similar to: Multiple time series plots

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1000 matches similar to: "Multiple time series plots"

2006 Jun 21
Hi Folks! I'm reading in some data from a .csv file that has a date column. How do I use colClasses to get read.csv to recognize the date column? The documentation on this seems to be nil - And yes, I've read help and R Data Import/Export and can't figure out what the colClasses syntax is. Thanks, john [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2008 Jan 24
Error using Rmetrics to read data
Hi folks. This set of code used to work, but after upgrading to the latest version of Rmetrics it no longer does. Any ideas? SP500<-read.table("SP500.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",") > head(SP500) Date Open High Low Close Volume Close2 1 8/4/2006 1280.26 1292.92 1273.82 1279.40 2530970112 1279.40 2 8/3/2006 1278.22 1283.96 1271.25 1280.27
2006 May 15
Dyn or Dynlm and out of sample forecasts
All: How do I obtain one step ahead out-of-sample forecasts from a model using "dyn" or "dynlm" ? Thanks! Best, John [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2007 Nov 09
Problem reading data in Rmetrics
Hi folks - After upgrading to the latest version of Rmetrics, I can't read in data like I used to. Is anyone seeing the following? It seems to truncate the dates after I use "as.timeSeries". -John SP500<-read.table("SP500.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",") > head(SP500) Date Open High Low Close Volume 1 08/04/06 1280.26 1292.92
2006 Mar 10
2 and legends
Hi: I'm trying to plot dates on the x-axis of a code, but the legend is not being displayed. I receive the following error: Error in match.arg(x, c("bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", : 'arg' should be one of bottomright, bottom, bottomleft, left, topleft, top, topright, right, center In addition: Warning message: longer
2008 May 02
Extract lags from a formula
Hi folks! How do I extract lags from a formula? An example: mod.eq<-formula(x~lag(x,-1)+lag(x,-2)) > mod.eq x ~ lag(x, -1) + lag(x, -2) > mod.eq[1] "~"() > mod.eq[2] x() > mod.eq[3] lag(x, -1) + lag(x, -2)() I'm trying to extract the lags into a vector that would be simply [1,2]. How do I do this? I'm using the dyn package to do dynamic
2006 Jun 23
Problems with weekday extraction from zoo objects
Hi Folks! I'm struggling with dates - but enough about my personal life..... I have two daily time series files. In one (x) the date format is Y/m/d and the other (y) is d/m/y. I used read.zoo on both and they read into R with no problem. Then I use: weekdays(as.Date(x$DATE)) and get what I expect - all the days of the week in my data set. When I use:
2012 May 08
How to deal with a dataframe within a dataframe?
Hello all, I am doing an aggregation where the aggregating function returns not a single numeric value but a vector of two elements using return(c(val1, val2)). I don't know how to access the individual columns of that vector in the resulting dataframe though. How is this done correctly? Thanks, robert > agg <- aggregate(formula=df$value ~ df$quarter + df$tool, + FUN=cp.cpk,
2009 Mar 30
Calculating First Occurance by a factor
I'm having difficulty finding a solution to my problem that without using a for loop. For the amount of data I (will) have, the for loop will probably be too slow. I tried searching around before posting and couldn't find anything, hopefully it's not embarrassingly easy. Consider the data.frame, Data, below Data Sub Tr IA FixInx FixTime p1 t1 1 1 200 p1 t1 2
2006 Sep 21
transforming factor back to numbers
Hi I generate a new dataframe by doing: npl.agg <- aggregate(npl$DensPlants, list(year=npl$year, sim=npl$sim), mean, na.rm=TRUE ) Now I want to plot it by using coplot(npl.agg$x ~ npl.agg$year | npl.agg$sim, type="l") but, as npl.agg$year is seen as a factor, the order of the points on the x-axis (time axis) does not follow the numerical sorting 1...100, but rather the text
2007 Mar 22
quick legend() question
