similar to: contour plot - line passing through z values

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 6000 matches similar to: "contour plot - line passing through z values"

2011 Dec 22
overlaid filled contour plots
I'm trying to make a set of contour plots of bivariate kernel density estimates, showing three such plots overlaid, similar to this plot except that I would like to have the contours *filled* (using transparent colors). To make this reproducible, I've saved the results of KernSmooth::bkde2D() in the following file:
2012 Feb 09
Lattice 3d coordinate transformation
Hello List! I asked this before (with no solution), but maybe this time... I'm trying to project a surface to the XY under a 3d cloud using lattice. I can project contour lines following the code for fig 13.7 in Deepayan Sarkar's "Lattice, Multivariate Data Visualization with R", but it fails when I try to "color them in" using panel.levelplot. ?utilities.3d says there
2009 Sep 13
ountour "resolution"
Greetings all! I'm wanting to plot contours of a function, and I don't want to evaluate it at a dense grid of points (i.e. I don't want a huge array of values). Say I have a vector of x-values such as x <- 0.1*c(1:10), and the same for y <- 0.1*(0:10). I then evaluate a 10*10 matrix z of values of z = f(x,y). so I can then do CL <- contourLines(x,y,z) and get a list of
2013 May 16
Contour lines in a persp plot
Hello folks, i'm a R beginner and i want to put in a same plot both contour lines and persp plot. For example, fn<-function(x,y){sin(x)+2*y} #this looks like a corrugated tin roof x<-seq(from=1,to=100,by=1) #generates a list of x values to sample y<-seq(from=1,to=100,by=1) #generates a list of y values to sample z<-outer(x,y,FUN=fn) #applies the funct. across the combos of x
2013 Jan 16
setting the legend scale in contour plots
Hi, I'd like to compare SST data for year 2000 with SST for year 2001. I managed to get filled contour plots showing monthly SST for both years (12 plots for each year, 24 plots in total). In order to compare year 2000 and year 2001, however, I'd need to have the same legend scale (same color bar) in both years plots. Thus, my question is: is there a way to set the legend scale in
2010 Sep 06
extracting x,y coordinates from a contour plot
Requisite info: R version 2.11.1 (2010-05-31) running on a 64 bit HP Windows 7 machine. Greetings, R-ians: I have used contour() for several years. Now I would like to extract from a contour plot the x, y coordinates of a contour z=constant. This seems as though it would be straight-forward but I''ve been unsuccessful in my searches of CRAN. Can anyone provide a hint?
2012 Sep 19
Help reproducing a contour plot
Hi All, I am trying to reproduce this using R instead. [image: Full-size image (38 K)] I tried using the following code *SChla <- read.csv("SM_Chla_data.csv")* *Atlantis <- SChla[16:66,]* *head(Atlantis)* * * Seamount Station Depth Pico Nano Micro Total_Ch dbar Latitude Longitud 16 Atlantis 1217 Surface 0.0639 0.1560 0.0398 0.2597 2.082 -32.71450 57.29733
2008 Apr 23
filled contour plots
hello everyone, I was wondering if anybody can help me solve 2 problems related to the function filled.contour. I am entering the following R command: filled.contour(xx,yy,P1, nlevels=20,color=cm.colors, plot.axes={ contour(xx,yy,P1,add=T,col="grey", nlevels=20, drawlabels=F) axis(1,1:length(xx),labels=xlabels)
2004 Jan 14
arrows on contour lines
Hello everybody I'm using contour() to draw streamlines of potential flow, eg jj <- seq(from= -4, to=4,len=20) jj <- outer(jj,jj,function(x,y){x})+1i*outer(jj,jj,function(x,y){y}) f <- function(x){x^2} contour(Im(f(jj)), nlevels=44 , labels="") How best to put arrows on the contour lines to show the direction of flow? (ie I want contour lines looking like
2009 Oct 22
contour() & contourLines()
