similar to: Howto Smooth a Curve Created with the Point Function

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "Howto Smooth a Curve Created with the Point Function"

2010 Sep 06
Time Series
Hi How would I analyse time series with - different lengths (i.e. one has 9 entries and the other has 14 entries) - different frequency (i.e. dates are random - no repeated length) - multiple values for the same time entry (e.g. 2009-10-23 below) i.e. my data takes the form: 1st time series 2009-10-07 0.009378 2009-10-19 0.014790 2009-10-23 -0.005946 2009-10-23 0.009096 2009-11-08 0.004189
2018 Mar 12
Help on Aggregation
Dear All, 1.I have been trying to aggregate my data but I have not been getting it correctly. In the data I want to convert hourly data into daily averages. Here is a sample of the data: Neph_no Date Time Temp_C Pressure_kPa RH 9 2014/03/28 10:00:00 38.4 95.9 29.7 9 2014/03/28 11:00:00 37.8 95.8 29.2 9 2014/03/28 12:00:00 36.7 95.8 35.1 9 2014/03/28 13:00:00 35.4 95.8 38.9 9
2008 Jun 23
Getting only label column of a data frame
Hi, How can I extract the label only from a given data frame. Fore example from this data frame. > print(dataf) V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6 V7 V8 V9 11145 14.3 17.1 31.2 41.7 45.8 49.8 68.6 70.6 72.9 3545 10.2 15.6 20.9 23.2 31.4 31.7 36.2 48.4 51.9 8951 15.2 17.5 20.0 21.4 32.4
2011 Oct 09
Hello. I am wondering why I am getting NA for all in cors=sapply(pred,cor,y=resp). I suppose that each column in pred has NAs in them. Is there some way to fix this? Thanks > str(pred) 'data.frame':   200 obs. of  13 variables:  $ mnO2: num  9.8 8 11.4 4.8 9 13.1 10.3 10.6 3.4 9.9 ...  $ Cl  : num  60.8 57.8 40 77.4 55.4 ...  $ NO3 : num  6.24 1.29 5.33 2.3 10.42 ...  $ NH4 : num  578
2008 Jul 06
Routing and keying Questions
Hello! I use tincd to interconnect 3 LANs: A, B and C. So long, it works fine: everybody reaches everybody. But I want a different behavior: A and B should be allowed to talk, as should B and C. I tried to simply delete the host-files on the nodes that should not be allowed to talk to eachother: A has a hostfile from B B has a hostfile from A and C C has a hostfile from B But this is no
2011 Mar 08
I apologize in advance if this is posted all ready I have not been able to find any information about it. I have this data frame and I want to sort smoking by retlevel. Age Gender BMI Calories Fat Fiber Alc retlevel Smoking 1 64 Female 18.87834 1828.0 63.4 14.7 0.0 Normal Non-Smoker 2 25 Female 20.64102 1517.4 59.1 5.9 0.0 Normal Smoker 3
2011 Nov 03
Help in ranef Function
Hi I'm getting the intercepts of the Random effects as 0. Please help me to understand why this is coming Zero This is my R code Data<- read.csv("C:/FE and RE.csv") Formula="Y~X2+X3+X4 + (1|State) + (0+X5|State)" fit=lmer(formula=Formula,data=Data) ranef(fit). My sample Data State Year Y X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 S2 1960 27.8 397.5 42.2 50.7 78.3 65.8 S1 1960 29.9 413.3 38.1
2011 Nov 07
Intercepts is coming as Zero in the Mixed Models
Hi I'm getting the intercepts of the Random effects as 0. Please help me to understand why this is coming Zero This is my R code Data<- read.csv("C:/FE and RE.csv") Formula="Y~X2+X3+X4 + (1|State) + (0+X5|State)" fit=lmer(formula=Formula,data=Data) ranef(fit). My sample Data State Year Y X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 S2 1960 27.8 397.5 42.2 50.7 78.3 65.8 S1 1960 29.9 413.3 38.1
2011 Nov 11
Estimating IRT models by using nlme() function
Hi, I have a question about estimating IRT models by using nlme, not just rasch model, but also other models. Behavior Research Methods <> Volume 37, Number 2 <>, 202-218, DOI: 10.3758/BF03192688 Using SAS PROC NLMIXED to fit item response theory models (2005). Ching-Fan
2012 Jul 06
differences between survival models between STATA and R
Dear Community, I have been using two types of survival programs to analyse a data set. The first one is an R function called aftreg. The second one an STATA function called streg. Both of them include the same analyisis with a weibull distribution. Yet, results are very different. Shouldn't the results be the same? Kind regards, J -- View this message in context:
2009 Jul 29
- counting factor occurrences within a group: tapply()
Dear List, I'm an [R] novice starting analysis of an ecological dataset containing the basal areas of different tree species in a number of research plots. Example data follow: > Trees<-data.frame(SppID=as.factor(c(rep('QUEELL',2), rep('QUEALB',3), 'CORAME', 'ACENEG', 'TILAME')), BA=c(907.9, 1104.4, 113.0, 143.1, 452.3, 638.7, 791.7, 804.3),
2007 Feb 23
OCFS 1.2.4 memory problems still?
