similar to: Setting the xlab for 'the other' (upper) X axis?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30000 matches similar to: "Setting the xlab for 'the other' (upper) X axis?"

2011 Sep 25
Increase space between xlab and X axis tick labels
People, I am using the "las=2" parameter to rotate the labels for the X axis ticks but it means that they are almost touching the "xlab" string. I have been messing around with the "mai" paremeter but that doesn't help - is there some way of increasing the space between xlab and the X axis tick labels? Thanks, Phil. -- Philip Rhoades GPO Box 3411 Sydney
2006 Jul 16
break axis using plotrix
Dear all, I am trying to plot some data with differing range in y-values with type="b", adding error bars and break the y-axis into two parts, one lower part from 12 to 20, and one upper part from 34 to 40. I have tried to follow the basic ideas from the script provided here by Jim Lemon: My attempt looks like this:
2007 Feb 20
Help with xlab and ylab distance from axes
Dear r-helpers, In basic graphics, I have a figure with x and y axes suppresed. I would like to move the xlab and the ylab closer to the axes. Do I have to use mtext()? _____________________________ Professor Michael Kubovy University of Virginia Department of Psychology USPS: P.O.Box 400400 Charlottesville, VA 22904-4400 Parcels: Room 102 Gilmer Hall McCormick Road
2007 Aug 08
Relocating Axis Label/Title --2
Apologies for the previous mail (I sent it off too early by mistake). This is the correct example: rm(list=ls()) D_mean<-seq(-5,5,length=100) y<-exp(-D_mean^2/5) pdf("my.pdf") plot(D_mean,y,type="l",yaxt="n",lty=2,lwd=2,col="black", ylab = list(expression(paste(dN/dlogD[agg]," ["*cm^-3*"]"))), xlab = expression(paste(D[agg],"
2009 Jul 16
axis label config mgp
I have long axis labels (8units) on the x axis and 2 unit number labels on the y axis. I need to move the x axis title without moving the y axis title. I have used mgp=c(title, label and line), but mgp moves both the x and y titles. The following puts the y axis title way way out to the left. Anyone know how to move just the x axis. X11() conif<-c("Control", "Switched
2008 Mar 04
Difficulty labeling plot axis when "mar" and "oma" are set
Dear all, Though labeling the x and y axis in the plot command seems to be straight forward, I can not get it to work if I do the following: ## Creating example data edata <- c(1,2,1,2) edata <- matrix(edata, 2, 2, byrow = T) colnames(edata) <- c("a", "b") edata <- data.frame(edata) ## plot data par(mfrow<- c(1,2)) plot(edata$a, edata$b, xlab =
2010 Jan 10
How to control spaces between axis, tick and label in xyplot or xYplot?
Dear R users, I encounter a problem regarding space control in xyplot. Basically, I want to control spaces between label, tick and axis. I remember there is a function called mgp in general plot. Is there a similar function for xyplot or xYplot? Below is my basic code: myplotkid<-xyplot(expected_offspringnumber~afr|decade,groups=SES,data1,
2010 Feb 07
x-axis plot problem
Hi all, I tried to have plot of many vector in one plot and i have got a nice plot but i have problem with x-axis. I want to have month and year only(Jul.07 means July 2007) in x-axis without appearing other number behaind it. I would appercit any help. The R code: F<-c(7.49,6.91,6.78,6.99,7.44,7.42) M<-c(4.81,4.51,5.21,4.65,4.75,3.86) P<-c(7.49,15.03,15.19,15.32,15.42,15.45)
2007 Jun 25
changing the position of the y label (ylab)
How can I change the position of the ylab, after enlarging the margins with par(mar=...)? Here is the relevant code snippet ---- par(mar=c(5.1,5.1,4.1,2.1)) plot(c(1979,2003),c(40,50),ylim=c(1,73),lab=c(20,10,1),pch=21,col='blue',bg='blue',axes=FALSE,xlab="Years",ylab="Onset/Withdrawl Date",font.lab=2) box() axis(1,las=2)
2012 Nov 06
Survplot, Y-axis in percent
Hi I am a new fan of R after getting mad with the graphical functional in SPSS. I have been able to create a nice looking Kaplan Meyer graph using Survplot function. However I have difficulties in turning the y axis to percent instead of the default 0-1 scale. Further I have tried the function yaxt="n" without any results. Any help in this matter will be appreciated. The code is
