Displaying 20 results from an estimated 10000 matches similar to: "rgl snapshot"
2008 Sep 17
rgl: How to position a window during open3d call
Dear all,
The documentation on the function open3d in the rgl package, reads:
open3d opens a new rgl device, and sets the parameters as requested.
I want the new rgl device (window) to be sized and positioned in a specific
place on my screen. So, I try to set the "windowRect" parameter as follows:
> library("rgl")
> open3d(windowRect=c(100,100,500,500))
2011 Sep 09
rgl: axis/viewport/box problems in persp3d()
Dear expeRts,
I am a new user of rgl, below is my first trial to plot a simple function in 3d.
I managed to put the axes in the right locations, but:
(1) The xlab, ylab, and zlab arguments are ignored; how can I put in axes labels?
(2) Since I removed the axes in persp3d() the viewport is too small; is it possible
to keep the size of the viewport?
(3) The box is not correctly drawn, there
2010 Apr 27
how to set chart output size in rgl (surface3d)?
Hi R users,
Does anyone know how to change the size of 3d charts? I'm using surface3d in
rgl package, opening a new window each time to display the chart. I want it
so that the chart fills the whole window, because when I output it to png, I
don't want all the white space around the chart (right now, i'm getting this
white "border" around the chart because the chart is
2019 Jun 02
rgl install for R 3.7
I?ve installed R 3.7.0 on a new laptop running macos 10.14.5 and have managed to get most of my usual packages
to compile from source with a ~/.R/Makevars file that looks like this:
CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/clang8/include -I/opt/X11/include/freetype2
2011 Oct 21
windows limits
Using the rgl package, I can set the device window to any dimension (that I
have tested):
With windows I can't get the window to span from the top to the bottom of
the monitor. In the following, no matter how large the ypinch value gets it
stops, leaving about 2 inches of space at the bottom of my screen:
windows(record=TRUE, ypinch=1100, xpinch=10,
2011 May 23
RGL package installation problem on Centos
Dear R users,
I have installed the latest version of R from source on Centos (using
configure and make install).
This seemed to work fine, with no Errors reported and R at the command line
starts R.
However, if I try and installed the package rgl using;
I get the following error;
installing to /usr/local/lib64/R/library/rgl/libs
** R
** demo
** inst
** preparing
2008 Oct 24
movie3d function in the rgl package
Dear list,
I'm using the function "movie3d" in the package "rgl" to create a .gif
animation of a 3d graphic. The program "ImageMagik" is working
properly, R packages are working, basic examples available in the
manual also working fine.
Problem Solved: when I tried to create more complex movies, i.e.
combining different views and zooming, the R-console crashed
2006 Jan 03
How to set the size of a rgl window, par3d() ?
Dear R- Users,
is there a way to determine the size of
an rgl window (rgl.open()) either in advance or
afterwards, (without using the mouse, of course) ?
Intuitively, one would assume to set the size by:
for example. As the parameter 'viewport' is 'readonly'
this results in an
2010 Dec 17
rgl: coordinating and saving viewpoints, zoom, scale for multiple images
Context: I have two or more rgl-based views of a given data set, perhaps
fitting different
models, or showing different things across views. I want to be able to
hand-rotate, zoom, scale
one view to something I like, and then show the other views with
matching viewpoints and scaling.
so that one could flip back/forth among graphs and see only the relevant
In 2D, all this usually
2014 Apr 17
rgl rotations
Is there a way to change the viewpoint using view3d (or rgl.viewpoint)
with respect to
the image that currently appears rather than the perspective that rgl
thinks is the
default? For example, if I create an image and then perform what
should be a no-op:
the image is rotated. Then I can perform rotations on the result
without surprises.
But I
2012 May 02
rgl.Sweave not producing transparency in pdf plots with alpha
Hi Folks,
I'm trying to get rgl.Sweave to produce plots with transparency.
However, it just seems to produce opaque plots when pdf is the output
type. Perhaps this is a known issue? I'll just use .png in the
meantime, but wanted to see about this, as I didn't see it in the
documentation (though it's possible I missed it).
\title {rgl
2007 Dec 08
OT: 3d surfaces with transparency
Hash: SHA1
I would be grateful if anyone had suggestions
about software that could (1) create 3D surface
plots, (2) handle transparency/alpha blending,
(3) generate output in some vector graphics format
that preserved the transparency. I could also
live with a combination of two programs, one
to generate the basic figure and another to
modify the output
2008 Mar 01
How to chain user mouse handlers in rgl
Dear Rglers,
With rgl, I would like to set marker when a button is pressed, but leave the
standard trackball handling otherwise. Thanks to Duncan and Oleg for helping
me handling key down.
How do I say in a custom mouse handler "after having done your work, forward
to standard trackball once only"? The example below shows the idea, but it
works only once, then reverts to standard
2012 Jul 26
Dear all,
I was willing to use the library "rgl" to plot some 3D graphics, but unfortunately, I wan't able to instal the library. The error message is below.
I would be very grateful if you could give me any clues about how I can solve this.
Below you will find :
- installation from binaries
- installation from sources
- sessionInfo()
Guillaume Meurice - PhD
2011 Apr 25
Defining origin for rotation in RGL device
Hi all,
How can I tell RGL to set the center for the rotation to the origin of the coordinate system (0,0,0).
It seems that the default is to use the center of the display not the origin of the coordinate system.
lines3d(c(0, 1), c(0,0), c(0,0))
lines3d(c(0,0), c(0, 1), c(0,0))
lines3d(c(0,0), c(0,0), c(0, 1))
Mark Heckmann
2008 Jun 24
problem with rgl interactivity with R-2.7.1 and Ubuntu Hardy
I'm trying to use the rgl package on R-2.7.1 running on top of Ubuntu
Hardy amd64. using open3d() and plot3d() I get a plot, but it is not
interactive. Furthermore, changes to par3d("FOV"=my.new.value) do
nothing. I suspect something is wrong with the rendering engine or
interface to it. I do have an Nvidia driver installed and compiz works
correctly on the desktop.
2023 Jan 26
Failing to install the rgl package
I try to execute the seven lines of code below to plot a graph. But I
am failing as the messages below show. Where am I going wrong?
y_hat = X%*%B_hat
open3d(windowRect = c(100,100,900,900),family = "serif")
color = rainbow(length(y_hat))[rank(y_hat)]
plot3d(educ,exper,wage,col = color,type = "s",size = 0.5,xlim =
2006 Aug 23
rgl package: color of the axes
When plotting triangles with rgl.triangles and setting the axes afterwards
with decorate3d(aspect=TRUE), the axes get the color used for the last
triangle plotted.
does not help,
2011 Sep 09
Rgl and plotmath symbols (via sprites): a trial
Dear all,
Below is some code where I try to get plotmath symbols in an rgl plot. Duncan
Murdoch kindly suggested to use a "sprite" for this. As you can see, on can get
it to work, but my knowledge about grid and rgl is too limited to perfectly
solve the problem.
1) As you can see (please rotate the plot a little bit so that (0,0,0) is "in front"),
the quality of the .png
2009 Apr 07
Annotation rgl plot
i was wondering if there is a way to annotate rgl plot, after searching i
haven't found anything suitable. I saw function text3d but was thinking more
about text on the margin, so not interactive.
View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Annotation-rgl-plot-tp22930428p22930428.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.