similar to: clustering and data-mining...

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "clustering and data-mining..."

2007 Apr 15
Use estimated non-parametric model for sensitivity analysis
Dear all, I fitted a non-parametric model using GAM function in R. i.e., gam(y~s(x1)+s(x2)) #where s() is the smooth function Then I obtained the coefficients(a and b) for the non-parametric terms. i.e., y=a*s(x1)+b*s(x2) Now if I want to use this estimated model to do optimization or sensitivity analysis, I am not sure how to incorporate the smooth function since s() may not
2009 Aug 06
solving system of equations involving non-linearities
Hi, I would appreciate if someone could help me on track with this problem. I want to compute some parameters from a system of equations given a number of sample observations. The system looks like this: sum_i( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = x sum_i( C+d_i>0 & C+d_i>A+b_i) = y sum_i( exp(E+f_i) * ( A+b_i>0 & A+b_i>C+d_i) = z A, C, E are free variables while the other
2003 Oct 23
Variance-covariance matrix for beta hat and b hat from lme
Dear all, Given a LME model (following the notation of Pinheiro and Bates 2000) y_i = X_i*beta + Z_i*b_i + e_i, is it possible to extract the variance-covariance matrix for the estimated beta_i hat and b_i hat from the lme fitted object? The reason for needing this is because I want to have interval prediction on the predicted values (at level = 0:1). The "predict.lme" seems to
2012 Oct 18
summation coding
I would like to code the following in R: a1(b1+b2+b3) + a2(b1+b3+b4) + a3(b1+b2+b4) + a4(b1+b2+b3) or in summation notation: sum_{i=1, j\neq i}^{4} a_i * b_i I realise this is the same as: sum_{i=1, j=1}^{4} a_i * b_i - sum_{i=j} a_i * b_i would appreciate some help. Thank you. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R
2008 May 16
Making slope coefficients ``relative to 0''.
I am interested in whether the slopes in a linear model are different from 0. I.e. I would like to obtain the slope estimates, and their standard errors, ``relative to 0'' for each group, rather than relative to some baseline. Explicitly I would like to write/represent the model as y = a_i + b_i*x + E i = 1, ..., K, where x is a continuous variate and i indexes groups (levels of a
2000 Mar 31
linear models
Dear R users, I have a couple of linear model related questions. 1) How do I produce a fixed effect linear model using lme? I saw somewhere (this may be Splus documentation since I use Splus and R interchangeably) that using lme(...,random= ~ -1 | groups,...) works, but it gives the same as lme(...,random= ~ 1 | groups,...), ie. fits a random effect intercept term. The reason why I want to do
2002 Dec 10
clogit and general conditional logistic regression
Can someone clarify what I cannot make out from the documentation? The function 'clogit' in the 'survival' package is described as performing a "conditional logistic regression". Its return value is stated to be "an object of class clogit which is a wrapper for a coxph object." This suggests that its usefulness is confined to the sort of data which arise in
2001 May 23
help: exponential fit?
Hi there, I'm quite new to R (and statistics), and I like it (both)! But I'm a bit lost in all these packages, so could someone please give me a hint whether there exists a package for fitting exponential curves (of the type t --> \sum_i a_i \exp( - b_i t)) on a noisy signal? In fact monoexponential decay + polynomial growth is what I'd like to try. Thanks in advance,
2004 Apr 05
2 lme questions
Greetings, 1) Is there a nice way of extracting the variance estimates from an lme fit? They don't seem to be part of the lme object. 2) In a series of simulations, I am finding that with ML fitting one of my random effect variances is sometimes being estimated as essentially zero with massive CI instead of the finite value it should have, whilst using REML I get the expected value. I guess
2010 Feb 03
Package plm & heterogenous slopes
Dear r-helpers, I am working with plm package. I am trying to fit a fixed effects (or a 'within') model of the form y_it = a_i + b_i*t + e_it, i.e. a model with an individual-specific intercept and an individual- specific slope. Does plm support this directly? Thanks in advance! Otto Kassi
2012 Mar 08
Panel models: Fixed effects & random coefficients in plm
Hello, I am using {plm} to estimate panel models. I want to estimate a model that includes fixed effects for time and individual, but has a random individual effect for the coefficient on the independent variable. That is, I would like to estimate the model: Y_it = a_i + a_t + B_i * X_it + e_it Where i denotes individuals, t denotes time, X is my independent variable, and B (beta) is the
2011 Sep 25
Question about syntax in lm function
I encounters some codes in ggplot2 manual and confused with one of its lm syntax. The code is here: library(ggplot2) d <- subset(diamonds, carat < 2.5 & rbinom(nrow(diamonds), 1, 0.2) == 1) d$lcarat <- log10(d$carat) d$lprice <- log10(d$price) detrend <- lm(lprice ~ lcarat, data = d) d$lprice2 <- resid(detrend) mod <- lm(lprice2 ~ lcarat * color, data = d) # *** what
2011 Aug 26
How to generate a random variate that is correlated with a given right-censored random variate?