Hi I have a scatterplot of points with pch=1 and a single point with pch=3, lwd=3. It has a high line width to attract attention to it. The following script plot(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),col="black") points(rnorm(10),rnorm(10),col="red") points(0,0,pch=3,lwd=3) if(TRUE){ legend("bottomleft",c("a","b","Truth"),pch=c(1,1,3),col=c
2008 Aug 01
Reading data in R-metrics
Hi Folks! I used the code below previously with no problems, but now I get: DTB3<-read.table("C:\\Program Files\\R\\R-2.7.1\\DTB3.csv",header=TRUE,sep=",") > tail(DTB3) DATE VALUE 14233 2008-07-23 1.56 14234 2008-07-24 1.62 14235 2008-07-25 1.71 14236 2008-07-28 1.70 14237 2008-07-29 1.69 14238 2008-07-30 1.67 >
2011 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] A potential bug
Hi all, There might be a bug in DeadStoreElimination.cpp. This pass eliminates stores backwards aggressively in an end BB. It does not check dependencies on stores in an end BB though. For example, in this code snippet: ... 1. %sum.safe_r47.pre-phi = phi i64* [ %sum.safe_r47.pre, %entry.for.end_crit_edge ], [ %sum.safe_r42, %for.body ] 2. %call9 = call i32 @gettimeofday(%struct.timeval* %end,
2008 Aug 12
perl expression question
I have a string such as fileName<-"Agg.20.20.20-all-01". All I want to do is pull the "20.20.20" and the "all" as strings. Obviously, they aren't always those values. The "20.20.20" can be "30.30.30" but it's always after the . which is next to the second g in Agg and it's always the same length. The all might not always be
2011 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] A potential bug
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Eli Friedman <eli.friedman at> wrote: > On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Zeng Bin <ezengbin at> wrote: >> Hi all, >> >> There might be a bug in DeadStoreElimination.cpp. This pass eliminates >> stores backwards aggressively in an end BB. It does not check dependencies >> on stores in an end BB though.
2011 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] A potential bug
On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Zeng Bin <ezengbin at> wrote: > Hi all, > > There might be a bug in DeadStoreElimination.cpp. This pass eliminates > stores backwards aggressively in an end BB. It does not check dependencies > on stores in an end BB though. For example, in this code snippet: >   ... > 1.  %sum.safe_r47.pre-phi = phi i64* [ %sum.safe_r47.pre,
2011 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] A potential bug
It does not do anything. It is an abstract function which transforms a pointer and returns another pointer of the same type. It does not visit memory or capture the pointer parameter. On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Eli Friedman <eli.friedman at> wrote: > On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Eli Friedman <eli.friedman at> > wrote: > > On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at
2007 Jul 13
Suggestion to extend aggregate() to return multiple and/or named values
Hi all, This is my first post to the developers list. As I understand it, aggregate() currently repeats a function across cells in a dataframe but is only able to handle functions with single value returns. Aggregate() also lacks the ability to retain the names given to the returned value. I've created an agg() function (pasted below) that is apparently backwards compatible (i.e.
2007 Aug 08
Relocating Axis Label/Title --2
Apologies for the previous mail (I sent it off too early by mistake). This is the correct example: rm(list=ls()) D_mean<-seq(-5,5,length=100) y<-exp(-D_mean^2/5) pdf("my.pdf") plot(D_mean,y,type="l",yaxt="n",lty=2,lwd=2,col="black", ylab = list(expression(paste(dN/dlogD[agg]," ["*cm^-3*"]"))), xlab = expression(paste(D[agg],"
2011 Oct 06
[LLVMdev] A potential bug
If int_guard_load returns a pointer based on the passed-in pointer, it captures it (at least according to the definition of "capture" which NoCapture uses). -Eli On Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:26 PM, Zeng Bin <ezengbin at> wrote: > It does not do anything. It is an abstract function which transforms a > pointer and returns another pointer of the same type. It does not