Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "Goodness of fit tests for copula"
2011 Aug 09
testing goodness of fit for t copula
I'm a new user of R. I'm using package copula implemented in R. I want
to know how to test goodness of fit of student's t copula for 3
dimensional cases using real world data. In manual gof test has been
performed on the copula families generated from rcopula function that
i understood as random data generated from copula? How to perform the
test with real/observed data matrix.
2011 Dec 09
Goodness of Fit for Copula
Dear All,
I'm now working on Archimedean copulas and try to test the goodness of fit.
Which packages I should use?
I have Clayton copula with parameter (5.35) and Frank (19.5).
I found this build function wrote by Yan and Ivan via R Packages, but I'm
not sure the matrix for x? Please advice.
Thank you
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2007 Jul 03
Empirical copula in R
I would like to implement the empirical copula in R, does anyone know if it
is included in a package? I know it is not in the "Copula" package. This one
only includes a gof-test based on the empirical copula process.
Thanks for your help!
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Empirical-copula-in-R-tf4018319.html#a11412335
Sent from the R help mailing list
2013 May 03
Empirica Copula
Dear users
I am reposting this and hope it will be accepted this time.
I am using copula package to fit my bivariate data and simulation. As
explained in package documentation we can use our own data distribution to
feed on copula as long as we have d, p and q (pdf, cdf and quantile)
functions are available. Hence my code for those are:
# Make the functions for data distribution
2010 Mar 03
empirical copula code
Hi all,
I have this data set:
## Empirical copula
## dt1 = ranking
## dt2 = observed uniform data associated with the ranking
Sample data,
> dt1
S_i R_i
[1,] 7.0 10.0
[2,] 232.5 440.5
[3,] 143.0 141.5
[4,] 272.5 222.0
[5,] 46.0 34.0
[6,] 527.0 483.0
[7,] 420.5 563.5
[8,] 23.5 16.5
[9,] 56.5 68.5
[10,] 341.5 382.5
> dt2
unisk1 unisk2
[1,] 0.008 0.010
2005 Jan 13
chisq.test() as a goodness of fit test
Dear R-Users,
How can I use chisq.test() as a goodness of fit test?
Reading man-page I?ve some doubts that kind of test is
available with this statement. Am I wrong?
O=empirical frequencies
E=expected freq. calculated with the model (such as
normal distribution)
for X2 used as a goodness of fit test.
2008 Mar 29
how to fit a copula using real data?
Dear all,
I just came to R a few days ago. Now I have a problem that I have two
correlated variables and want to first fit a Gaussian copula, then sample
it to generate simulated variables. I have spent last two days looking at R
archive and copula help file but couldn't find what I need. If my
understanding is correct, all examples I saw work in this way: a man-made
copula -> simulated
2008 Apr 08
Goodness of fit tests
Dear all,
Is it possible to use chisq.test(x,p) (where x = c(N1,...,Nk) are the
counts in the k "bins" and p is a vector of the probabilities that a
random observation will fall in the various bins) to test the goodness
of fit of a certain distribution for which we had to estimate the
parameters? Is there another function to do that?
Also, how can I use chisq.test or other
2007 Mar 01
Fit Student Copula
Hello everybody,
I have a big problem that I do not manage to solve !
I will be very grateful if you can solve this !
I want to fit a t Copula with the copula package :
> student.cop <- ellipCopula("t", param = c(0.5, 0.6, 0.7), dim = 3, dispstr = "un",df=5)
> x<-rcopula(student.cop,1000)
> fit <- fitCopula(x, student.cop, c(0.5,0.5,0.5,5))
And there is an
2007 Jul 26
Fit t Copula
Hi, I am trying to fit t copula to some data, and I am using the following
function in the library(QRMlib).
Udatac <- apply(datac, 2, edf,adjust=1)
tcopulac <- fit.tcopula.rank(Udatac)
But the error message come out "Error in fit.tcopula.rank(Udatac) : Non
p.s.d. covariance matrix"
Could anyone give me some advice? In fact, I am not sure what the "adjust=1"
is used for.
