similar to: stationary "terminology" time series question

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 5000 matches similar to: "stationary "terminology" time series question"

2009 May 20
stationarity tests
How can I make sure the residual signal, after subtracting the trend extracted through some technique, is actually trend-free ? I would greatly appreciate any suggestion about some Stationarity tests. I'd like to make sure I have got the difference between ACF and PACF right. In the following I am citing some definitions. I would appreciate your thoughts. ACF(k) estimates the correlation
2007 Nov 26
Time Series Issues, Stationarity ..
Hello, I am very new to R and Time Series. I need some help including R codes about the following issues. I' ll really appreciate any number of answers... # I have a time series data composed of 24 values: myinput = c(n1,n2...,n24); # In order to make a forecasting a, I use the following codes result1 = arima(ts(myinput),order = c(p,d,q),seasonal = list(order=c(P,D,Q))) result2 =
2011 Nov 06
VAR and VECM in multivariate time series
Hello to everyone! I am working on my final year project about multivariate time series. There are three variables in the multivariate time series model. I have a few questions: 1. I used acf and pacf plot and find my variables are nonstationary. But in adf.test() and pp.test(), the data are stationary. why? 2.I use VAR to get a model. y is the matrix of data set and I have made a once
2006 Jul 06
KPSS test
Hi, Am I interpreting the results properly? Are my conclusions correct? > KPSS.test(df) ---- ---- KPSS test ---- ---- Null hypotheses: Level stationarity and stationarity around a linear trend. Alternative hypothesis: Unit root. ---- Statistic for the null hypothesis of level stationarity: 1.089 Critical values: 0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.347 0.463
2007 Dec 08
time series tests
Hi all, Can anyone clear my doubts about what conclusions to take with the following what puts of some time series tests: > adf.test(melbmax) Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test data: melbmax Dickey-Fuller = -5.4075, Lag order = 15, p-value = 0.01 alternative hypothesis: stationary Warning message: p-value smaller than printed p-value in: adf.test(melbmax)
2007 Aug 31
Choosing the optimum lag order of ARIMA model
Dear all R users, I am really struggling to determine the most appropriate lag order of ARIMA model. My understanding is that, as for MA [q] model the auto correlation coeff vanishes after q lag, it says the MA order of a ARIMA model, and for a AR[p] model partial autocorrelation vanishes after p lags it helps to determine the AR lag. And most appropriate model choosed by this argument gives
2007 Aug 16
ADF test
Hi all, Hope you people do not feel irritated for repeatedly sending mail on Time series. Here I got another problem on the same, and hope I would get some answer from you. I have following dataset: data[,1] [1] 4.96 4.95 4.96 4.96 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.97 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.98 4.99 4.99 5.00 5.01 [19] 5.01 5.00 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.02 5.01 5.02 5.02 5.03 5.03 5.03
2005 May 02
Trying to understand kpss.test() in tseries package
I'm trying to understand how to use kpss.test() properly. If I have a level stationary series like rnorm() in the help page, shouldn't I get a small p-value with the null hypothesis set to "Trend"? The (condensed) output from kpss.test() for the two possible null hypotheses is given below. I don't see any significant difference between these results. > x <-
2005 Mar 08
The null hypothesis in kpss test (kpss.test())
is that 'x' is level or trend stationary. I did this > s<-rnorm(1000) > kpss.test(s) KPSS Test for Level Stationarity data: s KPSS Level = 0.0429, Truncation lag parameter = 7, p-value = 0.1 Warning message: p-value greater than printed p-value in: kpss.test(s) My question is whether p=0.1 is a good number to reject N0? On the other hand, I have a
2005 Mar 09
about kpss.test()
Hi All, First of all, could you tell me what the "KPSS Level" in the output of the test means? I have a series, x, of periodic data and tried kpss.test() on it to verify its stationarity. The tests gave me the p-value above 0.1. Since the null hypothesis N0 is that the series _is_ stationary, this means that I cannot reject N0. But the series does look periodic! So does all this
