similar to: Lattice book

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 70 matches similar to: "Lattice book"

2009 Mar 02
comment on this book "A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R by Brian S. Everitt (Author), Torsten Hothorn (Author)"
Is this book a good reference to learn R for statistical analysis ? A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R by Brian S. Everitt<>(Author), Torsten
2012 Nov 18
[lattice] format and rotation of strip text
Thanks to the lattice gurus on this list, and having reference to the excellent open-access Sarkar 2008 ISBN 978-0-387-75968-5 e-ISBN 978-0-387-75969-2 I now know how to label lattice panels by variable value: see thread starting @ (and demonstrated below). This allows me to use
2006 Mar 03
Program Buttons on Cisco 79xx Phones
Does anyone have a good resource to learn how to program the soft and hard buttons on a Cisco 7940 or 7960 phone? Using SIP Firmware...thanks. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2004 Nov 15
Somewhat off-topic : Hand and Taylor reference
I am sorry to trouble the list with this, but I'm hoping that someone will be able to help me track down this reference. I am looking for a good reference on repeated measures, and many of the relevant functions in R refer in their "help" to: Hand, D. J. and Taylor, C. C. (1987) _Multivariate Analysis of Variance and Repeated Measures._ Chapman and Hall. This sounds
2002 Oct 19
SSH Documentation
Hello, I'm trying to find very indepth documentation of OpenSSH, so far I have found nothing of much use, if anyone could direct me to some advance texts on openssh it would be greatly appreciated.
2003 Sep 07
Firmware for iRiver ChromeX iMP-150?
Found the following listing on iRiver ChromeX iMP-150 CD/MP3 Player with 120-Second Anti-Skip and Upgradeable Firmware ( Does anyone know if it supports Vorbis thru an alternate firmware? -- "Everyone has to find
2004 Jun 17
Votre question a
A votre attention de la part d'' Nous sommes desoles, vous avez ecrit a une adresse qui ne peut pas recevoir d''e-mail. Cette reponse automatique vous dirigera toutefois vers les pages les plus appropriees de notre site, afin de repondre a vos questions ou de vous aider a effectuer des modifications sur votre commande Vous trouverez les reponses aux questions
2006 Aug 26
IMQ action
Hi. -j IMQ is equal -j ACCEPT...? i mean it after -j IMQ packet don''t return in parent chain??? cause -j ACCEPT action accept the packet in the child chain and don''t return it to parent... example: ipt="iptables -t mangle" $ipt -N HTTP $ipt -A HTTP -j IMQ // after this packet packets go to -t nat tables? or // it return to parent chain (PREROUTING) in mangle?
2005 Aug 24
dingotel - connect Asterisk to 2-way radio?
So has anybody got one of these? I'm thinking that it should be possible to connect it directly to an Asterisk box and not use their software, as long as there was Linux support for the USB dongle. Maybe it just looks like a standard USB audio device? But there has to be an
2006 Jun 21
Question{maybe silly] Sanity check
This maybe a silly question and the fact that I need a sanity check might even be weirder, but I''m trying to set realistic expectations for myself. I''ve been reading reading reading AWDWR, Ruby on Rails, some of the PickAxe, and even done a few recipes from Rails Recipes. This is all of two weeks. I feel that I''ve learned a considerable amount but going through the
2004 Mar 03
Samba-3 by Example book availability
Hi All, I appreciate those who have written requesting clarification as to when John Terpstra's latest book, "Samba-3 By Example: Practical Exercises to Successful Deployment" will be available. In answer to your queries, it's on schedule to be available in retail outlets (your local technical bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Borders, Amazon) by the first week of April. Or, it
2004 Aug 03
Confusing permission issues...
Trying to install samba 3.0.3 on my Linux server, to serve 4 PCs, all in my house, serving my family. Each of 4 users will have a home directory, plus I'll have at least 2 read-only shares. I have basic connectivity, but can't get some of the clients to behave the way I want them to. Specifically, I want to have full admin access for myself for all directories. Everyone else
2001 Mar 11
Kaplan-Meier for left-truncated, right-censored data
Is it possible to calculate Kaplan-Meier for left-truncated, right-censored data using survival5? -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- r-help mailing list -- Read Send "info", "help", or "[un]subscribe" (in the "body", not the subject !) To: r-help-request at
2003 Oct 28
Summary : Whitehead's group sequential procedures
Dear List, I recently asked about any R implementations of Whitehead's methods for sequential clinical trials. Here's the summary of answers so far : 1) There is no R public implementation of those methods 2) There exists an interest for such a package, which does things quite different from Lan-deMets paradigm (shortly : Whitehead's methods allows for unplanned interim analyses
2004 Dec 14
Slashdot thread references R/Quantian and another new R/S-PLUS book pending
Greetings all, Just a quick heads up that there is a Slashdot thread this morning on Open Source Math Software for Education, which includes references to R and Dirk's Quantian distribution (among others). The thread is at: The OP's query was targeted for high school to first year college age students, but as
2003 Sep 27
Book: Automating UNIX and Linux Administration
This message is a shameless plug for my new book: Automating UNIX and Linux Administration. I feel this message is appropriate both because many users of this program are interested in automation and the program is discussed within the book. You can buy the book from Amazon here: You can find the list of chapters and brief
2004 Aug 10
Your mail to Firewalls-Book-Info
This pre-recorded message is being sent in response to your recent email to Firewalls-Book-Info. Building Internet Firewalls, Second Edition =========================================== by Elizabeth D. Zwicky, Simon Cooper, and D. Brent Chapman Published by O'Reilly & Associates 2nd Edition June 2000 894 Pages ISBN 1-56592-871-7 List price $49.95 Available through the Internet at a
2012 Jun 04
regression methods for rare events?
Ein eingebundener Text mit undefiniertem Zeichensatz wurde abgetrennt. Name: nicht verf?gbar URL: <>
2004 Dec 02
How about a mascot for R?
R users, How come R doesn't have a mascot? Linux has one and so does LaTeX, so shouldn't R? I personally think that associating a "friendly face" with R would be a good thing for R (one letter names can be quite intimidating). I apologize if this is addressed in the FAQ. I searched the FAQ as well as the mailing list archives and checked ?mascot but to no avail. ;-)
2004 Jul 22
Discussion of the GPL on Groklaw
I'm not looking to start a discussion of the GPL on R-devel; I'm just giving a reference because the subject of the GPL, the license under which R is issued, has been brought up on this list. If you want to follow some of the legal discussion of the Free Software Foundation's General Public License (GPL), the web site is required reading. One reason is because Pamela