Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches similar to: "Smooth Spline"
2010 Oct 18
questions on unstack()
I have the following dataframe:
> x <- structure(list(name = c("EU B", "EU B", "EU B", "EU B", "EU B",
"EU B", "AU A", "AU A", "AU A", "AU A", "AU A", "AU A"), date = c("2010-10-11",
"2010-10-12", "2010-10-13",
2003 Apr 03
Matrix eigenvectors in R and MatLab
Dear R-listers
Is there anyone who knows why I get different eigenvectors when I run
MatLab and R? I run both programs in Windows Me. Can I make R to produce
the same vectors as MatLab?
#R Matrix
PA9900<-c(11/24 ,10/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,29/43 ,1/24 ,27/53 ,0/1 ,0/1 ,13/43
,14/24 ,178/53 ,146/244 ,17/23 ,15/43 ,2/24 ,4/53 ,0/1 ,2/23 ,2/43 ,4/24
,58/53 ,26/244 ,0/1 ,5/43)
2005 May 12
pls -- crossval vs plsr(..., CV=TRUE)
Newbie question about the pls package.
Mac OS 10.3.9
R: Aqua GUI 1.01, v 2.0.1
I want to get R^2 and Q^2 (LOO and Leave-10-Out) values for each
component for my model.
I was running into a few problems so I played with the example a little
and the results do not match up with the comments
in the help pages.
$ library(pls)
$ data(NIR)
$ testing.plsNOCV <- plsr(y ~ X, 6, data =
2009 Mar 12
zooreg and lmrob problem (bug?)
Hi all and thanks for your time in advance,
I can't figure out why summary.lmrob complains when lmrob is used on a
zooreg object. If the zooreg object is converted to vector before
calling lmrob, no problems appear.
Let me clarify this with an example:
2004 Oct 16
Cox PH Warning Message
Can anybody tell me what the message below means and how to overcome it.
Warning message:
X matrix deemed to be singular; variable 2 in: coxph(Surv(age_at_death,
death) ~ project$pluralgp + project$yrborn + .........
2012 Oct 03
Difficulties in trying to do a mixed effects model using the lmer function
Dear people of the help list
I am drying to analyze my data using the 'lmer' function and I keep having problems.
This is the model:
> fm1<-lmer(dbh~spec+scheme+(1|Plot),data=d, REML=FALSE).
I analyse tree size (dbh) of 3 different species (spec) and 3 planting schemes (scheme). I have 5 plots, which I hope to model as a random factor. (However, the subsequent output is based on
2010 Sep 26
How to update an old unsupported package
Hi all,
I have a package that is specific to a task I was repetitively using a
few years ago.
I now needed to run it again with new data.
However I am told it was built with an older version or R and will not work.
How can I tweak the package so it will run on 11.1?
It was a one-off product and has not been maintained.
Is there a way to "unpackage" it and repackage it to work?
2004 Jul 20
Precision in R
I'm trying to recreate in R some regression models I've done in SAS,
but I'm not getting the same results. My advisor suspects this may be
due to differences in precision between R and SAS. Does anyone know
where I can find specifications for R's type double? (It doesn't seem
to be in the R Language Definition.) Thanks in advance for any help
anyone can
2010 Apr 30
ROC curve in randomForest
rf.pred<-predict(fit, valid, type="prob")
> rf.pred[1:20, ]
0 1
16 0.0000 1.0000
23 0.3158 0.6842
43 0.3030 0.6970
52 0.0886 0.9114
55 0.1216 0.8784
75 0.0920 0.9080
82 0.4332 0.5668
120 0.2302 0.7698
128 0.1336 0.8664
147 0.4272 0.5728
148 0.0490 0.9510
153 0.0556 0.9444
161 0.0760 0.9240
162 0.4564 0.5436
172 0.5148 0.4852
176 0.1730
2003 Jan 21
Logistic regression: At times correlation matrix of coefficients gets messed up
When I include a categorical variable (RACE with 3 levels - "white",
"black" and "other") in my logistic regression model, the correlation
matrix of the coefficients gets messed up. I get something like:
Correlation of Coefficients:
AGE , 1
LWT , 1
RACEblack 1
2005 Jan 06
Parametric Survival Models with Left Truncation, survreg
I would like to fit parametric survival models to time-to-event data
that are left truncated. I have checked the help page for survreg and
looked in the R-help archive, and it appears that the R function survreg
from the survival library (version 2.16) should allow me to take account
of left truncation. However, when I try the command
2012 Dec 08
Hi List,
I have spent more than 30 minutes, but failed to read in this file using the read.table() function. I could not figure out how to fix the following error.
Error in scan(file, what, nmax, sep, dec, quote, skip, nlines, na.strings, : line 1 did not have 6 elements
Any help would be be appreciated.
Pradip Muhuri
####### below is the reproducible example
xd1 <-
2013 Mar 27
prop.test correct true and false gives same answer
How come both of these are the same. Both say "1-sample proportions test
without continuity correction." I would suspect one would say "without" and
one would say "with."
> prop.test(118,236,.5,correct=FALSE,conf.level=0.95)
1-sample proportions test without continuity correction
data: 118 out of 236, null probability 0.5
X-squared = 0, df = 1,
2005 Apr 12
lme problem
Sorry for the long letter!
I have recently started using R. For the start I have tried to
repeat examples from Milliken & Johnson "Analysis of
Messy Data - Analysis of Covariance", but I can not replicate
it in R. The example is chocolate chip experiment. Response
variable vas time to dissolve chocolate chip in seconds (time),
covariate was time to dissolve butterscotch chip
2012 Oct 28
Hausman test in R
Hi there,
I am really new to statistics in R and statistics itself as well.
My situation: I ran a lot of OLS regressions with different independent
variables. (using the lm() function).
After having done that, I know there is endogeneity due to omitted
variables. (or perhaps due to any other reasons).
And here comes the Hausman test. I know this test is used to identify
But what I
2014 Sep 01
Correlation Matrix with a Covariate
R Help -
I'm trying to run a correlation matrix with a covariate of "age" and will
at some point will also want to covary other variables concurrently.
I'm using the "psych" package and have tried other methods such as writing
a loop to extract semi-partial correlations, but it does not seem to be
working. How can I accomplish this?
> set.cor(y =
2011 Oct 24
Lm function: Error in model.frame.default
I am trying to get a linear model of y ~ log(x).
*> lm (y~log(x))*
However, I always get an error report:
/Error in model.frame.default(formula = y ~ log(x), drop.unused.levels =
variable lengths differ (found for 'log(x)')/
*Here was my y:*
> y
[1] 0.4500000 0.0500000 0.5000000 0.4000000 0.0000000
0.5000000 0.4000000
[8] 0.0500000
2006 Jul 18
Paravirtualised drivers for fully virtualised domains
(The list appears to have eaten my previous attempt to send this.
Apologies if you receive multiple copies.)
The attached patches allow you to use paravirtualised network and
block interfaces from fully virtualised domains, based on Intel''s
patches from a few months ago. These are significantly faster than
the equivalent ioemu devices, sometimes by more than an order of