ubuntu 6.06 machine, taking either R version 2.4.0
2010 Dec 01
procrustes results affected by order of sites in input file
Dear All, I am using a Procrustes analysis to compare two NMDS ordinations for the same set of sites. One ordination is based on fish data, the other is based on invertebrate data. Ordinations were derived using metaMDS() from the {vegan} library as follows: fish.mds<-metaMDS(, distance="bray", k=3, trymax=100, wascores=TRUE, trace=TRUE, zero="add")
2010 Feb 09
Bug#569014: logcheck kernel rules don't match [<blank><number>.<number>]
Package: logcheck Version: 1.2.69 The current ruleset "kernel" provided with this logcheck package don't match entries where the kernel timeline has leading spaces, like: [ 42.302707] For example, the following entry: Feb 4 17:05:24 hostname kernel: [ 144.591487] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6 didn't matched the re: ^\w{3} [ :0-9]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+
2009 Sep 01
Strange error returned or bug in gam in mgcv????
Dear friends, what is this error message in gam???? I cannot understand what it means .... is it a bug? gam_bray_scot24_pc_0505<gam(bray~s(PC1,PC2,PC3,PC4,PC5, PC1.1,PC2.1,PC3.1,PC4.1,PC5.1),data=dist_scot24_vector_with_climate) Error in if (length(data) != vl) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed Calls: gam ... smooth.construct -> -> array In
2012 May 09
reception of (Vegan) envfit analysis by manuscript reviewers
I'm getting lots of grief from reviewers about figures generated with the envfit function in the Vegan package. Has anyone else struggled to effectively explain this analysis? If so, can you share any helpful tips? The most recent comment I've gotten back: "What this shows is which NMDS axis separates the communities, not the relationship between the edaphic factor and the
2013 Jun 11
'Boolean Index too long'
#Hi, I am trying to run an MRPP with community data (spp-site-matrix). I use the following code: mzbtaxa_mrpp <- mrpp(mzbdist,mzbsites$Site) #mzbdist being a distance object (Bray-Curtis similarity matrix) derived from my sqrt transformed community data set, created with function 'vegdist', mzbsites$Site refers to factors structuring my community. #when I run this code, I get the
2006 Jul 14
Cluster Analysis with flexible beta linkage method
Hi all, I am trying to run a cluster analysis using Sorenson (Bray-Curtis) distance measure with flexible beta linkage method. However, I can't seem to find flexible beta in any of the functions/packages I have looked at. Any help would be appreciated. [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2011 Apr 13
Solaris 10 Compilation Issue with 2.0.12 (actually post 12690) [WORKAROUND PROVIDED]
Greetings, Post 12689:7f5735ab7c35 / 12690:02829f7f79c7 dovecot uses the reentrant version of get(password/group)* related functions. There are two variants of these functions on Solaris. To get the variant used by dovecot code based you need to define _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS (see attached manual page). Initially I defined this just for the compilation of lib/src/ipwd.c, and got the code to
2009 Jan 21
vegan metaMDS
Hi, I'm trying to use metaMDS with a dissimilarity matrix of angles, not Bray-Curtis, and I wanted to know if there is an in-built function to produce a plot of stress values against dimensions, that could be used to determine the 'true' dimension of the solution. The number of objects is only a lowly 8 so any solution higher than 2-dimensional is not likely to be interpretable,
2013 Jul 18
binary distance measure of the "dist" function in the "stats" package
Dear all: I want to ask question about "binary" distance measure. As far as I know, there are many binary distance measures,eg, binary Jarcad distance, binary euclidean distance, and binary Bray-Curtis distance,etc. It is even more confusing because many have more than one name. So , I wan to know what the definite name of the binary distance measure of the "dist" function