similar to: Making a data frame into a factor ?

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 7000 matches similar to: "Making a data frame into a factor ?"

2007 Mar 14
Connecting R-help and Google Groups?
This morning I tried to see if I could find the r-help mailing list on Google Groups, which has an interface that I like. I found three Google Groups ("The R Project for Statistical Computing", "rproject", and "rhelp") but none of them are connected to the r-help list. Is there perhaps some reason why it wouldn't be a good thing for there to be a connected
2007 Apr 16
Plotting data with a fitted curve
Suppose you have a vector of data in x and response values in y. How do you plot together both the points (x,y) and the curve that results from the fitted model, if the model is not y ~ x, but a higher order polynomial, e.g. y~poly(x,2)? (In other words, abline doesn't work for this case.) Thanks, --Paul -- Paul Lynch Aquilent, Inc. National Library of Medicine (Contractor)
2007 Mar 29
Vector indexing question
Suppose you have 4 related vectors:<-c(1:25, 1:25, 1:25) a.vals <- c(101:175) # same length as (the values for those IDs) <- c(1:25) <- rep(letters[1:5], times=5) # same length as What I would like to do is specify a rating from a.ratings (e.g. "e"), get the vector of corresponding IDs from (via
2008 Oct 11
Download page for mongrel_cluster?
Is there a download page for mongrel_cluster? I see that "gem install mongrel_cluster" works, but I can''t see where it''s coming from. Usually gems have some sort of project page somewhere. -- Paul Lynch Aquilent, Inc. National Library of Medicine (Contractor)
2007 Dec 17
are index files cross-platform?
Hello! I am trying to read Ferret index files from Windows machine on my Mac G5 Leopard machine, but the following returns nil: index_paths ) Should this work? Are index files guaranteed to be platform independent or not? Is there any problem if files (top direectory) are renamed? izidor P.S. I can create the index myself and then everything works.
2007 Mar 23
Fitting a line to a qqplot's points?
I've made some normal plots of my data using qqplot, and now I would like to fit a line to the points on the plot and check the correlation coefficient to have a more objective measure of how straight the line is. Is there a simple way of doing that? (I'm still pretty new to R.) Thanks, --Paul -- Paul Lynch Aquilent, Inc. National Library of Medicine (Contractor)
2007 Feb 12
make check failure,, Error in strsplit
I'm trying to build R on RedHat EL4. The compile went fine, but a make check ran into a problem and produced a file "". Judging by the last part of that file, it was trying to run an R routine called "httpget" to retrieve the URL The precise error it encountered was: Error in
2008 Feb 09
md5 hash is wrong for 2.6.2 (Windows)
Hi, I've downloaded R-2.6.2-win32.exe (base) from two CRAN sites ( and and for both of those sites the expected MD5 hash is reported to be: ed512872818707f27ca05f08be7363c2 *R-2.6.2-win32.exe (See, for example, However, when I compute the MD5
2007 Jan 14
Controlling size of boxplot when it is added in a plot
Greetings, I am trying to add a boxplot to the bottom of a histogram, right between the histogram bars and the x axis. Here is the code I am using at the moment (the par line is probably not relevant for our discussion): hs <- hist(x, breaks = 20, plot = F) par(mar = c(3,3,2,1)) hist(x, breaks = 20, main = NULL, ylim = c(-2, max(hs$counts))) boxplot(x, horizontal = T, axes = T, add =
2007 Mar 01
R code for "Statistical Models in S" ?
I just acquired a copy of "Statistical Models in S", I guess most commonly known as the "white book", and realized to my dismay that most of the code is not directly executable in R, and I was wondering if there was a source discussing the things that are different and what the new ways of calling things are. For instance, the first obstacle was the solder.balance data
2007 Feb 04
Reading expressions from character vectors
Greetings, I have a problem that I am sure is very straightforward, but I just can't wrap my head around it. I've read the help pages on text, plotmath, expression, substitute, but somehow I can't find the answer to this simple question. Basically consider the following example: plot( NULL, xlim = c(0,2), ylim = c(0,2) ) expressions <- expression( -infinity, infinity )
2007 Feb 22
Cross-tabulations next to each other
I have the following relatively simple problem. Say we have three factors, and we want to create a cross-tabulation against each of the other two: x <- factor(rbinom(5, 1, 1/2)) y <- factor(rbinom(5, 1, 1/2)) z <- factor(rbinom(5, 1, 1/2)) table(x,y) table(x,z) This looks like: y x 0 1 0 2 0 1 1 2 z x 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 I would like to get (surely this will
2008 Mar 05
vertex labels in igraph from adjacency matrix
I am getting some unexpected results from some functions of igraph and it is possible that I am misinterpreting the vertex numbers. Eg., the max betweenness measure seems to be from a vertex that is not connected to a single other vertex. Below if my code snippet: require(igraph) my.graph <- graph.adjacency(adjmatrix = my.adj.matrix, mode=c("undirected")) most.between.vert <-
2008 Mar 10
Weighting data when running regressions
Dear R-Help, I'm new to R and struggling with weighting data when I run regression. I've tried to use search to solve my problem but haven't found anything helpful so far. I (successfully) import data from SPSS (15) and try to run a linear regression on a subset of my data file where WEIGHT is the name of my weighting variable (numeric), e.g.: library(foreign)
2007 Dec 17
Cannot grasp how to apply "by" here...
I have a data frame named "database" with panel data, a little piece of which looks like this: Symbol Name Trial Factor1 Factor2 External 1 548140 A 1 -3.87 -0.32 0.01 2 547400 B 1 12.11 -0.68 0.40 3 547173 C 1
2007 May 17
R2 always increases as variables are added?
Hi, everybody, 3 questions about R-square: ---------(1)----------- Does R2 always increase as variables are added? ---------(2)----------- Does R2 always greater than 1? ---------(3)----------- How is R2 in summary(lm(y~x-1))$r.squared calculated? It is different from (r.square=sum((y.hat-mean (y))^2)/sum((y-mean(y))^2)) I will illustrate these problems by the following codes:
2008 May 23
About Passing Arguments to Function
Hi, Below I have a function mlogl_k, later it's called with "nlm" . __BEGIN__ vsamples<- c(14.7, 18.8, 14, 15.9, 9.7, 12.8) mlogl_k <- function( k_func, x_func, theta_func, samp) { tot_mll <- 0 for (comp in 1:k_func) { curr_mll <- (- sum(dgamma(samp, shape = x_func, scale=theta_func, log = TRUE))) tot_mll <- tot_mll + curr_mll }
2007 Nov 07
Indexing, and using an empty string as a name
Hello all, I ran into the following, to me unexpected, behavior. I have (for reasons that don't necessarily pertain to the question at hand, hence I won't go into them) the need/desire to use an empty string for the name of a vector entry. Perhaps I did not read ?"[" very carefully, but it seems to me that he following lines should return "1" at the end:
2008 Jun 07
Using lm with a matrix?
I'm trying to do a linear regression between the columns of matrices. In example below I want to regress column 1 of matrix xdat with column1 of ydat and do a separate regression between the column 2s of each matrix. But the output I get seems to give correct slopes but incorrect intercepts and another set of slopes with value NA. How do I do this correctly? I'm after the slope and
2007 Dec 14
rcom close Excel problem
Hello, I just discovered that I cannot close the Excel application and task manager shows numerous copies of Excel.exe I tried both x$Quit() # shown in the rcom archive and x$Exit() and Excel refuses to die. Thank you very much. S. "You can't kill me, I will not die" Mojo Nixon I also have a problem with saving. It produces a pop-up dialog and does not take my second