Displaying 20 results from an estimated 700 matches similar to: "removing rows from matrix"
2008 Apr 30
missing values in document
No matter how I´ve tried o find a solution for this simple question, I can´t. Sorry for bothering with such a matter.
I have an excel-files with some empty cells=missing values. How do I tell R that these should be NA´s?
> TRFLP1 <-(read.table(file="S://SEDIM//Kokeilu//TRFLP1.txt",col.names= c("Dye_Sample Peak", "Sample_File_Name", "Size",
2008 Jun 17
PCA analysis
I have a problem with making PCA plots that are readable.
I would like to set different sympols instead of the numbers of my samples or their names, that I get plotted (xlabs).
How is this possible? With points, i don´t seem to get the right data plotted onto the PCA plot, as I do not quite understand from where it is taken. I dont know how to
plot the correct columns of the prcomp
2009 Sep 19
Replacing values in dataframes
This is a question of a newbie getting into the exciting world of R.
I have several dataframes in the same format as NAD:
> NAD[1:3,1:3]
Sample.Id Main.abs..1 Main.abs..2
148 10a 0.04836 0.04994
167 11a_1109 0.32245 0.36541
173 11b_1109 0.29293 0.32815
What I want to do is to replace the Sample.Id with a corresponding number.The number
2012 Nov 08
Comparing nonlinear, non-nested models
Dear R users,
Could somebody please help me to find a way of comparing nonlinear, non-nested
models in R, where the number of parameters is not necessarily different? Here
is a sample (growth rates, y, as a function of internal substrate
concentration, x):
x <- c(0.52, 1.21, 1.45, 1.64, 1.89, 2.14, 2.47, 3.20, 4.47, 5.31, 6.48)
y <- c(0.00, 0.35, 0.41, 0.49, 0.58, 0.61, 0.71, 0.83, 0.98,
2012 Nov 26
Plot(x,y) help
Dear All:
I would any appreciate any help with this plot I am struggling with.
I have 4 estimates (95% CIs) I want to plot. I want the CI lines to be
horizontal on each plotted point. I was trying to tweak some old codes (was
for a vertical CI lines) into horizontal but not much dice.
Many thanks in advance for your help.
My working codes:
2018 Nov 29
Best way of merging mbox files
When concatenating mbox files like described here
https://xaizek.github.io/2013-03-30/merge-mbox-mailboxes/. You will end
up with an 'unsorted' mbox file. Is this going to be a problem
esspecially when they are large >2GB's and new emails will be written to
The email client nicely sorts the message from folder A "foldera 5 last"
as last, but of course the mbox is
2009 Aug 05
multiple lty on same panel in xyplot
I would like to use lattice graphics to plot multiple functions (or groups
or subpopulations) on the same plot region, using different line types "lty"
or colors "col" to distinguish the functions (or groups).
In traditional graphics, this seems straightforward: First plot all the data
using 'type="n"', and subsequently execute a series of "points"
2010 Jun 18
varIdent error using gam function in mgcv
As I am relatively new to the R environment this question may be either
a) Really simple to answer
b) Or I am overlooking something relatively simple.
I am trying to add a VarIdent structure to my gam model which is fitting
smoothing functions to the time variables year and month for a particular
species. When I try to add the varIdent weights to variable Month I get this
error returned.
2011 Feb 16
Timeseries Data Plotted as Monthly Boxplots
Hello, I'm trying to develop a box plot of time series data to look at the
range in the data values over the entire period of record.
My data initially starts out as a list of hourly data, and then I've been
using this code to make this data into the final ts array.
# Read in the station list
stn.list <- read.csv("/home/kbennett/fews/stnlist3", as.is=T, header=F)
# Read in
2005 Oct 10
text(x,y,greek character)
Dear list,
I would like to plot points with two types of labels, one at the data
point (the name of the point) and another offset a bit with another
factor which is either of the two greek characters alpha or beta. I have
tried to get the routine to plot a greek character with expression() or
with substitute() and have not yet had any success. The following only
plots the word in english in
2004 Jun 06
Average R-squared of model1 to model n
We got a question about interpretating R-suqared.