Hi, I have a right-censored (positive) random variable (e.g. failure times subject to right censoring) that is observed for N subjects: Y_i, I = 1, 2, ..., N. Note that Y_i = min(T_i, C_i), where T_i is the true failure time and C_i is the censored time. Let us assume that C_i is independent of T_i. Now, I would like to generate another random variable U_i, I = 1, 2, ..., N, which is
2010 Feb 05
metafor package: effect sizes are not fully independent
In a classical meta analysis model y_i = X_i * beta_i + e_i, data {y_i} are assumed to be independent effect sizes. However, I'm encountering the following two scenarios: (1) Each source has multiple effect sizes, thus {y_i} are not fully independent with each other. (2) Each source has multiple effect sizes, each of the effect size from a source can be categorized as one of a factor levels
2008 Oct 24
Computational problems in R
Dear all, I would be grateful if anyone can help me with the following: My aim is to compute explicitely the sum S=A+B where A=sum(exp(c_i/d)), i=1,...,n; B, c_i, and d are real numbers with -Inf<B,c_i<+Inf; and d>0. The problem is that when c_i/d >710 (for some i) R is setting exp(c_i/d) to be equal to +Inf and hence the whole summation S. So in simple cases where for example c_i=8
2009 Apr 21
Changing the binning of collected data
Dear All, Apologies if this is too simple for this list. Let us assume that you have an instrument measuring particle distributions. The output is a set of counts {n_i} corresponding to a set of average sizes {d_i}. The set of {d_i} ranges from d_i_min to d_i_max either linearly of logarithmically. There is no access to further detailed information about the distribution of the measured sizes, but
2006 Nov 21
Fitting mixed-effects models with lme with fixed error term variances
Dear R users, I am writing to you because I have a few question on how to fix the error term variances in lme in the hope that you could help me. To my knowledge, the closest possibility is to fix the var-cov structure, but not the whole var-cov matrix. I found an old thread (a few years ago) about this, and it seems that the only alternative is to write the likelihood down and use optim or a
2005 May 02
eigenvalues of a circulant matrix
Hi, It is my understanding that the eigenvectors of a circulant matrix are given as follows: 1,omega,omega^2,....,omega^{p-1} where the matrix has dimension given by p x p and omega is one of p complex roots of unity. (See Bellman for an excellent discussion on this). The matrix created by the attached row and obtained using the following commands indicates no imaginary parts for the
2000 Mar 10
logit and polytomous data
I am new to generalized linear models and studying McCullagh & Nelder (1989). Especially, I have a problem resembling the \"cheese taste\" example (5.3.1. p. 109) of the book. I tried to analyse the cheese example with R but failed to do so because R allowed me to use logit link function only with binary family that supposes 0 <= y <= 1. Do I need to scale the y\'s or
2008 Nov 12
Understanding glm family documentation: dev.resids
Hi all Consider the family function, as used by glm. The help page says the value of the family object is a list, one element of which is the following: dev.resids function giving the deviance residuals as a function of (y, mu, wt). But reading any of the family functions (eg poisson) shows that dev.resids is a function that computes the *square* of the deviance residuals (at least, by