similar to: produce variable on the fly

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 900 matches similar to: "produce variable on the fly"

2008 Jul 04
Re ad in a file - produce independent vectors
Is there a way of reading in a file in a way that each line becomes a vector: for example: meals.txt breakfast bacon eggs sausage lunch sandwich apple marsbar crisps dinner chicken rice custard pie I want to read in this file and end up with 3 different vectors, one called breakfast which contains "bacon", "eggs", sausage" One called
2008 Aug 07
re order vector in order given by another vector
So imagine I have a vector: zz = c("a","c","d","b") and another vector: xx = c("d","c","a","b") I need to get xx in the same order as zz. I am sure this is very simple but I can't figure it out from the help pages for order or sort. Perhaps I'm not trying hard enough but its been bugging me for a while....
2008 Sep 22
Combine data frames using column names as "key"
Hi guys, Suppose I have 2 data frames ie: values one 0.32 two 0.25 three 0.11 and values two 0.66 one 0.74 three 0.19 nb the first column is the row names in both cases How can I combine them on the row names column? Ie to make something like values.1 values.2 one 0.32 0.74 two 0.25 0.66 three 0.11 0.19 I guess its
2009 Dec 15
Changing Column names in (Output) csv file
Dear R helpers   Following is a part of R code.   data_lab <- expand.grid(c("R11", "R12", "R13"), c("R21", "R22", "R23"), c("R31", "R32", "R33"), c("R41", "R42", "R43"), c("R51", "R52", "R53"), c("R61", "R62", "R63"),
2010 Jan 25
Data transformation
Dear all, I have a dataset that looks like this: x <- read.table(textConnection("col1 col2 3 1 2 2 4 7 8 6 5 10"), header=TRUE) I want to rewrite it as below: var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9 var10 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
2012 Jan 08
multivariate problem
Dear all,  I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question, but I will have a go. Please redirect me to a different place if this is not the right one! I have a (relatively) simple problem which causes me some frustration because I cannot find the solution. I measure ten variables (var1 to var10) every day, they are all continuous (linear) and most of them are correlated. Some days,
2010 Sep 30
Several Lattice plots in one Plot
Hi all, I've been trying for hours, but I do not find a Solution. I want to plot 12 variables over time in separate diagrams in one plot/window using lattice. Two columns, six rows. I used print with the split command, but the graphics are getting really small. Can someone please help me. Following data example: dta = data.frame( day=c(1,2,3,4,5,6,7),
2011 Nov 04
How to use 'prcomp' with CLUSPLOT?
Hello, I have a large data set that has more columns than rows (sample data below). I am trying to perform a partitioning cluster analysis and then plot that using pca. I have tried using CLUSPLOT(), but that only allows for 'princomp' where I need 'prcomp' as I do not want to reduce my columns. Is there a way to edit the CLUSPLOT() code to use 'prcomp', please? #
2012 Oct 25
cut point in ROC
var1 var2 var3 var4 var5 var6 var7 var8 var9 var10 gold 2 3 1 2 4 0 1 4 4 3 2 2 4 2 4 3 4 2 4 4 4 2 3 3 0 0 4 1 0 2 4 4 2 1 4 0 3 2 0 0 2 4 4 2 3 4 0 2 2 0 0 0 3 4 2 2 2 3 2 2 0 0 0 2 4 2 2 4 1 1 2 0 0 3 3 3 2 3 4 1 4 0 0 0 0 3 4 2 3 1 0 2 2 1 0 2 3 3 2 0 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 1
2004 Jan 08
(no subject)
Hello, I have trouble converting a character string to a R object. Let me describe this by an example; > dim(a) [1] 270 14 > dim("a") NULL > names(a) [1] "Var1" "Var2" "Var3" "Var4" "Var5" "Var6" "Var7" "Var8" "Var9" [10] "Var10" "Var11" "Var12"
2011 Jan 21
nlminb doesn't converge and produce a warning
Hi Everybody, My problem is that nlminb doesn't converge, in minimising a logLikelihood function, with 31*6 parameters(2 weibull parameters+29 regressors repeated 6 times). I use nlminb like this : res1<-nlminb(vect, V, lower=c(rep(0.01, 12), rep(0.01, 3), rep(-Inf, n-15)), upper=c(rep(Inf, 12), rep(0.99, 3), rep(Inf, n-15)), control = list(maxit=1000) ) and that's the result :
2007 Nov 07
creating a dynamic output vector
Let's say I have a program that returns variables whose names may be any string within the vector NAMES=c("varA","varB","varC","varD","varE","varF"..."varZ"), but I do not ever know which ones have actually been created. So in one example output, "varA", "varC", and "varD" could exist, but
2018 May 03
adding overall constraint in optim()
Hi ? This is giving me a headache. I?m trying to do a relatively simple optimization ? actually trying to approximate the output from the Excel Solver function but at roughly 1000x the speed. ? The optimization parameters look like this. The only trouble is that I want to add a constraint that sum(wgt.vect)=1, and I can?t figure out how to do that in optim. Mo.vect <-
2006 Sep 04
Subsetting vectors based on condition
Hello, I have a question regarding subsetting of vectors. Here's an example of what I'm trying to do: vect.1 <- c(76,195, 290, 380) vect.2 <- c(63, 95, 133, 170, 215, 253, 285, 299, 325, 375) I would like to subset vect.2 so that it has the same length as vect.1, and its numbers are the first corresponging higher value compared to vect.1. The output should be: final.output =
2003 Nov 14
Vector indices and minus sign
Hi, I got caught out by this behaviour in 1.8.0 and I wondered why this happens: I have a list of vectors and was using lapply and grep to remove matched elements that occur in only a subset of the elements of the list: locs <- lapply(locs, function(x){x[- grep("^x", x)]}) The problem is that where the grep finds no matches and hence returns a vector of length 0, all the
2018 May 03
adding overall constraint in optim()
Thanks Bert. But everyone on that forum wants to use finance tools rather than general optimization stuff! And I am not optimizing a traditional Markowitz mean-variance problem. Plus, smarter people here. :-) > On May 3, 2018, at 3:01 PM, Bert Gunter <bgunter.4567 at> wrote: > > You can't -- at least as I read the docs for ?optim (but I'm pretty > ignorant
2011 Feb 13
From numeric vector to string vector
Hi there, I have a numeric vector let say: Vect <- c(12.234, 234.5675, 1.5) Now I want a string vector like: changedVec <- c("012.234", "234.568", "001.500") Would be grateful if somebody help me how can I do that. Thanks and regards, [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jun 09
Cross-validation in R
Folks; I am having a problem with the cv.glm and would appreciate someone shedding some light here. It seems obvious but I cannot get it. I did read the manual, but I could not get more insight. This is a database containing 3363 records and I am trying a cross-validation to understand the process. When using the cv.glm, code below, I get mean of perr1 of 0.2336 and SD of 0.000139. When using a
2012 Dec 11
Rprof causing R to crash
I'm trying to use Rprof() to identify bottlenecks and speed up a particullary slow section of code which reads in a portion of a tif file and compares each of the values to values of predictors used for model fitting. I've written up an example that anyone can run. Generally temp would be a section of a tif read into a data.frame and used later for other processing. The first portion
2012 Mar 17
rtriang using ifelse statement
Hi All, I want to draw samples (n=4) from one of 2 triangular distributions for each value in a matrix. I am using an ifelse statement to try to define which distribution to draw from. >From the output, I can see that the ifelse statement is choosing the correct distribution, however, my n=4 simulations aren't occurring. Is there a way to adjust the ifelse statement to fix this, or must