similar to: Using ODBC/RODBC with DBI

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "Using ODBC/RODBC with DBI"

2007 Oct 31
DBI Package
Hello everyone! Congratulations by this gorgeous software. My name is Germán Carrillo, I'm writting from Colombia. I don't have much experience with R, reason why I use the R-GUI (version 2.5.1) on Windows. I have some problems with DBI package, I want to connect to PostgreSQL database but I don't know the way to do it. I was reading the DBI manual and I tried write in my R Console
2004 Jan 09
R and Postgresql (DBI)
Hi, I'm running Debian (Sid), Postgres (7.3.4) and R (1.8.1). I get the following error when I tri to use DBI >library("DBI") > p <- dbDriver("PostgreSQL") Error in, list(...)) : couldn't find function "PostgreSQL" Is there any other package I need in order to interface between R and Postgres ?
2007 Jun 14
connecting to DB2 database
Hi, i am trying to connect to a DB2 server using the DBI library. getData <- function() { driver <- dbDriver("DB2") conn <- dbConnect(driver,"server","uname","pword") data <- dbSendquery(conn, "select etc.") } When I run the function, i get the error > data <- getData() Error in
2014 Sep 12
requireNamespace() questions
I am trying to follow directions at regarding handling suggested packages with requireNamespace() rather than require(), and I have some questions. 1/ When I do requireNamespace() in a function is the loading of the namespace only effective within the function? 2/ At the link above in the manual it says "Note
2009 Nov 05
Error when adding package RMySQL (PR#14044)
Full_Name: K?re Jonsson Version: 2.10 OS: WinXP Submission from: (NULL) ( I made a brand new installation of R 2.10 in two machines and got the same problem. Machine 1 is Win XP on metal installation machine 2 is virtual in VMWare running a hacky OS named Tiny XP in which any Microsoft windows XP siftware always successfully is installed. Operation 1. Add package RMySQL from
2007 Aug 15
Problem Connecting to Oracle with R from Windows XP
Hello, I installed RGui 2.5.1 and package DBI on Windows XP and tried to connect to Oracle database which is on a Linux server. When I tried to use dbDriver("Oracle"), I got an error as follows: > drv <- dbDriver("Oracle") Error in, list(...)) : could not find function "Oracle" > Could anyone tell me how
2007 Feb 15
Unable to connect to PostgreSQL
Hi R users, I am a beginner trying to connect to PostgreSQL using R When I give the following command drv<-dbDriver("PostgreSQL") I am getting the following error Error in, list(...)) : could not find function "PostgreSQL" I have installed PostgreSQL 8.1 in my system. I am currently using R 2.3.1. Any help would be
2005 Jan 21
functions not found after installing DBI/RDBI packages
Hi, I would like to be able to use R with a connection to a PostgreSQL database. I am using R 2.0.1 on windows XP. I have tried installing both the DBI and rDBI packages (which is better?) but in either case I run into the same problem - when i try to use either the dbDriver or dbConnect functions i'm told the function couldn't be found. Seems like the packages aren't installing
2007 Feb 18
dbi, rodbc, rmysql, charset problem
Dear List In my short life as a beginning R-user i've encountered a following problem that i'm unable to solve myself: I have a database in MySQL containing table and field names as well as some data containing Polish accentuated characters (like ????), utf8-encoded. It works just fine with just any external query browser i can find, jdbc, odbc, native, whatever. Also mysql is happy
2002 Sep 12
DBI / MySQL problems
Hi. I frequently use RMySQL package to interface R with MySQL databases. I was having a try with package DBI and I got the following error: > library(RMySQL) > library(DBI) > drv <- dbDriver("MySQL") > ch <- dbConnect(drv, dbname="mydb", user="myuser", password="mypasswd") > ibm <- dbGetQuery(ch,"select * from table where
2004 Dec 09
ROracle/DBI problem with dbExecStatement on RH Linux
Hi, first thanks to Sunny Ho (and David James for the pointer) for resolving the problem of the empty rows returned from ROracle. However, I have a problem still: > library(ROracle) > ora <- dbDriver("Oracle") > con <- dbConnect(ora, user = USER, password = PWD, dbname = DBNAME) > rs <- dbExecStatement(con, "select * from USER_TABLES") Error in
2004 Oct 11
Problem with 2.0.0 on Windows XP
I have been installing and using the RMySQL package, version 0.5-3 with R versions 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 on Windows XP without any problem. I installed the package using the .zip binary package available at However, I ran into a problem using this package with the latest version 2.0.0 of R. The installation went ok, but loading the library using
2007 Jan 10
using DBI
can anybody provide a reference to a document on using DBI and what is needed to make it work? I try: drv=dbDriver("Oracle") and it complains about not finding a function. The DBI.pdf does not require anything else installed, but looking at the archive I discovered there is more stuff to be installed. This is on Solaris 5.10 with a full Oracle install, so all Oracle libs are
2003 Oct 11
Problem in 'methods' package (PR#4525)
Full_Name: Fernando Henrique Ferraz Pereira da Rosa Version: 1.8.0 OS: Linux 2.4.21 Submission from: (NULL) ( After installing R 1.8.0, the R DBI interface stopped working. I tracked it down as a problem in the 'methods' package, that comes in the default installation. Somehow the function '.valueClassTest' which is defined on package 'methods',
2004 Jul 14
ROracle - fetch gives empty dataframe
Dear R-users, I was able to make ROracle package to connect to the DB (Oracle91, 64bit, on Solaris). But after executing siple SQL query, "fetch" commaned gives me an empty dataframe. ### RORACLE INSTALATION PROCEDURE ### R CMD INSTALL --configure-args='--enable-extralibs' --enable-oracle32=no ~/tmp/ROracle_0.5-5.tar.gz #since we have 64bit Oracle9i instalation PROBLEM:
2008 Apr 23
ROracle error at step 1
Hi I Can't connect to the Oracle database, any tips? Has anybody actually got ROracle up and running on windows? >> unable to find an inherited method for function "dbConnect", for signature "OraDriver" I can happily connect to the same database through RODBC. Oracle client, version 9.2 installed, amongst others. Sean > library(DBI) > library(ROracle)
2002 Oct 16
Database newbee problem...
Hi all, This is a potentially very stupid question about MySQL <-> R interaction, but I have not been able to solve it. I'm just trying to connect R to my MySQL databse, and gets this: > library(RMySQL) Loading required package: methods > m <- dbDriver("MySQL") > con <- dbConnect(m,group="testdb") Process R segmentation fault at Wed Oct 16 07:04:30
2008 Sep 15
S4 coercion responsibility
Should functions or the user be responsible for coercing an S4 object argument containing the proper object (and thus should below be considered a bug in the packages or not)? The example is with RSQLite but the same thing happens with RMySQL, and other DBI packages. > library("RSQLite") Loading required package: DBI > m <- dbDriver("SQLite") > con <-
2012 Nov 21
remote connection to an Oracle database - using RODBC - RMySQL..?
Dear users, I can access an database oracle database using sql developer. This was done by importing an xml file that contains the login details - username, password and specifies that it uses the KERBEROS_AUTHENTICATION. I'm trying to connect R - so that it can access this database - do sql queries and convert the resulting tables into dataframes. I am a novice in SQL and database access
2019 Jan 25
Bacula 9.4.1 Dbdriver issue
Hi list, I created my rpm for Bacula 9.4.1 reading centos srpm spec files. I made a single package and not split in several packages because this is my first rpm so I created my spec file taking a cue from bacula-5.3 spec file. All works as intended, an rpm was created and installed without any not fixable issue. After installing my bacula rpm I run a test to see if all works as expected.