2009 Aug 05
acf Significance
Hi List, I'm trying to calculate the autocorrelation coefficients for a time series using acf at various lags. This is working well, and I can get the coefficients without any trouble. However, I don't seem to be able to obtain the significance of these coefficients from the returned acf object, largely because I don't know where I might find them. It's clear that the acf
2003 Apr 17
Testing for Stationarity of time series
Hi there, Does anyone know if R has a function for testing whether a time series is stationary?? Thanks in advance, Wayne Dr Wayne R. Jones Statistician / Research Analyst KSS Group plc St James's Buildings 79 Oxford Street Manchester M1 6SS Tel: +44(0)161 609 4084 Mob: +44(0)7810 523 713 KSS Ltd A division of Knowledge Support Systems Group plc Seventh Floor St James's
2000 Jun 20
Dear list, according to the documentation of acf{ts} "the partial correlation coefficient is estimated by fitting autoregressive models of successively higher orders up to lag.max. " However, R seems to return the Yule-Walker estimates of the PACF by default. You can check this using c(1:10) as the series: the YW estimates are 0.7000000 and -0.1527035 for lags 1 and 2 . If the PACF
2006 Mar 23
Default lag.max in ACF
Hi, The default value for lag.max in ACF implementation is 10*log10(N) There several publications recommending setting lag.max to: - N/4 (Box and Jenkins, 1970; Chatfield, 1975; Anderson, 1976; Pankratz, 1983; Davis, 1986; etc.) - sqrt(N)+10 (Cryer, 1986) - 20<=N<=40 (Brockwell and Davis) Why R uses 10*log10(N) as a default? Please, give me a reference to a book or article where the
2007 Mar 07
good procedure to estimate ARMA(p, q)?
Hi all, I have some residuals from regression, and i suspect they have correlations in them... I am willing to cast the correlation into a ARMA(p, q) framework, what's the best way to identify the most suitable p, and q, and fit ARMA(p, q) model and then correct for the correlations in regression? I know there are functions in R, I have used them before, but I just want to see if I can do
2006 Mar 04
replicated time series - lme?
Dear R-helpers, I have a time series analysis problem in R: I want to analyse the output of my simulation model which is proportional cover of shrubs in a savanna plot for each of 500 successive years. I have run the model (which includes stochasticity, especially in the initial conditions) 17 times generating 17 time series of shrub cover. I am interested in a possible periodicity of shrub
2002 Apr 03
non-stationary covariance
Hi ! Sorry for my ignorance. I have two questions: 1) which is in R the function to make a covariogram of spatial data ? 2) does anyone know if there exist the possibility in R of performing kriging with an arbitrary covariance function ? If I have well understood the Krig procedure offers only three possibilities (expcov, gauscov and sphercov) that are the common models for stationary and
2007 Dec 04
Best forecasting methods with Time Series ?
Hello, In order to do a future forecast based on my past Time Series data sets (salespricesproduct1, salespricesproduct2, etc..), I used arima() functions with different parameter combinations which give the smallest AIC. I also used auto.arima() which finds the parameters with the smallest AICs. But unfortuanetly I could not get satisfactory forecast() results, even sometimes catastrophic
2007 Apr 24
Values greater than 1 or lower than -1 in ARMAacf
Dear all, I need to compute the ACF (autocorrel) of an AR6 process, given the values of its parameters (w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,w6). First, I notice that there is an error as soon as the sum of the wi equals 1 : "Error in drop(.Call("La_dgesv", a, as.matrix(b), tol, PACKAGE = "base")) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.00757e-18"
2010 Oct 25
non-stationary ar part in css
Hi I would like to use arima () to find the best arima model for y time series. The default in arima apparently is to use conditional sum of squares to find the starting values and then ML (as described on the help page). Now using the default may lead to error messages saying: "non-stationary ar part in CSS". When changeing the default to "ML" only the minimization