similar to: Escaping special characters :, (, ), [, ], {, }, !, +, ", ~, ^, -, |, <, >, =, *, ?, \

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 9000 matches similar to: "Escaping special characters :, (, ), [, ], {, }, !, +, ", ~, ^, -, |, <, >, =, *, ?, \"

2006 Oct 16
During our last week of Ferret / aaf usage (also our first week of Ferret / aaf usage), I have received 8 messages stating that our app encountered a Ferret::QueryParser::QueryParseException. For instance: A Ferret::QueryParser::QueryParseException occurred in foo#search: Error occurred in src/q_parser.y:279 - yyerror couldn''t parse query "com -- 404". Error message
2006 Mar 14
cFerret nearing completion
Hey folks, Some good news. I''ve finished cFerret and it''s ruby bindings to the point where I can run all of the unit tests. I still have to work out how I''m going to package and release it but it shouldn''t be long now. If you can''t wait you might like to try it from the subversion repository. It''ll probably only work on linux at the moment and
2007 Jan 17
removing special/syntax characters
Is there any somewhat standard way to remove or otherwise handle special or syntax characters from a user''s search, such as a colon? I was thinking maybe there was something akin to Ferret::Analysis::FULL_ENGLISH_STOP_WORDS, like Ferret::Analysis::FERRET_SYNTAX_CHARS, but no such luck. How are other folks dealing with filtering user input? John
2008 Jan 03
properly escaping special characters in AAF?
For most cases, I''ve got search working in Rails as follows: ## controller: term = params[:search][:term] @results = MyModel.find_by_contents "#{term}*" The ''*'' character is appended to the search term so that searches match anything that begins with ''term''. For the most part, this is great, but let''s say term is equal to
2008 Jan 07
Selecting maximum value from a field
Hello, I have a field which contains integer values. How do I obtain the maximum value of the column? Benjamin
2006 Oct 31
No search results using Searcher
I just started using Ferret and I successfully indexed some documents. I can search this index using the following code: index = => path) index.search_each("something") do |doc, score| print "##{doc} #{index[doc][''url'']} - #{score}" print "\n" end However, when I try to use Search::Searcher and QueryParser
2006 Sep 22
QueryParser bug?
I cooked up a little script to show what I mean. This doesn''t look right to me, but maybe I just completely misunderstand QueryParser. Same output on mswin32, unix, ferret 0.9 and 0.10 Cheers, Sam require ''rubygems'' require ''ferret'' p Ferret::VERSION # 0.10.6 index = index << {:title => "Programming
2007 Sep 27
QueryParser.parse question
Hi there, I am stomped as to why QueryParser''s parse method behaves differently between query ''a'' and ''b''. See Could someone please help me understand why that is the case. p.s. I also found ''i'' produce the same behavour as ''a'' Cheers, Andy
2005 Nov 17
lock problems from concurrent processes.
Hi! First, thanks a LOT for ferret. The API and documentation is great. I''m trying to integrate ferret into a RoR app (DamageControl) and have run into a problem with locks. DamageControl consists of two processes that start up and run in parallel. The first one is the webapp (which is just a plain RoR app). The second is a daemon process that runs in the background. The daemon process
2007 Dec 20
indexing tuples (example: "frog" => 123) as opposed to words
Hi, I need to map words in a document back to there original word id''s in my database. For example, if I had the sentence "I eat food" and I was searching for "food" I would obviously get the document back as a result. For my particular problem I need to not only get the document id but also the id of the match. Suppose my original sentence was actually
2006 Dec 08
QueryParser Exception Handling Problem
According to the following link: :handle_parser_errors => true is enabled by default and seems to be in acts_as_ferret in class_methods.rb of the plugin. However, when I pass a special character as a query (e.g., !, -, <, >, etc) it throws an error and pukes. -- snip -- Error occured in src/q_parser.y:279 - yyerror
2008 Jan 11
Date range queries return zero results
Hello, I am having trouble getting data ranges to work correctly. I am using the following command to load the db: index << {:title => row[7].to_i, :date => Date.strptime(row[3], ''%Y-%m-%d''), :page_id => row[5].to_i, :page => row[6].to_i, :content_type => row[1].to_i,
2006 Apr 13
QueryParser doesn''t use StandardAnalyzer correctly?
I am having a bit of a problem with my search queries being parsed correctly it seems, and I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. I have written an index using StandardAnalyzer for analysis. I want to search that index by passing my user query through a QueryParser instance which is also using a StandardAnalyzer. However the resultant query does not seem to be a valid term query and
2006 Jun 27
Using QueryParser vs building my own query
Hello all I finally caved in and decided I should build my own query instead of relying on QueryParser to do the job for me, but I''ve hit a strange problem.. Here''s how I build my query: #Main query query = #Build query to match types typesquery = @selected_types.each{|type| typesquery.add_query(
2006 May 05
Is there any working way to search multiple indexes?
I''m running from the trunk, and hitting road blocks no matter which way I attempt to search across multiple indexes. I tried a MultiSearcher, but I can''t pass a string for the search query "iraq" TypeError: wrong argument type String (expected Data) So I tried creating a QueryParser to pass, but I can''t get the fields from the reader
2007 Jul 07
Extending/Modifying QueryParser
Hi, I''ve implemented synonym searching in my rails application but have an idea I''d like to implement but can''t figure out how to do. The idea is that I''d like to give the end user the choice on whether to search for the synonym of a word or not. Preferably by extending the query language to parse a construct similar to ''%word1'' and
2006 Sep 05
ferret finds ''tests'' but not ''test''
Hello all, Quick question (possibly!) - I''ve got a few records indexed and doing a search for ''test'' reports in no hits even though I know the word ''tests'' exists in the indexed field. Doing a search for ''tests'' produces a result. I would have thought that ''test'' would match ''tests'' but no such
2006 Apr 11
setting the default operator on a QueryParser
Hi all, Thanks to the authors for the amazing work on Ferret! I have a question about setting up the standard operators on a QueryParser. I would like my parser to default to AND queries rather than the default OR. In Java I would simply do: QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("contents", new StandardAnalyzer()); parser.setDefaultOperator(QueryParser.Operator.AND); But I
2006 Jul 14
Whitespace Issues
I am trying to build up a filtered search using the logic below. bq = bq.add_query("section",section.downcase!)), Ferret::Search::BooleanClause::Occur::MUST) filter = @vobjects = VoObject.find_by_contents(search_input,:filter => filter, :sort
2006 Jul 25
RDig document processing error
Hi all, Am having problems using RDig: With this rdig config... cfg.crawler.start_urls = [''''] cfg.crawler.include_hosts = [''''] cfg.index.path = ''/my/path/to/index'' cfg.verbose = true ...I get this output: $ rdig -c config/rdig_config.rb /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/ferret/index/term.rb:45: