Displaying 20 results from an estimated 100 matches similar to: "glm syntax question"
2012 Jun 28
Printing a variable in a loop
Dear R Users:
I'm a STATA user converting to R, and I'd like to be to do the following.
#Assign var_1 and var_2 a value
#Now I'd like to print the values of var_1 and var_2 by looping through
var_1 and var_2 in such a manner:
In STATA, the "y" appended to " var_" is called the local variable and
2010 May 20
multiple 2 by 2 crosstabulations?
I have a dataframe (var_1, var_2, ..., var_n) and I would like to export summary statistics to Latex in the form of a table. I want specific summary statistics by crossing numerous variables 2x2 AT ONCE. In each cell I would like sometimes to have the median (Q1 - Q3), or frequency and proportion, etc. CrossTable, xtab, etc... do not allow for multiple 2 by 2 crosstabulation. The table
2018 Oct 16
Comprobar los nombres de columnas entre varios dataframes
Buenas tardes,
Quiero aplicar la función rbind y necesito tener los mismos nombres de
columnas. Como tengo unas 195 variables en cada dataframe, necesito
hacerlo de una forma rápida. Tengo 9 bases de datos y tengo que fusionar
todas. ¿Como puedo comprobar que los nombres de las variables son los
mismos? Y de lo contrario, ¿como detecto las diferencias?
He probado con
2007 Sep 25
Need help with function writing
If anyone could guide me with this I would greatly appreciate it. Thanking you in advance for your assistance.
Using a 3-level input factor alternative so that a function(below) can compute both a two-sided and one-sided p-values. Making the two-sided test the default. And produce output information about which alternative was tested. Where would I place the ifelse statement?
2007 Sep 24
hypothesis testing
This was sent to me by someone on the R-list ( I don't know her ) but I
don't have time to look at this right now so I told her I would send
it to the R-list because she said it keeps getting bounced when she
sends it.
I am a bit confused with
2011 Jan 20
Accessing a 'user' variable via. dialplan.
I know you can access various sip variables via
'Set(sstatus=${SIPPEER(201,status)})' (for example) to get the status of
the sip user - but what about variables?
I have a user that has setvar=123456 in their users.conf (sip.conf if
you prefer). I can read it with a 'sip show peer 201' - but that gives
everything and parsing that isn't really an option.
Anyone know how
2013 May 15
series financieras
Buenos dias,
Tengo la siguiente duda.
Desde una hoja de calculo .xls me descargo un fichero en r as.matrix.
Time VAR_2 VAR_3 VAR_4........ VAR_N
Fechas(n) Precios Precios Precios Precios
Fechas (n-1)
¿como puedo hacer para graficar de forma ordenada (fechas) cada uno del vector columnas (son precios de activos)?
[[alternative HTML
2011 Mar 04
Creating a .png with just an expression() in it
I'm trying to create an image file with the results of a regression
analysis. In TeX, the line would be something like:
$ size = 0.34 + 4.3 var_1 $
Can I create a plot window with just this line in it? I tried playing
around with plot.new() or dev.new(), but didn't really find something
that worked.
Thanks in advance,
alexx at alexx-fett:~$ vi .emacs
2005 Mar 29
Aggregating data (with more than one function)
I have the data similar to the following in a data frame:
LastName Department Salary
1 Johnson IT 56000
2 James HR 54223
3 Howe Finance 80000
4 Jones Finance 82000
5 Norwood IT 67000
6 Benson Sales 76000
7 Smith Sales 65778
8 Baker HR 56778
9 Dempsey HR 78999
10 Nolan
2006 Sep 21
delete a entire vector of a dataframe
delete a entire vector of a dataframe
i want to delete a vector and tried "rm (t.d$V712)". This did not work,
message was, could not find variable. I thought the $ defines the vectro
in a dataframe, when I just type "t.d$V712" the content of this vector
is displayed.
Greetings, Thomas
2006 Apr 28
Ferret failing to rebuild_index - occasionally unable to del
I''m switching all my fulltext searching over to ferret using the
acts_as_ferret plugin on windows (for development, will be deployed on
In my tests I have a setup method as follows to ensure the index is
reset for each test:
def setup
This works fine for the initial few tests but then suddenly fails for
the last few tests when it seems to be failing
2005 Sep 20
Estimate predictor contribution in GAM models
i'm using gam() function from package mgcv.
if G is my gam object, then
y ~ +s(x0, k = 5) + s(x1) + s(x2, k = 3)
Parametric coefficients:
Estimate std. err. t ratio Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.462e+07 1.965e+05 176.2 < 2.22e-16
Approximate significance of smooth terms:
edf chi.sq p-value
2006 Apr 28
Ferret failing to rebuild_index - occasionally unable to delete a file (_j.cfs)
I''m switching all my fulltext searching over to ferret using the
acts_as_ferret plugin on windows (for development, will be deployed on
In my tests I have a setup method as follows to ensure the index is
reset for each test:
def setup
This works fine for the initial few tests but then suddenly fails for
the last few tests when it seems to be
2005 Sep 23
Smooth terms significance in GAM models
i'm using gam() function from package mgcv with default option (edf
estimated by GCV).
>G=gam(y ~ s(x0, k = 5) + s(x1) + s(x2, k = 3))
y ~ +s(x0, k = 5) + s(x1) + s(x2, k = 3)
Parametric coefficients:
Estimate std. err. t ratio Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 3.462e+07 1.965e+05 176.2 < 2.22e-16
Approximate significance of smooth
2006 Jul 13
TR: Latent Class Analysis
De : Pousset [mailto:maud.pousset@noos.fr]
Envoyé : mardi 4 juillet 2006 18:38
À : 'r-help@stat.math.ethz.ch'
Objet : Latent Class Analysis
Hello everybody,
I am working on latent class analysis and have already used the ‘R’ function
« lca » (in the e1071 package). I ‘ve got interesting results but I can’t
simply find out the methodology used by this routine :
1) What
2007 Aug 28
help with aggregate(): tables of means for terms in an mlm
I'm trying to extend some work in the car and heplots packages
that requires getting a table of multivariate means for one
(or later, more) terms in an mlm object. I can do this for
concrete examples, using aggregate(), but can't figure out how to
generalize it. I want to return a result that has the factor-level
combinations as rownames, and the means as the body of the table
2008 Apr 19
Regular Expressions Help
I am having some trouble learning regular expressions. Let me describe
the general problem I am dealing with. Consider the following setup:
Joe<- c(1,2,3)
Bob<- c(2,4,6)
Alice <- c(9,8,7)
Matrix <- cbind(Joe, Bob, Alice)
St <- c("Bob", "Alice", "Alice:Bob")
Now I want to make a new matrix having only the column's listed in St
that were in Matrix
2005 Aug 29
Previewing oggvorbis files in GNOME...
Hi. I'm wondering if anyone out there can give me a little help trying
to figure something out: I presently am running CentOS4.1 with GNOME as
my desktop (It runs quite well, I must say!). I just have a little
curiosity: I have a few audio files (.wav, .mp3 and .ogg) and I like to
"preview" them. When run my mouse over the .wav files (and mp3 files)
2011 Sep 13
sox: Failed reading obd-demo.mp3: Do not understand format type: mp3
Can someone please comment about the below issue
[root at host0040 kaushal]# file obd-demo.mp3
obd-demo.mp3: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1, 256 kBits, 44.1 kHz, Monaural
[root at host0040 kaushal]# sox obd-demo.mp3 -e stat
sox: Failed reading obd-demo.mp3: Do not understand format type: mp3
[root at host0040 kaushal]# sox -V obd-demo.mp3 -r 8000 -c 1 -t ul -w vm-intro.ulaw
sox: Failed reading
2006 Jul 17
Output and Word
I have just started to have a look at R. I have used most stats software
packages and can use perl, visual basic etc. I am interested in how well
it handles lots of output e.g. tables or charts. How would you get lots
of output most easily and quickly into a Word document?
Sharon Snowdon