The actual outputs for a test dataset is X=(x1,x2, ..., xn).
model 1 predicted the outputs as Y1=(y11,y12,..., y1n)
model n predicted the outputs as Y2=(y21,y22,..., y2n)
model m predicted the outputs as Ym=(ym1,ym2,..., ymn)
Now we have two ways to calculate R squared to evaluate the average performance of committee model.
2010 Jun 17
Help with interpolation of time series
I'm quite new to R. I have a time series of annual state population
estimates from census.gov, and I'd like to get a time series of monthly
estimates, by a nonlinear interpolation.
How can I do this in R?
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Mar 07
R crashes using the em function of package mclust (PR#7719)
I got the same problem like
R crashes when I use the em function from the mclust package on
univariate data and on a special case on bivariate data (when the matrix
is not provided as written in the manual).
It seems as if the problem is the format of the data to be analyzed.
Operating System: Windows XP (SP2)
R version: R-2.0.1
2008 Aug 07
colouring a tree
Hi all.
I would be very pleased if someone could help me, as I do not seem to get the different branches of my tree painted in different colours. The closest I get is colouring the names of my samples(=names of the branches). Here is the code.
data <- read.table(file = "S://SEDIM//TRFLP//B12.5_50-700bp.txt" , as.is = TRUE, header = TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names =
2007 Jun 19
Linear model predictions, differences in class
I am using R to fit statistical models to data were the observations are
means of the original data. R is used to calculate the mean before fitting
the model. My problem is: When R calculates the means using tapply, the
class of the means differs from the class of the original data, which gives
me trouble when I want to use the original data to calculate model
predictions. Here is a simple
2002 Jan 15
acf conf intervals +speed
I'm trying to obtain confidence intervals for auto and
cross correlation estimates. I've adapted code made
available by Stock and Watson that uses the Bartlett
Kernel and the delta method. In R it runs really,
really slow because of the loops it uses and I have 9
series that I'd like to examine (81 total
combinations). It was easy enough to replace one of
the while loops with a
2008 May 29
Manipulating DataSets
Hello R-Users,
I am new to R and trying my best however I need help with this simple task.
I have a dataset, YM1207.
X.Symbol Date Time Exchange TickType
ReferenceNumber Price Size
12491 3:YMZ7.EC 12/03/2007 08:32:50 EC B
85985770 13379 7
12492 3:YMZ7.EC 12/03/2007 08:32:50 EC A
85985771 13380 4
2012 Feb 07
Weighted mad
Greetings UseRs,
Pls advise if there is a way to write a func that can be supplied to aggregate to compute weighted MeanAbsolute Dev (MAD). I am having trouble passing the correct weights from each group level and cannot see the code behind aggregate. But maybe 'aggregate' is not the best way to do that.
> m1 <-
2010 Apr 12
N'th of month working day problem
Dear Gabor,
Thanks for your reply. however:
> tail(DJd)
2010-04-01 10927.07
2010-04-05 10973.55
2010-04-06 10969.99
2010-04-07 10897.52
2010-04-08 10927.07
*2010-04-09 10997.35*
> tail(ag)
2009-11-30 10344.84
2009-12-31 10428.05
2010-01-31 10067.33
2010-02-28 10325.26
2010-03-31 10856.63
*2010-04-30 10997.35
It seems the script "makes up"
2005 Oct 10
plot - no main title and missing abscissa value
Hi all.
I have defined a plot thus:
par(mar=c(5,5,4,5),las=1, xpd=NA)
plot(Day, Ym1Imp, ylim=c(0,100), type="b", bty="l", main="Ym1
Expression", cex=1.3, xaxt="n", yaxt="n") #plot implant data
axis(side=1, at=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21), labels=c(0,1,3,5,7,10,14,21)) #
label x axis
mtext("Day", side =1, at=10, line=3, cex=1.2) # title x