Hi Folks, I have been using contour() to produce some contour plots (of a spatially-smooted density produced by kde2d()), with very satisfactory results. I now want access to the coordinates of the points on the contours, and it would seem that contour() does not return a value, so there is nothing from which these could be extracted. However, apparently contourLines() does, and it seems to be
2011 Feb 11
Using filled.contour and contour functions together
Dear R help contributors, I'd like to plot ground temperature with time on X-axis and depth on Y-axis on this datasets ( NEdaily.csv ), and to do so I use the following commands: library(RSEIS) xNE <- seq(1, as.numeric(as.Date(max(NEdaily[[1]])) - as.Date(min(NEdaily[[1]]))), 1) yNE <- rev(c(-0.3, -0.5, -0.7, -0.9, -1.1,
2004 Nov 04
Labelling contour lines
I am using contour to draw contour lines onto a photo (jpeg) of a leaf on a white background. I have two problems: 1) The contour gets plotted at right angles to the jpeg image. I guess this is a problem of referencing the start and end points of the image matrix but I can't see how to over come this other than loading in a second image that has been rotated 90 degrees and plotting the
2009 Jan 06
smoothed contour lines
Hi all, I'm trying to draw a contour plot with rounded (smoothed) contour lines instead of sharp angles; when the grid consists of only a few points in x- and y- axis, the resulting contour is in facts rather ugly since very sharp angles may appear. I did not find any way to do it, by using either "contour" or "contourplot" (from the lattice package), I wonder if there
2010 Mar 23
filled.contour formatting questions
Hello, I'm having some trouble getting things to look as I want with filled.contour. 1. My first issue is that I am unable to add line segments to my plot where I want them. Using the rug pattern example: x <- y <- seq(-4*pi, 4*pi, len = 27); r <- sqrt(outer(x^2, y^2, "+")); filled.contour(cos(r^2)*exp(-r/(2*pi))); segments(0.2,0.2,1,0.2); The line segment is not found in
2007 Jan 01
Help with filled.contour()
The following plot is a first approximation to what I need: *********************************** mu1 <- 0 mu2 <- 5 s <- 1 x <- seq(-2.5, 7.5, length = 41) y <- seq(-2.5, 2.5, length = 41) f <- function(x,y){ term1 <- 1/(2*pi*sqrt(s*s)) term2 <- -1/2 term3 <- (x - mu1)^2/s term4 <- (y - mu1)^2/s term5 <- (x - mu2)^2/s term1*(.5 * exp(term2*(term3 + term4)) + .5 *
2010 Sep 15
Contour line coordinates
Hi all, I used contour() to add contour lines to a plot. Now I?m wondering if there is a way to get an output of the calculated x- and y- coordinates of the contour lines? Tonja
2009 Oct 13
vis.gam() contour plots
Greetings, I have what I hope is a simple question. I would like to change my contour interval on the vis.gam( plot.type="contour") in the mgcv package. Is this a situation where I need to modify the function or is there a default value I can change? Thanks
2008 Oct 29
Suppressing internal grid in filled.contour
Rers: I can't seem to locate the command to suppress what appears to be a faint internal grid when running the following command to make a filled contour plot of some data I have (x,y,z being the inputs):
2010 Nov 05
filled.contour colorbar without black color separators?
Dear list members, I have been using filled.contour in order to plot EEG data. For the colors, I used a conventional ramp from blue to red (blue - green - yellow - red), and 100 color levels to make the plot looking smooth: (...) color.palette = colorRampPalette(c('blue','green', 'yellow','red'), space='rgb'), nlevels = 100 (...) My problem ist that
2011 May 23
Get contour of a map
Hello everybody, I search a function which returns the contour of map with levels like contourLines, but I would like this function return the border of the map too, because the function contourLines cannot consider the corner of the map and it is not adapted to fill polygon after that. Thanks in advance Pierre Bruyer