2012 Feb 06
Goodness of Fit for Archimedean Copulas
Dear All,
I'm now looking for R-code on how to find the Goodness of Fits for
Archimedean Copulas. If anyone have a guide for this problems please lets
me know.
Your prompt action is much appreciated.
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2011 Dec 19
On Corrections for Chi-Sq Goodness of Fit Test
My question regards the philosophy behind how R implements corrections to chi-square statistical tests. At least in recent versions (I'm using 2.13.1 (2011-07-08) on OSX 10.6.8.), the chisq.test function applies the Yates continuity correction for 2 by 2 contingency tables. But when used as a goodness of fit test (GoF, aka likelihood ratio test), chisq.test does not appear to implement
2018 Apr 21
Error : 'start' contains NA values when fitting frank copula
>>>>> Soumen Banerjee <soumen08 at gmail.com>
>>>>> on Sat, 21 Apr 2018 17:22:56 +0800 writes:
> Hello! I am trying to fit a copula to some data in R and
> I get the error mentioned above. This is the code for a
> reproducible example -
(not really reproducible: You did not set the random seed, so
the data is different every time;
2009 Jan 26
Goodness of fit for gamma distributions
I'm looking for goodness of fit tests for gamma distributions with large data
sizes. I have a matrix with around 10,000 data values in it and i have
fitted a gamma distribution over a histogram of the data.
The problem is testing how well that distribution fits. Chi-squared seems to
be used more for discrete distributions and kolmogorov-smirnov seems that
large sample sizes make it had to
2010 Jun 09
fitting t copula
Hi r-users,
I try to fit the t copula using the gamma marginals. But I got error message which I don't really understand.
Thank you for any help given.
myCop.t <- ellipCopula(family = "t", dim = 2, dispstr = "toep", param = 0.5, df = 8)
myMvd <- mvdc(copula = myCop.t, margins = c("gamma", "gamma"), paramMargins = list(list(mean = 0, sd
2011 Aug 07
Fitting t copula
I'm a new user of R and a novice user in copula R package.
I want to fit 3-dimensional t copula for my trivariate data. So I used the
t.cop <- tCopula(c(0.785,0.283,0.613),dim=3,dispstr="un",df=6,df.fixed =
where c(0.785,0.283,0.613) is the correlation pattern of my data with 0.785
pearson correlation between variable 1-2, 0.283 correlation between 1-3 and
2006 Oct 27
Quantile Regression: Measuring Goodness of Fit
how to measure the goodness of fit, when using the rq() function of quantreg? I need something like an R^2 for quantile regression, a single number which tells me if the fit of the whole quantile process (not only for a single quantile) is o.k. or not.
Is it possible to compare the (conditional) quantile process with the (unconditional) empirical distribution function? Perhaps with a Chi^2
2008 Sep 08
Poisson Distribution - Chi Square Test for Goodness of Fit
Dear R-help,
Chi Square Test for Goodness of Fit
Problem Faced :
I have got a discrete data
as given below (R script)
No_of_Frauds <-c 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,2,2,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,5,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,3,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,3,1,2,1,2,14,2,1,1,38,3,3,2,44,1,4,1,4,1,2,2,1,3)
I am trying to fit
2008 Aug 29
Problem with Poisson - Chi Square Goodness of Fit Test - New Mail
Dear R-help,
Chi Square Test for Goodness of Fit
I have got a discrete data
as given below (R script)
I am trying to fit Poisson
distribution to
2009 Apr 12
goodness of fit between two samples of size N (discrete variable)
Hello list:
I generate by simulation (using different procedures) two sample vectors of size N, each corresponding to a discrete variable and I want to text if these samples can be considered as having the same probability distribution (which is unknown). What is the best test for that?
I've read that Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Anderson-Darling tests are restricted to continuous data