2010 Oct 07
text/mtext axis labels on graphs
Hello everyone I have problem with axis labels on graphs, I have my code as below: plot(0,0,xlim=c(1,ncol(PA)),ylim=c(1,nrow(PA)),main="Stratigraphic Range",xlab="Time Bins",ylab="Taxa",cex.axis=1.5,cex.lab=2,cex.main=2.5,mgp=c(5,1.5,0),xaxt="n") text(1:(length(strat_name)), y= 0, adj=1, srt=45,labels=strat_name,xpd=TRUE, cex=1) #adds text to x
2010 Apr 20
multiple plots problem
hello, i try to plot 3 graphs which have the same x.axis underneath each other. i'd like the plots to be aligned without margings between the boxes and draw a single x axis beneath the lowest plot. i managed to get the alignment by setting par(mar), but the middle box is stretched and i cant't figure out how to get around this. par(pin) was my guess, but this doesn't do the job
2005 Sep 01
Spacing and margins in plot
If I use the following command to plot points: plot(c(1,2,2,3,3,3), type="p", pch=20, ylab="Y Label", xlab="X Label", xaxt="n") there is a large amount of space between the label "X Label" and the actual x-axis. If I change the xaxt="n" to xaxt="s", the label "X Label" don't move at all. Is there a way to get
2009 Sep 23
Stretch the x-axis for better alignment comparison
I have the following code that aligns the two graphs. Problem is that in .pdf it gives me it x-axis (0-100) is broken down into 0-20, 20-40..and so on. I wonder if there is for it to display the x-axis (and y-axis) in more detail than that. I'd appreciate your input -- pdf(file="VECTOR & ICA ALIGNMENT.pdf", height=5, width=5)
2005 Jan 31
how to move x-axis labels down
Hi, In the code below, the labels I put on the x-axis are too high (they cross the axis). Can anyone tell me how to move them down? I've tried adj=, padj=, mar=, and various other things, but cannot move them down. Thanks. -Ben labs <- paste('sample', 1:10) plot(1:10, xaxt='n', xlab='') axis(1, at=1:10, labels=labs, padj=1, las=2) # las is a par() parameter
2011 Sep 12
Centering lines on barplot centers.
Hello, I am trying to port one of my plotting S+ functions to R and I am having difficulties!!! I am including here only the troublesome code! I first produce a barplot, saving the positions of the bar's centers. par(mar = c(6.1, 5.1, 4.1, 4.1), mgp = c(3, 3.0, 0)) ticks.loc <- barplot(sum.of.weights, col = 5, xlab = "", ylab = "", axes =
2010 Feb 05
About graphics
Hi, I'm building a graph (barplot) in which the X axis label disappears. I tried to use the option mgp of par() and I could not get the desired result. Note that want the axis labels horizontally. caes = c(37,20,19,16,75,103) names(caes) = c("Pinscher", "Pastor \n Alem?o", "Poodle", "Rottweiller", "SRD", "Outros") caess =
2006 Feb 21
wireframe, axis label-axis separation, xlab rotation
Greetings, A couple of questions: 1. I am using wireframe. It prints 3d plots nicely on screen, but when I use a postscript device the z-axis label merges with the z-axis. Is there any option to control their separation? 2. Again, using wireframe, I rotate the whole plot using the screen parameter. However, the x- and y-axis labels (xlab and ylab) remain horizontal. How could I rotate them?
2004 Aug 25
Beginners Question: Make nlm work
Hello, I'm new to this and am trying to teach myself some R by plotting biological data. The growth curve in question is supposed to be fitted to the Verhulst equation, which may be transcribed as follows: f(x)=a/(1+((a-0.008)/0.008)*exp(-(b*x))) - for a known population density (0.008) at t(0). I am trying to rework the example from "An Introduction to R" (p. 72) for my case and
2003 Dec 24
par(mgp) - unexpected behaviour (PR#6045)
Full_Name: Nicholas Boers Version: 1.8.1 OS: Windows XP Home Edition, Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Submission from: (NULL) ( mgp[2] specifies the axis labels' margin line relative to that of the axis line (mgp[3]). The `par' help does not document this behaviour. The following code demonstrates my observation:; par(mgp = c(3, 2, 1)); box(); title(xlab =