similar to: multinormality

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 200 matches similar to: "multinormality"

2012 Mar 28
Test Normality
Good Night I made different test to check normality and multinormality in my dataset, but I don´t know which test is better. To verify univariate normality I checked: shapiro.test, cvm.test, ad.test, lillie.test, sf.test or jaque.bera.test and To verify multivariate normal distribution I use mardia, mvShapiro.Test, mvsf, mshapiro.test, mvnorm.e. I have a dataset with almost 1000 data and 9
2008 May 18
how can i superpose 2 graphs
Hio i tried to do this by: par(new=TRUE) but the result is one picture but y-axis has 2 diff?rent can i correct this?( i want one graduation on y axis). -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 May 29
lm() function
hi, my linear model is y=c+a*x1+b*x2 i tried to found a, c, b by the use of: mymodel<-lm(y~1+x1+x2) where y, x1, x2 are 3 vectors with the same length the result is i want to know where is the problem. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 May 19
i want to export a data.frame to file.xls
in order to export a data.frame to sheet.xls i try: write(df,file="file_name.xls") but when i open it a message appears: "impossible to oppen this file. her format is unvalid" knowen that i work with excel_2007 what is the solution ? -- View this message in context: Sent from the R
2008 May 18
two curves at one graph
i try to use par(new=TRUE) i get them at the same graph but the y_axis and x_axis are drowen with two unevenly graduations that graph become unreadable. -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 May 19
how can i sort a column of data.frame ?
i have a data.frame with several columns that i want to sort one of them (one column) by descending order in such way that this sorting out recover all colums. what should i do? -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2008 May 16
(1-alpha)th percentile
hello; firstly, my gratitude to all who help me to find a function that allows me to add confidence interval to my graph. in order to calculate the (1-alpha)th percentile of for exemple an F(df1,df2) distribution i do like this: v<-df(alpha,df1,df2) percentile<-qf(v,df1,df2,alpha) if it is true please alert me , and if it is not what should do then? :handshake: -- View this message in
2007 Nov 17
save p-value in mshapiro.test(mvnormtest)
Dear all, I want to save the p-value from mshapiro.test(mvnormtest). But mshapiro.test(mvnormtest) gives a list with class "htest" containing statistic, p.value, method and as a whole. How do I save only p-value from the result? Thanks a lot!
2007 Oct 11
test for whether dataset comes from a known MVN
Dear all, I have a multivariate dataset containing 100,000 or more points. I want find the p-value for the dataset of points coming from a particular multivariate normal distribution With mean vector u Covariance matrix s2 So H0: points ~ MVN( u, s2) H1: points not ~ MVN( u, s2) How do I find the p-value in R? To me this is a likelihood ratio test problem. In H0 the parameters are
2005 May 03
multivariate Shapiro Wilks test
Hello, I have a question about multivariate Shapiro-Wilks test. I tried to analyze if the data I have are multivariate normal, or how far they are from being multivariate normal. However, any time I did >mshapiro.test(mydata) I get the message: Error in solve.default(R %*% t(R), tol = 1e-18) : system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 5.38814e-021 I tried
2008 May 29
test for multivariate normality?
My stat textbook tells me that using Shapiro-Wilk test for each variable one by one is not equal to a test for multivariate normality as a whole. Does R have a function of testing for multivariate normality? Thanks. Hongsheng (Hank) Liao, Ph.D. Lab Manager Center for Quantitative Fisheries Ecology 800 West 46th Street Old Dominion University Norfolk, Virginia 23508 Phone:757.683.4571
2008 May 14
is there any graphic function
hello: is there any graphic function under R that allow me to add an interval on the graphic's picture at any place i want. i mean by interval the symbol "|----|" showed verticaly and has as middle the point M with coordinates (yi,ti).please answer me as soon as possible. -- View this message in context:
2008 Jun 05
i'm trying to test the homogeneity of variance of 92 samples each one contains 3 observations. to use bartlett.test function i have created a (3,92) matrix (named xx): >bartlett.test(xx) this message appears: >Erreur dans bartlett.test.default(xx) : l'argument "g" est manquant, avec aucune valeur par d?faut when i checked the help i have understood that in g i should
2012 Jun 07
"Re-creating" distributions
Dear All,   I often have to work with certain models in which I try to "reproduce" a distribution the best I can with very little known information avaible. Is there a package or function in R that could best reproduce a probability distribution using only the mean, median and SD values availble without knowing the actual distribution type to begin with and/or the covariance matrix (for
2008 Jan 07
one question
I had a program voice chat programmed in delphi now i have a programmer making a new one in he has informed me speex does not work in applications i don't understand why not can you give some assistance Thanks Hanen -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2013 Sep 10
Normalidad para datos multivariados
Hola! Estoy teniendo un problema para testar la normalidad y la homogeneidad de varianzas para mi modelo de manova Es este mi modelo: m1<-manova(cbind(pred,fit,oniv)~tratamento/parcela+bloco,data.vegetacao) Aparte de tener tres variables respuestas (predador, fitófago, omnívoro), también es un diseño anidado. Alguien sabría responder esto? Gracias! Carol [[alternative HTML version
2008 Jun 16
minimizing title's police
in order to minimize the police of the title of my graph i tried to use: >title("nombre de fleurs donn?es journellement par 6 cereus peruvianus du 1/07/02 au 31/09/02",font=0) but this message appears: Erreur dans title("nombre de fleurs donn?es journellement par 6 cereus peruvianus de 1/07/02 au 31/09/02", : valeur sp?cifi?e pour le param?tre graphique
2004 May 13
please help with estimation of true correlations andreliabilities
Dear John, Dear Joseph, Thank you for your quick answers and the pointer to semnet. I try to clarify on my assumptions: - yes, I am willing to assume multivariate normality - no, I don't want to assume a single factor model - I assume there is an unknown number of factors, and I do not know which items belong to which factors but I still want to estimate single item reliabilities Is this
2011 Feb 08
SEM: question regarding how standard errors are calculated
Sorry if this question has been asked previously, I searched but found little. There also doesn't seem to be a dedicated SEM list-serv so hopefully this will find its way to the appropriate audience. In discussing SEM with a colleague I mentioned that a model they were fitting in AMOS was equivalent to a linear regression and that the coefficients would be the same. This of course was the
2012 Jul 12
easy way to fit saturated model in sem package?
Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows of an easy way to fit a saturated model using the sem package on raw data? Say the data were: mtcars[, c("mpg", "hp", "wt")] The model would estimate the three means (intercepts) of c("mpg", "hp", "wt"). The variances of c("mpg", "hp", "wt"). The covariance of mpg with