I have a 2 node cluster of HP DL380G4s. These machines are attached via scsi to an external HP disk enclosure. They run 32bit RH AS 4.0 and OCFS 1.2.4, the latest release. They were upgraded from 1.2.3 only a few days after 1.2.4 was released. I had reported on the mailing list that my developers were happy, and things seemed faster. However, twice in that time, the cluster has gone down due
2007 Mar 14
How to transform matrices to ANOVA input datasets?
Hello, R experts, I have a list called dataHP which has 30 elements (m1, m2, ..., m30). Each element is a 7x6 matrix holding yield data from two factors experimental design, with treatment in column, position in row. For instance, the element 20 is: dataHP[[20]] col1 col2 col3 trt1 trt2 trt3 [1,] 22.0 20.3 29.7 63.3 78.5 76.4 [2,]
2012 Oct 15
performance analytics
hi Michael, am sorry for the incomplete reply . csv file data havinmg like this , >getSymbols("IBM") >weekly_data = to.weekly(week_name) >dataframe=data.frame(weekly_data) >outputfile_name="F:\\R-programs\\Outputfile.csv" >write.table(dataframe, file =outputfile_name,sep = ",",col.names =TRUE,row.names = T) > datafrom_table <-
2009 Oct 27
Non-normal residuals.
Hello, I asked a question about what the most likely process to follow if after a time-series fit is performed the residuals are found to be non-normal. One peron responded and offered to help if I supplied a sample data set. Unfortunately now that I have a sample I have lost the emai addressl. If you are that person or have some ideas please email me back at rkevinburton at Thank
2009 Jun 03
insert and count missing data
Hi R-users, I have missing data for the month. My question is how do I insert the missing month and fill up the cell with 'na' for the rain amount?  Then I would like to count the percentage of missing data. No     Year     month rain 1398 1985    10 104.2 1399 1985    11 138.0 1400 1985    12 120.4 1401 1986     1  12.6 1402 1986     2  19.4 1403 1986     3   1.0 1404 1986     4  58.8
2011 Jul 13
max possible rsquare
Dear all, I have a question regarding the output of the coxph function. What does the 'max possible' exactly mean in the output below? Many thanks. coef exp(coef) se(coef) robust se z Pr(>|z|) smocc_zyban -0.4384 0.6451 0.8667 0.9473 -0.463 0.644 self 1.1857 3.2728 0.1405 0.1443 8.216 2.22e-16 *** smocc_zyban:self
2010 May 18
Very serious performance degradation
Hi, I''m running Opensolaris 2009.06, and I''m facing a serious performance loss with ZFS ! It''s a raidz1 pool, made of 4 x 1TB SATA disks : zfs_raid ONLINE 0 0 0 raidz1 ONLINE 0 0 0 c7t2d0 ONLINE 0 0 0 c7t3d0 ONLINE 0 0 0 c7t4d0 ONLINE 0 0
2007 Dec 12
problem applying a conditional formula to each element of a matrix
I'm applying a function (Cov.f) defined below to each element of a distance matrix. When I run the code below, I get a warning message (below) and elements of returned matrix [2,3] and [3,2] are not zero as I would expect. Clearly, there is an error... What am I doing wrong? Thanks. --Dale Warning message: In if (h <= phi) { : the condition has length > 1 and only the first element
2006 Oct 19
Problem Reading from .txt
I apologize that I've asked a similar question before, but being new to R I don't think I did a very good job of formating the question. I've included a text file since the date set is somewhat large. What I have is a huge string of numbers in a text file. The numbers are all separated by comma's and the groups are separated by a semicolon. What I would like to do is read each